Ephesians 4:1-16: MODIFIED FAMILY OF CHURCHES What You Should Expect From Your Church
• We often lose sight of the significance and importance of the local church. Maybe for good reason… the church hurt us. Or, we were a part of a church that was anything but a biblical church. Or, we’ve never thought about how significant the church really is.
• Maybe part of the reason why we don’t understand the significance of the local church is because we don’t have the right expectations of the church.
• Paul writing about unity and maturity that takes place in the body of Christ. As we consider Paul’s words, three expectations we should have of our church.
You should expect your church to be unified in the work of the Gospel.
You should expect your church to be unified in the work of the Gospel.
• “Therefore, walk worthy of the calling you have received...” Therefore connects to everything Paul has already said.
• Walk worthy of the calling? Call to salvation - Live in such a way that reflects that you’ve been brought into the family of God.
• How do I walk worthy of the Gospel? Live in unity with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus has brought us near to each other.
• Unity is UP TO YOU. It’s up to all of us.
• Unity is not uniformity. What makes us one is not that we look the same way or like the same things - what makes us one is the work of Christ. Christ has taken diverse people and made us one. Unity is achieved when a diverse people commit to each other for the purpose of the mission of Christ.
• Unity happens when we embrace the right things, reject the wrong things, and celebrate our shared testimony.
• Embrace:
• Humility = Think of others before I think of myself. You’re not the most important person in the room. Jesus is. Live like it. If Jesus is the most important person in the room - What does He want vs. what I want.
• Gentleness = being tender in the way you treat others. Guarding your words because you want to build people up.
• Patience = enduring with people when it’s easier to walk away. Patience is bearing with each others, flaws and all.
• These are all ways that Jesus treats us.
• Reject
• Self-centeredness - You’ve seen how churches hurt when everyone is more focused on preferences and own agendas rather than the mission.
• Harshness - You’ve felt the sting of the words of Christians who maybe even spoke truth but in hurtful way.
• Impatience - “Why can’t you get it? Why can’t you change?” Make demands instead of help.
• Celebrate our shared testimony
• Paul fully aware of the diversity in Ephesus…Yet a reminder of oneness.
• One body - common existence.
• One Spirit - Spirit drew us all to the Father.
• One hope - all hoping for the return of Christ.
• One Lord - Jesus
• One faith - Embrace truth
• One baptism - Gone through waters symbolizing our death to sin and life in Christ.
• One God and Father - We are adopted by the Father
• Notice Trinity.
• Expect your church to strive for unity.
You should expect your church to equip you for the work of the Gospel.
You should expect your church to equip you for the work of the Gospel.
• “Grace was given to each of us...” NOT talking about saving grace but ministry grace.
• Quote from Ps. 68:18. Context: a parade in ancient times for a conquering king. King paraded the streets displaying his bounty - marching his captured enemies before the people. To honor the king, people give gifts.
• God is our conquering king - we give Him gifts of our praise and devotion.
• Paul sees Christ as fulfillment of Ps. 68. Wording is a bit different. Does Paul simply misquote Ps. 68? Make a mistake when he quotes the verses in Ephesians? No… quoting and explaining - Christ has conquered - He receives our gifts of praise and devotion (1:18), but He also gives gifts… Why does the King give gifts?
• vs. 9 - Jesus is unlike any other King. He is the Ultimate Giver. Jesus is the King who descended - came to a broken world, conquered sin and death by dying in our place, rose again, and ascended to the right hand of the Father - He has authority to give gifts and HE is worthy of us using the gifts He has given us for His glory.
• Spiritual gifts - several passages in NT talk about spiritual gifts. We are all spiritually gifted. 1 Cor. 12 - body functions properly when each member uses his/her spiritual gift well.
• But… in this passage Paul focuses on leadership gifts. Apostles and prophets - the twelve, prophets of OT, NT prophets that didn’t function in the same way as OT.
