Mixed Co.
now that I'm practicing this
good morning. One little bit of housekeeping and ruins the directions to the camp at 1.2 said Dr. Sells for about 300 and then it says M. I don't want anybody to get confused and go far to
there we go.
You may have noticed that that the Bible is placed. Upfront by Nick my friend. And I told him that I would I would notice if you Shuffle the pages. so in conclusion
a pastor friend of mine wants to said to become conditioned to serve that he had trouble pronouncing a certain English words. I mean to me too. I also have this this panic attack that happens every so often that I preached the sermon here before. And there are certain words that I could mixed up. Elijah and Elijah of a names or statutes him statue, you know, there may be a statute that pigeons are supposed to poop on statues. But the bird brains just so don't seem to read.
Another state in my sermons. I don't refer to Calvary. Because I was I was raised on westerns and I might mix it up at cavalry. Now I know both are are people coming to our rescue. Important to get them keep them separate and then there's an eminent. Are there was a pastor friend of mine are older than me. He was kind of like a grandfather to our son John. He was particular about language. And so one day I joked with him and I said that are at his funeral. But someone would be describing him as eminent. and at that point he would set up in the coffin and say something like I believe the correct word is eminent.
Let's see how I mess up today.
Father without your spirit. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Sorry. I forgot to tell you that even as I told him that joke, he was correcting me in his mind.
Father we thank you for this opportunity to gather you had without your spirit. This sermon will fall flat. Would be used in Christ name. Amen.
What if the host is in God? At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who have been invited come for everything is now ready. The parable in Luke for a team is often used to remind us of God to Divine host. Who invites us to heavenly banquet and calls his church to a worldwide Mission it it talks about the excuses people make we've heard such messages before. And they bring up many throughs. Elsewhere in Scripture. But not this time. There is another view of what Jesus is saying in this Parable one, which better fits some of its details and what Jesus says before and after the parable one that it is said better reflects God's character.
If we call this the parable of the great dinner. Or of the excuses as I am Marshal Cazador, the the contemptuous guests as a hunter calls it it's Focus becomes the feast or on those who reject or accept it then speaks of a future Kingdom and her need to decide now to respond to pass positively to God the host. If the host is God, then the banquet pictures future salvation, the guests invited first are respectable Jews than Jewish tax collectors and Sinners and finally jumped house. By this view the parable warns Jews who rejected God's invitation while saying Social outcasts and non-jews will accept it. Now this view of the parable is Honorable and it does bring out many throughs to elsewhere in Scripture that Jesus did predict that some Jews would reject his message and yet the invitation with go to other Jews and then to the world. The Powerball somebody say comments on Isaiah 49 60 song about the servant who will be a light for the Gentiles that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the Earth. This view of the parable reflects Lux Central verse in the gospel for the son of man came to seek and to save the Lost. In a sense so far so good.
Review focuses on goddess host any benefits from from sound theology. This God. Our God does invite all nations people of all social classes are welcome. We do need to respond people do make choices people do make excuses and those who refuse face consequences Jesus.
Biblical history does Point first to the Jews and then to the Greek as Paul says in Romans 16 in the sense that God chose Israel to whom he would reveal his will to the God said to Abraham All Peoples on Earth will be blessed through you. And we read in the book of Acts. Hope Paul tried first to preaching and Jewish synagogue, and then when rejected turn to the Gentiles. however If God is the host in this Parable Joel green the Fuller Seminary says it reflects the risks reflecting poorly on his character. It means that God invites Rich respectable Jews those who can buy a field or a Ford five pairs of oxen or who were blessed enough to marry. Green says that by this view the poor become an afterthought cuz work only when Jewish High Society refuses does God become open to pour juice and when room remains to Gentiles God says or rather green says that have God is the host. He is simply acting like the social Elite of Luke's world who invite those who fit within their Social Circles. Is this really God's way? Israel was a nation of ex-slaves chosen because it was weak Deuteronomy 7. When Jesus chose the 12 apostles, he brought together people of various backgrounds. In the Gospel of Luke the poor are often highlighted as included in God's Kingdom. Mary sings the God will fill the Hungry with good things and send the ritual empty. Jesus says that God has anointed him to preach good news to the poor. The bent over woman in chapter 13th the Samaritan with leprosy in chapter 17 in the blind son of Thomas and chapter 18 are all healed. Jesus tells the Rich Young Ruler to give all the house to the poor. And your Kick-Ass tells Jesus he will care for the poor. And yet it doesn't the hosts desire for a full house Hampton God's kingdom is open to all. Actually as green says one problem is that the parable doesn't say that if the first group had accepted more people would have been invited. And it leaves the impression that the poor and the Gentiles are not after thought. Has green says the poor in the Gentiles seem to be replacements for Rich Jewish folks who said no.
