Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 3 viewsThe application of the mind with a view to acquiring knowledge, particularly of the Scriptures. God promises his help to those who give themselves to this work.
The study of the works of the Lord
The study of the works of the Lord
Ps 111:2 The works mentioned are his acts of providence and grace.
God’s people are to study in order to gain wisdom
God’s people are to study in order to gain wisdom
1 MY seun, as jy my woorde aanneem en my gebooie by jou bewaar,
2 sodat jy jou oor laat luister na wysheid, jou hart neig tot verstand;
3 ja, as jy na die insig roep, na die verstand jou stem verhef,
4 as jy daarna soek soos na silwer en dit naspeur soos verborge skatte,
5 dan sal jy die vrees van die Here verstaan en die kennis van God vind
See also Pr 23:23; Ps 90:12; Pr 15:14; Pr 3:13; Job 28:12; Job 28:20
The study of human activity, achievement and wisdom
The study of human activity, achievement and wisdom
13 En ek het my hart daarop gerig om met wysheid te ondersoek en na te speur alles wat onder die hemel gebeur. Dit is ’n moeilike taak wat God aan die mensekinders gegee het om hulle daarmee te kwel.
14 Ek het al die werke gesien wat onder die son gedoen word, en kyk, dit was alles tevergeefs en ’n gejaag na wind.
See also Ec 8:16; Ec 9:1; Ec 1:17; Ec 2:12; Ec 7:25; Ec 8:9; Ec 12:9–11 The Teacher turned from human wisdom to searching out and setting forth proverbs; Ec 12:12 He concluded that all human study was wearisome.
The study of the word of God
The study of the word of God
The study of the word of God is commended
The study of the word of God is commended
15 Lê jou daarop toe om jou beproef voor God te stel as ’n werker wat hom nie hoef te skaam nie, wat die woord van die waarheid reg sny.
See also Mt 22:29; Je 15:16; Ro 15:4; Is 8:20; 1 Pe 2:2
Ezra studied the law of the Lord
Ezra studied the law of the Lord
10 Want Esra het sy hart daarop gerig om die wet van die Here te ondersoek en te betrag, en om Israel die insettinge en verordeninge te leer.
The Bereans studied the Scriptures
The Bereans studied the Scriptures
11 En hierdie mense was edelmoediger as dié in Thessaloníka; hulle het die woord met alle welwillendheid ontvang en elke dag die Skrifte ondersoek of hierdie dinge so was.
Some Jews studied the Scriptures without finding Jesus Christ
Some Jews studied the Scriptures without finding Jesus Christ
39 Julle ondersoek die Skrifte, omdat julle meen dat julle daarin die ewige lewe het; en dit is dié wat van My getuig.
God promises his help in the study of the Scriptures
God promises his help in the study of the Scriptures
Jn 14:26; Jn 16:13