What is My Heart Consuming?
Jesus and Politics • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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8-11-24 - What am I consuming?
8-11-24 - The Purpose of Gov’t Romans 13:1-7
8-18-24 - Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s Matthew 22:15-22
8-25 - 24 How do I get along with people I disagree with?
9-1 - 24 Our identity as exiles
9-8-24? The Kingdom of God...
Questions: Interview with Connie Potter and Perspectives Class
Show a slide of the Perspectives Class and Info.
We heard from Gina Brewster and Sue Sprunger.
Question #1: Connie wanted to share specifically what that class is about. Give us an overview. (speakers, 4 parts)
Question #2: Tell us the different ways to take it.
I will remind people of the scholarship available, and we can take a brief moment to pray for it. Would you be interested in praying for it?
Questions for Jerry Amstutz:
Call Jerry forward—one of our elders...
Jerry has been appointed by our church board to lead our nominating committee. This may be the strangest committee in the history of committees—Jerry, what is the purpose of this? (explain the process)
to help get names to fill leadership positions on our church board; it gets the entire congregation involved in this process so the church board is not just a bunch of good old boys
and our church bylaws require it...
every church has a process whether written or unwritten that they do this—this is just ours
Jerry, what are the positions we are seeking to fill on the church board:
3 of the people who are up for re-election have agreed to return:
Jud Myers - trustee
Michele LeFever- church secretary
Kelli Moore - deaconness
and then we have 2 elders coming off the board because they have served 6 years in a row and they must come off for at least a year — Jerry Amstutz and Brad Abnet—so we are especially looking for 2 godly men to fill in for them
How can we the church get involved?
—recommend potential people for leadership
consider 1 Timothy 3:1-7 or 1 Peter 5:1-4...
1 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed:
2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve;
3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.
who is on the nominating committee:
Jerry Amstutz, Rene Captain, Ron Dull, Kyle White, Deb Tumbleson, and Chris Inniger. (and Pastor Rick as a non-voting pastoral representative)
you can discuss with any of them
Please turn to Romans 12:1-2.
We are taking a short pause on the book of Acts to talk briefly about what does the Bible say about politics and government.
And then we will come back in a few weeks to the book of Acts—chapter by chapter, verse by verse...
Some observations, ground rules, and expectations as we begin on Politics:
We encourage you to be get outraged, agitated, and be divisive…just kidding. Making sure you are paying attention. We encourage you to take a deep breath, and relax…you are among friends and families. The Bible says so plenty about politics, gov’t, power, and how we are to approach it, so let’s commit the following. ***Raise your right hand, repeat after me… “I _________ (insert your name) will do my best not to be divisive. I _______ will approach this subject with humility and grace. In Jesus’ name. (allright my sermon’s done—you are dismissed)
There’s no doubt that the subject of politics is really dialed up and amped up, especially right now. We are about 3 months from Voting, Election Day. And Just recently, we had a Presidential debate, an attempted assassination on former President Trump, and we had the announcement by current President Biden that he is not running for re-election and most likely his Vice President Kamala Harris is. It is especially INTENSE now. Any perusal of the headlines—shows politics. part of the motivation for this series—is that we believe that if you are a follower of Jesus, you should approach this subject differently than the world. We need to be thinking and approaching this subject with God’s wisdom from God’s Word by God’s Spirit.
Keep in mind we won’t cover everything you may have a question about. I am going to paint broader brush strokes than specific nitty gritty issues, but Feel free to email me if you have questions, talk with me after the service. After this sermon series, I will be leading a Wednesday night group when our Fall Ripples series begins that explores some of these issues further that you are invited to join.
The Purpose of this series is not to tell you which candidate or candidates to vote for, nor is it to tell you which political party to support. In fact, I believe legally we can’t support a candidate as least at the church level b/c that can hurt our non-profit status. but I think practically, I am not going to do that for 2 reasons:
#1 I want both republicans and democrats, and independents, whomever, to come to our church, to be a part of our church, to be our brother and sister in Christ. I don’t want our politics to be divide us or be the main thing we think about each other.
