Ver. 2.—Note the punctuation and supplied words of the Ye are (being) saved.—Continuously; present part., as usual. In what word.—Literally; so then “the word of the Cross” (1:18) includes much more than merely the Crucifixion; there would be no Atonement without a Resurrection. In vain Choose between (1) margin, and (2) “so as to end after all in no saving result” (Gal. 3:4; 4:11). (1) would imply a baseless belief; (2) a fruitless belief. (For the thought of (2) Heb. 2:11.) Evans prefers “rashly, without due reflection.”11 Henry J. Foster, I & II Corinthians, The Preacher’s Complete Homiletic Commentary (New York; London; Toronto: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1892), 317.