Micah 1 - When "Hope" is NOT Hope

Micah  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  36:13
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Connecting this sermon with others you have heard from this pulpit. Our theme for the year is “Putting on Kindness” with that in mind, all year our series have been from Books that describe God’s people living among neighbors. What does it look like for God’s people to live in this fallen world? Earlier we spent weeks in Jonah, then we did the prophet before his book, Obadiah, and now we look at the prophecy after his book, Micah. Jonah was a prophet who was sent to his neighbors, Obadiah was a prophet who spoke about his neighbors, and Micah is a prophet who speaks about how his neighboring nations had and would influence his hometown.
Two weeks ago, you heard our ministry partner, Brad, convince us that we can Believe God to finish His purpose. Last week, you heard another ministry partner, Cory, compel us to be ready to call others to believe the Gospel. These 4 weeks will underscore our confidence that God disciplines His people, but we can believe that He loves us and have hope for our future.
If you look at the “Big Idea” on the back of your note sheet, you will see that it mentions “God’s people”. In Micah’s day the people of God were those included and adopted into Abraham’s descendants. I mentioned in our Obadiah study that the 12 tribes AND the Church (those who believe in the message of the 12 Apostles, those grafted in under the new covenant) become 2 halves of 1 whole people of God. Contrary to the teaching of our Mormon friends, Jesus did not come to America and establish this country as God’s new covenant people. The only reason God would bless America is because all humanity bears His image, and believers make up His remnant of people on this continent. Micah’s prophecy is not directed at America as a whole, but it is relevant, applicable, and compelling for those in this country who are believers in the God of the Bible.
The sins of God’s people in 700 BC under the Abrahamic covenant and the sins of God’s people in 2024 under the New Covenant anywhere on the globe both have relational consequences because those sins are an affront to the Holy God who has extended to us grace and mercy.
Every parent knows that for the good of the child and the household, malicious behaviors must be addressed. That discipline NEVER diminishes the love between parent and child or between God and believer.
We will see through this book that even during times of anger, wrath, discipline and judgment, God’s love never ceases, it is never on pause, or put aside. It is because He loves that He chastises sin. And when we are “taken to the woodshed” we can maintain a lasting Hope that God’s love sets all things right in the end. Micah can’t conclude his prophecy until he points in 5:2 to the Messiah coming to Bethlehem.

God’s Righteous Authority (Micah 1:1-4)

Historic Context in Micah’s Day (v.1)

Israel/Judah, Assyria & Babylon – regions involved
Samaria – city in Israel representing the bigger disobedience that is exiled by Assyria (people to whom Jonah went)
Jerusalem – city in Judah that would be captured by Babylonfollowing Micah’s lifetime.
Both Jeremiah (in Bible ReCap schedule) and the end of Micah point to a future coming of Messiah AFTER Assyrian and Babylonian invasions would end. And both, as well as Isaiah, say things are going to get worse before God makes them better.

Current Disobedience in Our Day (vv.2-3)

Today it seems like God is still being ignored and other gods are being worshipped.
The gods of pleasure, power & self are worshipped in concert halls, stadiums, and living rooms from our County Seat to our Nation’s Capital.
We toss around labels of the One we claim to worship, but our calendar and our checkbook may reveal that He is not the one calling the shots.
Over the last 2 weeks athletes from all over the world gathered to compete. From that competition we saw debauchery, idolatry, and faithful witness. It reminded me that there are people in America and all over the globe who worship the true God, and there are people in America and all over the globe who worship false gods. The situation to which Micah spoke, remains today.
4. Lord God(2c) – Adonai YHWH
Lord (2d) - Adonai
Lord (3a) – YHWH
Recently a political candidate from our region hoping to serve in the US House identified himself as “Kansan, Christian & Cowboy”. I dropped him an email before casting my ballot asking what he means by “Christian”; because YHWH and Allah are both translated into the English name God, but the Jewish God of the Bible and the Muslim god of the Koran do not describe the same person. The Native American “Great Spirit” does not describe the 2nd person of the Trinity to came to earth, lives sinlessly, and died substitutionally. We currently have 4 people at the top of the ticket in 2 major parties. They ALL claim to be “Christian” but they represent 4 different belief systems. Likewise, there are various understandings of the title “evangelical” that is being tossed around as those who support both tickets.
5. Before you blindly presume that your candidate is a follower of Jesus Christ in trust and obedience, find out how terms are being used!
If I were speaking only of the 2nd person of the Trinity I could say “King Jesus” then if I used either king or Jesus you would know I mean both title and name. If I were speaking of the 3rd person of the Trinity I could say “comforting Spirit” then if I used either comforter or Spirit I mean both who he is and what he does. We have times like Matthew where Jesus is speaking to the first person of the Trinity and He says “our Father in Heaven” speaking of both his identity and his realm.
6. YHWH or Lordship is not reserved for any one person of the Trinity. It is appropriate for any one person or the collective deity.
Jehovah’s witnesses get this wrong when they claim Jehovah is the name of the Father and Jesus is the name of the Son and that they are totally distinct.