#2 another reason is I don’t want our politics or whichever political party you or I may support to be the main thing we are known for. When people think of First Missionary Church, I don’t want people to think “that’s the conservative church or the liberal church or the Democratic or Republican Church.” I want them to think first and foremost that this is a church that’s all about Jesus…hence the title and graphic “Jesus and Politics...”
show graphic—by the way—we don’t know what Jesus looked like. I put Jesus first—so that Jesus and His Word would help define it. and not the other way around...
rather, the purpose of this series is the idea that we as Christians and followers of Jesus—must not fall captive to the world. Politics are important, and we must stay educated and be involved, but they must not be the ultimate thing that captivates us—so instead of seeing Jesus through the filter of our politics, we need to see our politics through the filter of Jesus and His Word. I believe as we do this, slow down, have some humility, look at what God’s Word says, commit to loving one another amidst this—it will take the edge off the craziness of our politics…we will be a little bit saner.
so for my first message in this series...
Let me read a few verses that will help frame our thinking for today’s sermon:
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Jesus says this in his sermon on the mount—this is Luke’s version
45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
One of the biggest things that we can easily become obsessed with is this subject of politics.
Social media…constant scrolling...
cable news…CNN, Fox News 24/7
alerts/notifications on our phones...
not to mention conversations with co-workers in the break room, or at a family gathering…can become explosive...
what do we do in a world that wants us not just informed but obsessed with the news, obsessed with politics,
and yes, we need to be informed and involved...but how do we avoid obsession on being consumed by what we consume on the news?
What do we do...
Ask yourself, “What am I consuming the most right now?” (on my screens, devices, wherever you get information from...)
if it is the news and politics...
Think about for a moment, if you are the kind of person that consume a lot of headlines and news and politics…what kind of person might you be—what kind of person are you becoming…(turn to your neighbor)
Agitated - very emotional and riled up
Fearful and Anxious - and worried because it’s often very negative - we can get overwhelmed...
A person who hates the other side - “us” vs. “them” mentality. Other people are not just wrong; they are the enemy—they are horrible people.
and that’s just for starters...
We have to remember, when we are consuming so much news, these stations or shows that we watch—often have another agenda in mind. They want eyeballs and ears—they want viewers so they can overly dramatize it, sensationalize it, entertain us—all so we will watch.
one research study estimates we spend anywhere from 25 - 75 minutes per day consuming the news.
it may not even be politics that you are consuming—it could be social media—what kind of effect is that having on you?
many who have been addicted to social media have mentioned how it can make them depressed because it seems like everyone else’s life is better than yours? they take more vacations than I do…their kids are better behaved than mind…they make better food than I do…their cat is nicer than mine...
or if you are looking for political news, you think everybody agrees with you—b/c of the algorithms that have you see what only confirms your viewpoint...
maybe those are not the things you are consuming...
binge watching your favorite Netflix series…how is that series shaping you...
some of these things are not bad...
one survey in early January found that Americans spend about 4.5 hours on their phone every day, which adds up to 1 day a week, and 12 years of your life!
I don’t think our screen life is going away...
so it’s worth asking—what are we viewing, consuming, focusing on?
this kind of viewing and consuming—causes us to be conformed to the image of this world
Romans 12:2 (NIV)
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world (one translation says—don’t let it squeeze you into its mold)....the news wants us to be absorbed in this, frightened by it, trusting its viewpoint, emphasizing what it does…trusting it),
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
2 patterns are held up—this world—and its values...
and God’s will — what He wants and His values...
conforming is the image of a mold—if you know how plastics are made—the plastic material is heated up so it becomes liquid and injected into a mold to take that shape, and as it cools and hardens—it conforms to that mold.
it’s like we are the plastic pellets—and as we consume—and watch and get absorbed in, we get heated up—we get melted and injected into the world’s mold…and now we look like, think like, talk like, have the same values as the world...
instead of being conformed---we are to be transformed—the Greek Word is where we get our word metamorphosis
so it’s not just conforming to God—it’s being transformed by Him!
this happens by the renewing of our minds...
what does that mean?
I think it’s more than just intellectual...
that if you go back to verse 1...
