Turn Away and Pray Tuesday 8/6/24

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Welcome to Turn Away and Pray Tuesday, I am Jennifer Murphy and I am honored to usher you into the presence of God through prayer. Also, to reinforce our prayers on Tuesday we join together as believers in a corporate fast sacrificing natural food for spiritual enrichment during a specified time. You can join the fast 6am-12noon, 6am-3pm, or 6am-6pm. The discpline of fasting not only enhances your sensitivity to the the things of God but it releases the anointing, the favor and blessings of God.

II Chronicles 7:14

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
We are in a season where there is so much uncertainty around us. But we as believers can be strengthened in knowing that if we humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways Jesus himself will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. The songwriter said “If we never needed the Lord before, we show do need him now” and my heart’s posture today is “Lord I need you” what is your heart’s posture this morning? If you need him, let’s begin to enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Hallelujah, Come on let’s speak well of him, You alone are worthy Lord, you alone are high and lifted up, you alone are beautiful Lord. You alone are incredible and faithful. If I had, and ten thousand tongues it I couldn’t give you enough praise. You are Our Shepperd and we shall not want. You are the great I AM, you are the LION and the Lamb, the sacrificed and the sacrifice, My God today. No other help I know. This is the day the Lord has made, I choose to rejoice and be glad in it.
Come on, Some trust in chariots,Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but I trust in the name of the LORD our God. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness, The blood of Jesus still works. The blood of Jesus covers and keeps us, The blood has never loss it’s power. The songwriter says “It reaches to the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest valley” there’s something about his blood, the blood shed on calvary’s cross just for me and you. Something about his blood. That sustains us, that forgives us, that pays the price for you and me. Come on and thank him for his blood, the blood of Jesus! Thank you Lord for permeating this atmosphere even now, for visiting us right where we are. Someone joined this live today feeling hopeless and your spirit is meeting them now. Someone is looking for answers to a seemingly tough situation, and you are meeting them right now. Come on out of your mouth ask God to “open the eyes of your understanding” see his word says “ wisdom is the pricipal thing but with all your getting, get an understanding” I call for the spirit of understanding to hit every listener under the sound of my voice. I call for your understanding to take a leap today, into another dimension. Form this day forward may you think clearer, speak clearer, and see further. Come on out of your mouth, say it today “ I will think clearer, speak clearer and see further” I decree and declare that your thoughts are aligning with the true and living God. That the spriritual seeds being sown today will sprout up and bring forth a bountiful harvest in your life. Come on let’s press in for the release of Godly understading. Your word is true Lord and it;s quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edge sword. Lord I need you, we need you to rain on us, allow your spirit to rest, rule and adbide with us. Captivate us this morning with glory. We want to experience a supernatural exchange today. We surrender it all to you Lord, not just one thing, but all things to an able savior, to a risen King. Who is the King of Glory? the Lord of Host, the Lord Strong and Mighty, He is the King of Glory, Come on friends lets just worship the King of Glory, the one who makes all things new, the one who creates rivers in desserts, the one who raises dead situations, the one who creates with just one word. Come on, one word Lord, what’s that one word today, that will turn your situation completly around, ask him what’s the word Lord. I need you, what’s the word Lord. Healing, Strength, Peace, Increase, Help, Surrender, Perservere, Trust, Manifest, Move, Accelerate…come on grab your word today, what is the spirit saying to the church? You are the church? What is the spirit telling you today? God grant us the strength to obey, whatever you are speaking in this moment. Don’t pass us by, we need Lord. Don’t pass us by. We want all of you. Your glory fill our homes, your glory fill our families, your glory fill our churches, your glory fill our communities, your glory fill the white house, your glory fill your people! Transform lives, renew hopes and dreams. Transcend barriers and cause fear to be lost in your presence, cause anxiety to be lost in your presence, cause rebellion, disobedience, and all manner of sin to be demolished by your power. Lord we need you, allow your annointing to destroy every yoke of bondage, anything that stands in between us and your will. We yield and surrender to your authority and lay at your feet so that your consuming fire can do the