So let's look at what I said before and after the parable. There are string of lessons that will suck some of the parable their connections links. Green and some others seeing this this chapter.
It starts off by saying that a Pharisee invites Jesus to an important dinner on the Sabbath and a group of people watched Jesus closely. The man with dropsy is present. Now why he is there is unknown but he is a sick man who has lost status by being sick. Jesus asks the Pharisee and the experts in the law. Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath? And twice in the passage. Jesus asked a question and gets no answer. The sick man with his lower status is ignored by the Pharisee and his friends. You have not like Jesus our lord heals him and sent him away.
Then Jesus notices how guests pick their places of honor at the table. And he responds by saying it's better to choose a place of lower honor and be asked to move up. Then to claim the top spot and we have to take a humbler place. Jesus says for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and everyone who humble themselves will be exalted. Jesus social order Scholars say is different than regular Society.
Next to Jesus seems to display Bad Manners. He tells the host of the meal that he should have invited the poor not his Pals. I like that phrase should have invited the poor not espouse. I'm not sure if I came up with that alliteration myself anyway, and editor or brothers are relatives or you're rich Neighbours for if you do they might invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet invite the poor the disabled the land of the Blind and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you that you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous. The Game Jesus upsets the social applecart telling the rich Pharisee Pharisee. He should have invited the poor night at Spears not as walking friends. I'm tearing this a dinner guest says that Jesus blessed is anyone who leave bread in the kingdom of God. The man is thinking of a future Kingdom and final happiness. Was he uncomfortable with what Jesus was saying? Was he trying to change the topic or was he assuming that he and his friends were ready for the kingdom? If so, the parable of Luke 14 is Jesus reply. But before that let's look at what comes after the Terrible. Jesus says we are to follow him. Even if we have to give up family ties for 26. And the verse 27 he says we are to carry our cross to follow Jesus means. We are willing to be seeing as criminals by Society first 27. Enter verses 28 to 32. We are to count the cost of following Jesus as carefully as a builder does before constructing a tower or a king does before Waging War. I'm finally in the verse 33. Jesus says his disciples are to be prepared to give up on her possessions.
We are to be willing to give up our social status and our security as we follow Jesus. And did you notice how often mean stories and sayings Center on status? What we seek status or will we allow Jesus will we follow Jesus even if it means we lose its status in the eyes of our family or friends and Society.
So let's go back to verse 15 to the fellow there who talked about a future banquet Scholars say he seems to think that he has a spot reserved in the future Kingdom. The Jesus brings him down into the present. Jesus response to that man by then telling a story about a certain man.
So what if the host is not God? So what if the feast Jesus speaks of his on Earth not Heavenly what if the host is not God but a person like ourselves. What is the parable isn't about the Great Commission or the excuses people make but a Butternut individual who seeks status and it's dead find Salvation.