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
in view of God’s mercy...
we renew our minds—by thinking about the mercy of God—by focusing on the character of God—by focusing on Jesus Christ—and what He did for us....
by surrendering—there’s the language of sacrifice...
and it’s not just logical...
and this takes me to my 2nd point.
as you figure out what you are consuming the most...
2. Do some heart analysis...
look again at what Jesus says…about the heart..
45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
we need to take seriously not just how our mind is formed, but our hearts.
the Bible talks a lot about the heart...
the heart is the command center of our entire beings—includes our minds—logic and reasoning—and emotions—but is bigger than that. It reminds me a little bit of the movies Inside out—where different emotions are responding to and controlling the character....but it’s even more than that.
the heart contains our deepest values, our commitments, what we treasure—or worship. it is what we hold dear—and based on what we hold dear—that affects and influences every decision, word we speak, what we do.
when you look at and consume lots and lots of politics—it is not just informing your brain and intellect—it is captivating your heart. it is conforming your heart into its image
You are figuring out who the enemy is (hint—it’s always the other person or party), what “sin” is in that political party’s definition, and who the Savior is—this candidate or party. Politics really takes on spiritual and religious terms!
it is stirring you up emotionally—promising the treasures that your heart wants!
and as we consume this--our phones and social media and the news are really discipling us into its image…they are forming us into its plastic mold.
if politics is not your thing...the same is true in other things we consume...
if we are addicted to pornography, which surveys shows about half of all men seek it out monthly, and about 12 - 25% of women. (George Barna—depending on your age)
we are being captivated by it, we are worshiping it…it is telling us that we need this, we deserve this, it promises to answer all of the desires of our hearts...
God made you and your heart for deep, deep things...
intimacy, connection
really worship!
Politics promises to answer all those things— “vote for me, and I will give you this...”
“Trust our political party…and everything will be ok...”
porn promises to give us an intimacy and significance—but it fails to deliver...
social media promises to give us a connection our heart longs for…but it’s not real connection
social media promises to give us a connection our heart longs for…but it’s not real connection
even good things if they become the ultimate thing—they can be a bad thing. I was watching the men’s 1500m final in the olympics—and it was intense…80,000 fans screaming in Paris…it was neck and neck…the 2 favorites were dominating until 23 year old Cole Hocker from Indianapolis, who stuck with them the whole race—outsprinted them at the end—and won!! shocking everyone! when I was watching that—I found myself getting out of my seat—glued to the TV, wanting to jump up and down—what made me do that…someone in my heart of hearts—I found that valuable and worthwhile, and worship-ful.
so do some heart analysis—why am I so captivated by this thing I am watching…what am I looking for in my heart of hearts… “For where your treasure is—there your heart will be also...”
Mr. Baer often uses the language — the thing beneathe the thing—what is my thing beneathe the thing that I am looking for—that is driving me?
in addiction and recovery—we are often looking for someone to cover up past pain, trauma, shame, guilt—we don’t want to feel that way anymore—we want to feel better, and are not always sure how. addiction and recovery—to truly change you must do some heart analysis.
I won’t to focus on 2 more points—we are probably good and in agreement on identifying the problem--
we have to ask what we are consuming...
do some heart analysis—what am I looking for...
by looking at 2 points that go together...
3. Behold/Consume Jesus regularly (Matt 4.1-11, 27)
4. Soak in the Word (individually and in community)
these 2 go together so much…
b/c here’s the thing—you can’t just get rid of an addiction—like politics, porn, social media...
you have to find something or someone else to worship...
Look at Jesus...
Matthew 4:1–11 (NIV)
1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. (most obvious statement in the Bible)
3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”
4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.
6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “ ‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”
7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.
9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”
11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
Jesus Christ is amazing…
the way this passage is written in Matthew—is to remind us of 2 important events from the OT:
Adam and Eve - God made them, loved them—put them in the opposite of a desert—paradise—they had access to everything they needed. They were our representatives in the garden, but when they were tempted by the devil—the devil made them question God’s Word and if God really loved them...they failed and all of creation is now affected by that decision. but we have a 2nd Adam—Jesus Christ—fully God, and our representative—who didn’t fail. He didn’t question God’s Word—He stood on it…He didn’t question if God the Father loved Him—He knew it—even though He came to die. and now all of us can be affected by Jesus’ decision to stay true and faithful to God. to not give into the devil or the world’s idea of power, prestige, success--
and then
the Israelites in the OT.
