Jew – A Hebrew or Israelite
Gentile – Anyone not a Jew
I. God’s Distinction in Scripture
a. Jew – Physical Nation of Israel
Started with Abraham – Genesis 12
Identified as Bride of God
(Jeremiah 31:32, Isaiah 54:5)
b. Gentile – All nations & people besides Israel
Saved, in Christ, as the Bride of Christ
II. God’s Purpose in Scripture
a. Israel – Bless all nations with Messiah
Unfulfilled – Isaiah 54:1-7, Romans 11:19-21
b. Gentiles – Spread message of Christ
Israel did not fulfill the purpose of spreading the message of the Messiah, so they have been “blinded” for a time and the Gentiles given the Commission. (Romans 11:25)
God is taking 2 physical groups of people today, Jew & Gentile, and making them into 1 spiritual group, the Body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 10:32)
Memory Verse
Romans 11:32 “For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.”