Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 2024
Feelings just are, and in the case of Elijah they are understandable and God gives him rest and food and the brings him to Sinai where he quietly reframes the situation and gives him a new mission, Jesus sees the disappointment of the people when he will not give them bread and their reacting to his claiming to come down from heaven, which they could not understand, and informs them that they need God’s perspective and revelation and that that is he. The important bread is that which gives eternal life, not mortal life, and that that bread iis he, and he does this by giving his flesh. So Paul calls on Christians to follow rather than grieve the Spirit of God who is helping us deal with our negative emotions: recognize them for what they are and deal with them. Instead we imitate God and Jesus by being loving, or compassionate, or forgiving. The goes to the extent to being a sacrificial offering. I will close with an example of doing this.