If the dinner guest anniversary 15 is interested in satis. Jesus will give him a story about a man who talks status. Within Jewish Roman and Greek circles. The culture is focused on shame and honor. And here's where Scholars Joachim Jeremiah's and Joel green bring out. What is really happening in the Terrible? The host of The Man from an ordinary background with come into money. He now wants to enter Jewish High Society. So he invites the elite prepares a feast and when it is ready, he sends his servant to welcome to guests. And all of the guests make excuses as to why they can't come. Agreeing that others tell us not to get too bogged down on whether the guest excuses were proper mean one wants to inspect the field and other wants to travel to socks and another has just gotten married. We all have possessions worked in Family Ties. Some writers discuss how the newest excuses relate to the wartime exemptions of Deuteronomy 20 and 24. This green says a man was just built a house or planted a Vineyard or is engaged or not yet married to do not have to go to war. Yet this wasn't a time of War. Text me Jeremy's Jeremy is in greens or something else is happening. Jeremy is is a German Lutheran scholar known for his historical and cultural study of the New Testament. His Pastor was with his father rather was one pastor of a church in Jerusalem, for instance. Jeremy says that the people who refused to come to the banquet we're doing more than showing Bad Manners. They were insulting the host deliberately. He says they immediately or the ones who refuse. Which was culturally similar to he says to a declaration of war. All at once likely means unanimously and the word that means excuses can mean to reject to avoid to shun. Green says and I quote him. They close close ranks against them and shame him publicly. Durham Museum green say the invited guests to give the hosts the cold shoulder and the Jesus audiences audience would know what was happening.
Let's remember. Jesus is at dinner. He has seemingly ruling at properly said that his host does invited the wrong people. Remember to that a plot is forming to crucify Jesus. The man in the parable is shunned Jesus who tells the parable soon will be shunned crucified. And Jesus says we are to follow even though family and Society shun us.
So what is the problem about?
There are clues in the host conduct. Well, the host is under anger is angry and it's understandable that is being rejected his responses unexpected. It said that he seeks no Revenge, but he is good to his enemies as Jesus instructs us. Green says the man changes his Direction his values shift and he advise those who provide him with no status. Oh castes to come to his Feast the host treats outcasts as family or better. He widens his family to include the poor and his wealth is of no use to help him help them. Green says this Parable is about a person who gives up a search for status and change this instead to invite the proper dinner guests. Just as Jesus said that there is you should do.
The scholars tell us that when Jesus speaks of the host inviting big ears and homeless only would have been shocked. Whoever thought to be under God's curse. We spent some Old Testament verses the Jewish community of qumran for instance did not allow people with infirmities to join them because they could not be used in God's service.
Through The Years some people have thought that people with disabilities are under God's curse Richard the third the king of England who died in 1485 had a curved spine and and some people thought of him as
Exodus 411 don't say that. It is God who makes mute or deaf seeing or blind? We don't have time to look closely at this first yet consider this. In Leviticus 1914 were told as it all was told not to curse a deaf man or two trip a blind person instructions to call for kindness rather than hinted a curse. Jesus says the poor are that disabled the blind in the lamb are to be welcomed. And then another group is invited the people of the lanes in the country roads. We might divide the people in the parable into faithful Jews and Jewish outcasts and Gentiles get ice cream says both Jews and Gentiles could be included in the second and third invitation because the cultural and religious groups are not identified. at least 10 verse 21 includes people who are poor and
have more physical limitations people probably live on the edges of society.
disabled people at that time more often for I realize how fortunate I am.
Jesus is concerned about the poor and about how we use our possessions economics is never just about economics money is never only about money. Lutheran Pastor how much liquor is known for saying our pocketbooks can have more to do with heaven and also as hell then our him books? Jesus insists that change is to happen to notice a 23 into the roads and country lanes and make people come. Used to go beyond Town limits used to search high and low to bring in people. And Scholars often mention how this verse has been used in an ugly way. Hundreds of years ago the word compel was used to support the use of force even torture. to make people become Christians It was a tragic use of the verse. Actually the word to make them, or to compel Scholars. Tell us actually means too hard to Lee extend Hospitality to surprise them reluctant strangers. Green says the poor win the first decline the invitation because they could not repay the host for the meal later. And they would also be reluctant because they dare not cross it and social boundaries. If this host has his servants took them out to get them to believe that what seems to be too good to be true is true that someone does care about them. They are invited to receive what they cannot repay and to believe that they have value even if Society thinks little of them.