Ultimate Authority Rests in “the Name above every name” (v.4 & Phil 2:9)

I conclude that the authority of the Lord God who is a witness against us, the one who comes from his holy temple, the one who comes down to tread the high places and mountains, is the Triune God appearing bodily as the Lord Jesus Christ, the one sent by the Father and the One whom the Holy Spirit always points.

Humanity’s Repentance Required (Micah 1:5-9)

The greatest problem (v.5)

To listen to much of the media we would conclude that economy, equity, freedom and immigration are the greatest problems we face. And depending upon who you listen to, the remedy for these problems is found in the ideas of a candidate.
V.5 tells me that the coming problems are rooted in transgression, sin, and wrong worship.

Crisis is on the way (vv.6-7)

An established city becomes cropland
Things that people trust will become meaningless
Desperation will lead to short-term exchanges.
Some of us may recall when vehicles were offered with a 2nd fuel tank. When a full tank for consumer vehicles went above $100 attitudes changed. Now when travelers ask for help, they don’t ask for a tankfull, they only want a couple gallons to get to the next town. Some of us buy toilet tissue in the multi-roll, multi-pack at the wholesale store. Remember at the beginning of Covid when people were delighted to find a single roll?
4. These verses tell us that life as you’ve come to know it is going to change drastically.

Sorrow is inevitable (vv.8-9)

These are more than just inconveniences! Lament, stripped naked, jackals, incurable wounds are poetic words that describe a visceral, gut reaction.
The problems that are coming will not be cured by an OTC remedy or take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.
Some of you who are in one of our ladies groups know about a medical condition experienced this week that involved a trip to the ER; there was nothing at Dollar General that was going to make a difference. Others are aware that one of our regular attendees planned to come to worship last Sunday, but ended up delivering a baby in the living room. And yet others on our prayer chain interceded for one who required transport to Topeka to intervene in a condition.
3. The pain I read in these verses does not appear to be the type of thing that can wait for 4-8 years for a new administration. These sins and transgression are about to bring devastation that leads to immediate broad lament and wailing.
4. The devastation I see in these verses will not be reversed by a new resident at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue, Buckingham Palace, or the Kremlin. That is why I titled this sermon When Hope is NOT hope; because we are being offered a LOT of false hope!
5. Sin and Transgression is a much bigger problem than the talking points.
Transition: In this despair, those who trust in God can find hope!

Believer’s Restoration Promised (Micah 1:10-16)

Surrounding Discipline (vv.10-15)

Inhabitants occurs 5x. These cities form a circle around Micah. He really plays on the meaning of words to create puns
Beth le Aphra means “house of dust” and he tells them to “roll in the dust” (v.10)
Shaphir means “beauty-town” and he says she ends up naked and in shame (v.11a)
Zaanan means “going forth town” and he says it will not be allowed to come out. (v.11b)
Maroth means “bitter”, but wait anxiously for good seems to be a reversal. (v.12a)
Lachish sounds like the word “to the steeds”, but the steeds are harnessed and domesticated.
V.14 begins by talking about paying a dowry with hopes of a partnership but ends in v.15 with being conquered.[i]
What Micah is doing here would be like me saying, “Council Grove will be contaminated, Marion will be marginalized, Florence will fail, Cassoday will be cancelled, Emporia will be erased, but bulldogs will wear a cone of shame, but they will not be put down”

Survival, not extinction (v.16)

Exile, not destruction!
This is detailed in Isaiah’s interactions with Hezekiah’s (v.1) in 2 Kings 18-20.
It is an amazing story of self-importance. King Hezekiah starts well and cleans the land of idols. Years pass and he gets slack, God brings a sickness upon him to get his attention. Hezekiah repents and is promised 10 more years. Rather than despair that Babylon is coming, Hezekiah celebrates that the invasion won’t come until after he dies at a ripe old age, then his descendants will be taken captive, rather than destroyed.
Where there’s life, there’s hope.


God as Father, Son and Spirit have absolute authority to judge sin. It is likely easier for us to see the sin in unbelievers than it is in ourselves.
1 Peter 4:17 echoes the message of the central part of this this chapter – sin demands repentance!
1 Peter 4:17 ESV:2016
17 For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
The final phrase of Micah 1 about exile reminds us that we have hope! We have to remember the end game --
1 Thessalonians 5:9 ESV:2016
9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
God has not destined us for destruction, any who place our trusting faith in the Lord Jesus Christ have the promise that because He lives, we have hope!
Response Song #406.......................................................... “My Hope is in the Lord
Benediction:Romans 16:20 (ESV) — The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
[i] Wiseman, Donald J., T. Desmond Alexander, and Bruce K. Waltke. 1988. Obadiah, Jonah and Micah: An Introduction and Commentary. Vol. 26. Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
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