work, in the hidden places, in the secret places. We need you Lord, our families need you, our marraiges need you, our children need you. We as parents need you. Soften our hearts for the hurting, allow us to be vessels open and ready to be used by you. Help us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Create in us clean hearts, and renew the right spirit within us so that we can do the work your’e calling us to do. We honor you, we extol your great name. Emmanuel, God with us. You never leave us nor do you forsake us, we sit in the seat of expectation for you to disrupt old mindsets that don’t serve your kingdom agenda, bad habits that constantly get us off track, we surrender the arrest of your spirit, we say Guide us, Come on let’s partner with the holy spirit today and say “guide me” the Holy Spirit was sent as a comforter, and a teacher to remind us what God said. Let’s lean in today and ask “Holy Spriit Guide Me”!
God promises to pour out water on dry land, and streams on the dry ground. If your land has become dry come on, call the waters. Call the waters with your worship, call the waters with your praise. He wants to pour it out, and he’s seeking for true worshippers. Call the waters, Abba Father we belong to you and call the waters to spring up in our lives and water every dry circumstance, until life is restored. Come on, how many of you need restoration in areas that seem desolate and dry. The bible says out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water, you awaken the rivers with your worship, with your praise, with your devotion to a God who cannot fail. Come on, call the waters! Redeelmer, Lord of Host, there is no God besides you. Lion of Judah… the God of our praise, we call the waters, saturate us, pour it out Lord, let our cups run over Lord. We need you.
Come on bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not his benefits, there’s benefits in serving him. It’s time to cash in on your benefits, he said if you be faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many. Come on, call the waters be found faithful…God doesn’t forget neither does he renig. Come on, if he said, believe if he said it, trust that he’s going to bring it to past. Call the waters, and allow God to be God in your life. Today is a new day, fully loaded with his benefits. And we glorify you Lord for the benefits you expose us to daily. You don’t have to do it, but you do. and we are grateful for your constant hand in our lives. Anybody grateful, that what could’ve happen didn’t, what should’ve been is not. Come on, with gratitude we thank you! That you didn’t let it be so, no weapon formed against us has prospered. We are here bruised but not broken, we may have been scarred by not shattered, we are still here! Come on, can’t nobody do us Like Jesus. Jesus, the Lover of our souls, the waymaker, the promise keeper, the miracle worker, our firm foundation, our provider, our refuge in the time of trouble, our soft landing place, Jesus the light of the world. If you believe that we serve a God that cannot fail, go ahead and share your heart with him, in this moment. He’s here to mend the wounded soul and bless the broken, come on all ye the labor and are heavy laden and the Father will give you rest, there’s an anointing for renewal on this prayer. Water serves to refresh, and replenish. I keep hearing him instruct us to “Call the water” not just with your mouth but with your heart and soul! Saturate me, refresh me, replenish me! Come on tell him “Saturate Me, Refresh me, Replenish me! Your family is counting on you to call the water, your friends are counting on you to call the water, your spouse is counting on you to call the water! your business is counting on you to call the water! His spirit is in the water! oh taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man that trust in him. We trust you Lord, and your Glory rain! I hear the Lord saying many of you have seed in the ground, and have for many years. He said I am bringing the increase I promised. The water you called today, saturated that seed enough to produce the harvest you’ve been waiting on. I don’t know your secret prayers, your unmet need, but our Father in heaven does. And he is not slack concerning his promises for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. I stand in agreement with you my brother, with you my sister that as you have called the waters your harvest is springing up. May the blessing of the Lord make rich and add no sorrow. May you be enriched by his presence today and forevermore. We thank you Lord for your visitation and for the supernatural breakthrough that we will experience beyond today. We love you and we honor you. We seal this prayer in your son Jesus Name. Amen and Amen.
Today we are coupling our prayer with fasting, there’s 3 ways to join. All liquids, 6am-12 noon, 6am-3pm, or 6am-6pm. The discpline of fasting has so many benefits but the one is the ability to hear God’s voice even clearer. Denying flesh means opening yourself up for the greater to be revealed in and through you. I ask God to cover you, your family until we meet again. In Jesus Name Amen.
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