We remember that Jewish leaders. Sometimes saw Jesus ate with the wrong people. He was called a friend of drunks and Hannah glutton and doing so our Lord was gracious and revealed the community. He wanted. When did Express his grace to the people we think are undeserving?
Jewel Green calls this the parable of the converted householder. The man has changed converted his heart is open to the poor a new family is formed. So what if within the kingdom of God Jesus calls on us to stop seeking status and to welcome those we overlooked or dismissed? sometimes churches and museums colleges and universities and other places put up plaques or major sign saying So what's so donated for this? Is that the sort of status of who we are to avoid give yeah. But does that sign really need to go up? Church planting do we need to quickly put up a church building rather than invest in the poor. To tell Liam Christian lawyer of the second century said that the early church was mostly poor people. Years ago a bishop was asked. What was its treasurer? And he replied that the poor where his treasure he valued people. Whatever, we may think of Pope Francis. He does reflects some of Jesus words. He has chosen a more modest lifestyle and he selected his name based on Francis of Assisi. The son of a wealthy Merchant who gave up his social status in order to follow Christ and serve the poor.
A while ago the news reported that a bishop in Germany spent 42 million dollars on his residence. And I have read that an American television preacher moved into a mansion worth more than 10 million dollars. Both of these news items disturb me. How do we put them together with the example of Jesus? No Francis removed at Bishop in Germany from his office.
And I wish Francis would speak to that us television preacher and I would like to be a fly on the wall when that happened.
On the other hand and an Archbishop in Atlanta, Georgia apologize for building a 2.2 million dollar mansion. He met with other leaders so the property by the house and said he would help churches with the remaining funds this seems to be more on track. How often do we hear Christians serving before a meal at a mission at Easter Thanksgiving or Christmas? This is good. I don't know much about the history of this congregation. I assumed if people were to talk about it that she if she could tell as many acts of generosity and charity. Perhaps this congregation has a Time changed its Thanksgiving meal into a event. banquet into a banquet for the poor How often does the church extend the Family to include people we might overlook?
We heard earlier from Isaiah 58 where God told Isaiah calls and religious people to give up plastic. Plastic that does not reflect how they actually live their lives. He wants them instead to pay their workers Fair wages to care for the hungry The Wanderer and the naked why because they are their own flesh and blood Isn't this to love our neighbor as yourself? An earlier Chris Redd from James who reminds the church that we are to notice the poor and not to favor the rich. In England, will you boo started the Salvation Army in order to serve the poor?
It's said. That many people millions of people in the world. perhaps 2 billion or how no the world's population At one time lived on $2.50 or less per day. That means you live on less than what cause some people to go get a coffee or whatever from Starbucks.
I conclude with these words. So what happened after Jesus told this parable? Did the man who talked about the feast in the kingdom of God change his mind? Did the Pharisee who invited Jesus to dinner or one of his buddies or maybe more of them decide to stop seeking status and instead to care for those not invited to the meal. Did their family circles expand? Was their wealth use to help the poor. Did their Neighbours mock them and reject them? Did they follow Jesus counsel anyway?
The parable of the converted householder is Jesus called to follow him. I give up giving up status-seeking. Be careful people will overlook. To expand our family to use our wealth to serve others. Yes, let's carry out the Great Commission inviting people to faith in Christ. But let's bring this Parable down-to-earth into the present or we follow Jesus the crucified the shot. Let's pray.
Lord your work is going has gone forth.
We thank you for your grace. We look for the wisdom in the strength. We need to follow you daily in life.
Even I wasn't made to challenge us to change in certain ways. Help us in Christ name. Amen.
Thank you for the Terry you guys may stand.