Section 8 Notes Part 1
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Chapter 8 notes
Chapter 8 notes
This section deals with Christology which is at the foundation of the faith.
This subject is always under attack so it must be clarified.
8.1 is a connection to chapter 7 specifically connectting Christ to the covenant of grace
The best way to teach this section is to break it into 2 weeks
Christ in His person chapters 2, 3, 7, 9
Christ in his work 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
Christ in his person
Christ in his person
8.2 this reflects the nicene creed,
Same substance and equal - Jesus is not created, lessor but of complete God and not dirvitive in existance
Human nature/Man’s nature - He fully takes on man’s nature without diminishing either divinty or humanity
Infirmities - he is human in everyway grows tired, had to sleep, he ate and drank, he learned and grew.
HE was human in everyway but without sin
we Learn wh yJEsus is suited for his work in this section.
He was set apart - sactified
He was appointed for it - Anoiting
He was qaulified for it o having wisdom an knowledge
Holy, Harmless, undefiled, and full of grace and truth- the Biblical tools and status his father gave him
A mediator - this was his office between God and Man
Given this by the father!
This section deals with heresy and error so that people understand. This is the
This is teaching that there is unity in the properties of Jesus. So both God and man are unified while remaining distinct.
So when you say God shed his blood on the Cross. this is true in the person on Jesus because the properties are unified in him. To say God died is accurate. To say the son of Mary made the world is correct.
Jesus is truly immanuel, God with us.
This does not elevate Mary.
This section again re-enforces his role. The Catholic church espeically the pope where in mind in this section