• Evangelists, pastors and teachers (close connection)
• Why does Paul focus on people who are given leadership gifts? Because those who have these gifts have responsibility to equip saints for the work of the ministry.
• Everyone does the work of the ministry, and you need godly leaders who can train you to use the giftedness God has given you for His glory.
If church is going to equip you:
• Know what your church is NOT
• NOT a social club.
• NOT a place to cater to your religious preferences. “It feels like church when...” When the people of God gather, worship, and study the Word it’s always church regardless of what it “feels” like.
• NOT a weekly pep rally. (Get my spiritual batteries recharged.)
• NOT a place to escape the craziness of the world. (Rather, a place to train you to engage a crazy world.)
• The church is the bride of Christ, the body of Christ, with every member using their gifts, abilities, and resources to live on mission together for the glory of Christ.
• Know what your leaders are NOT
• NOT hired hands who exist to provide you with spiritual services.
• NOT religious gurus. Your leaders do not have all the answers! On the journey with you.
• NOT program creators.
• NOT referees. “When I have problems in my family - I’m coming to you...”
• NOT CEOs of a religious organization. (If the church doesn’t grow, it’s the pastor’s fault…)
• Player/coach - In the game with you, living on mission, but at the same time, coaching you.
• Know who you are NOT
• A consumer - sit and soak, judge the quality of the program, etc.
• You are a contributor - equipped for the work of the ministry.
• Hudson equipped for baseball… Will he be able to play? You’re being equipped… Will you get in the game?
You should expect your church to help you mature in the Gospel.
You should expect your church to help you mature in the Gospel.
• When you have the right expectations of your church, and you allow your leaders to equip you for the work of the ministry, the end result is maturity - you mature as you are equipped for the WORK of the ministry.
• Note… Not mature as you CONSUME but as you learn to CONTRIBUTE. Not mature as you consume Bible study, sermons, etc. We NEED Bible study and sermons, but they are PART of equipping. You need to actually put into practice the things you learn.
Church is far more than a lecture hall - it’s a training ground for sending you out for the sake of the Gospel.
• Look at what happens when you are equipped for ministry: - body is built up, unity is achieved (working together for Gospel), grow in maturity - take responsibility for our faith - grow in character of Christ (Christlikeness)
• NOT tossed around (Stable) - Why? Because we know the Word and we’re living the Word.
• Speak the truth in love - Immature people often speak truth without love OR try to love everyone without speaking the truth. BUT more you are equipped, the more you want people to know the truth and experience REAL love.
• Cooperation - We grow in our appreciation of each other - vs. 16 every part of the body fitted and knit together - growing together as each individual serves out of his/her unique giftedness.
• AMAZING to think what God can do through a unified church where everyone is serving for the glory of God.
• HEARTBREAKING to think of what opportunities we miss because we don’t use the unique gifts and abilities God has given us.
• What can I do?
• Repent of wrong expectations.
• Pray for your leaders.
• See ministry as your life calling rather than a role you fill on Sunday mornings. See your everyday life as where you put into practice what you are learning. You are serving the Lord and blessing your local church every time you pray for someone, every time you share the Gospel, encourage someone the faith, lead a discipleship group. Ministry doesn’t primarily happen in the walls of this place or on this campus. It happens where you live and work.
• Serve in a variety of ways within the church and through the church until you discover your unique gifting. (Guest services - you might discover you have the gift of hospitality - next thing you know, inviting neighbors over sharing the Gospel.)
• Look for ways to fill needs within the body of Christ that are unmet. (Couples that can walk alongside of newlywed couples, ministering to single people, someone going through a divorce, etc.) “Don’t I need permission?” If you’ve been equipped, you just need to do it.
• Remember how you have been served. Let the Gospel motivate you to be equipped for the work of the ministry. This morning, embrace the Gospel. Christ came to serve you by living the life you couldn’t live, dying the death you deserve, and rising from the dead. He desires to bring you into a relationship with Himself and into His family.