Untitled Sermon (2)
In New Testament times, rites honoring the pagan, false deities Cybele, Bacchus, and Dionysus included wild music, wine, and speaking in disorderly, ecstatic noises that were accompanied by smashing gongs, clanging cymbals, and blaring trumpets. The Corinthians understood very well what he was talking about because these pagan gods were worshiped in Corinth.
Paul was trying to make it clear that speaking in foreign languages or tongues, without love, has no more value than the ceremonies that honor pagan gods. Those worship services to those deities were empty, and speaking the Word in foreign tongues without love is empty, too. Without love, we become as hollow as the sound of a gong or cymbal. Apart from love, even one who speaks the truth with supernatural eloquence, becomes a bunch of noise. The