God freed them miraculously from slavery in the OT…he loved them and entered a covenant with them..but just like Adam and Eve, Israel turned their backs on God.
The Israelites b/c of sin had to wander for 40 years in the desert…but they never changed. they wanted bread—not the true bread from God. they wanted to put God to the test, they wanted the kingdoms of this world...
but we have a Savior, one who came from Israel—who fasted 40 days in the desert, at one of his most vulnerable points, who was soaked in God’s Word and God’s Spirit led him, who began a new kingdom, not getting caught up in the kingdoms of this world. He not only feasted on God’s Word—but is the Bread of life.
Jesus Christ is absolutely amazing!
and if we surrender to Him—if we truly find Him the most beautiful and glorious thing to be captivated by—more than politics, porn, sports, Netflix, money. You name it. it will absolutely change us from the inside out...
18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
as we contemplate—some translations say “behold!” - we are transformed (same word as Romans 12:2) from one image of glory to another—I behold Jesus and become more like Him. (not beholding politics!)
Jesus is absolutely amazing!
When Jesus faced pressure—and was squeezed—he didn’t conform to the world—instead—what came out? Scripture—God, prayer.
34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
He tells the thief on the cross—you will be with me in paradise.
He quotes Scripture—I would encourage you to read Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John—pick one and read what came out of Jesus when He was squeezed.
We need to be people soaked in the Word—not just to know facts or logic, but to behold Jesus—to be consumed by Jesus.
How do you do that—practically day after day...
Some final tips for beholding Jesus in Scripture:
Remember - First things first…look at Scripture and pray first thing. before you check the news or social media—Scripture first.
Have a plan...
Use the Bible App - YouVersion—tons of devotional plans
some of you like a couple of resources online like—The Bible Recap (read Bible in a year or NT in 3 months—and have resources to listen to or watch every day), or BibleProject
Read with a friend or community…join a Sunday morning SS class or Group, or Wednesday night group coming up, or commit to reading with a friend together, or your spouse…The Bible was meant to be read or listened to in community.
You may say—don’t complicate it--
I just want to read God’s Word…if you are newer to the faith—read Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John...
if you are seasoned in the faith, you need to just work through Scripture—Romans or Hebrews.
4. Watch your news sources—The Pour Over
I want to close by going back to Romans 12:1.
look at Romans 12:1-2…how are we transformed by the renewing of our minds…look at verse 1 especially:
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
part of today—is learning how we actually change…from sin to Jesus.
not by working harder—an act of the will
not just by thinking...
but by changing what we love the most—what captures our affections.
“in view of God’s mercy...” (chapters 1-11) we must view God’s mercy…all the time…there is no way to sustain a heart for God unless we come back to the gospel—what God has done to save us from sin to Himself through His Son Jesus Christ, supremely in his death on the cross and resurrection for us. we need to view God’s mercy every day.
“living sacrifice...”the idea of sacrifice comes from the OT world, when the Israelites were required to kill animals—with the priest at the temple when they sinned. Reminding them that sin must be paid for, blood must be shed, life for life. but there was another offering—the burnt offering—it had to be without defect—one of your best—you gave this offering as an offering of worship and surrender to God, that you fully belonged to God.
we do today—not with animals—but by surrendering our entire lives—our bodies to Jesus. He surrendered His life for us in our place—He gave everything—and we receive that by faith, by grace—and in response—we surrender everything...
this is daily—the fact that our sacrifice is living—means we must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus—but we gladly do it—b/c Jesus paid it all for us—He willingly died for us—how can we not surrender and consume Him?
I believe our hearts surrender to what we find most compelling, beautiful and glorious...
for some of us it’s politics...
i have mentioned others…things like porn…or sports, or money, or even good things if they become #1 more than God are a problem...
end with...
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”