Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
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Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10
We are saved by believing the blood of Jesus Christ and repenting our sin. In accordance with Westminster short catechism, the means of God’s grace are three things, the word of God, Sacrament, and payer. So we have to pray all the time because prayer is one of the best ways to get the grace of God and keep going the healthy relationships with God. However, we shouldn’t miss the significant thing in prayer. Although we tend to emphasize the importance of prayer, we don’t tend to stress out the significance of the contents in the Lord’s prayer. Prayer is not mere prayer but it is the way how to live in everything. Therefore, we have to deeply think over the meaning of the Lord’s prayer. This is because Jesus gave His disciples and us. If you follow the true meaning of that the Lord’s prayer, you will be able to walk with the Holy Spirit and figure out the amazing grace in trinity.
Now, we will see on Matthew chapter 6 verse 10. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. What does that mean “your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”? Does that mean God’s kingdom has never done on earth? Absolutely No! As a matter of fact, we tend to think in that way, because we always see only the shortcomings of this world. In fact, God’s will is done everywhere. While we don’t realize God’s work, He is using the evil things in the world. Even God takes advantage of Satan for His plan. Even though Satan is destroying the world, in a big sense Satan’s work must be used for God’s plan.
So what does that mean? What does “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”??
It means that we participate in God’s will. His kingdom will be applied in our lives with great joy. In other words, we attend God’s will because we love His reign and kingdom. So it means submission to God’s will. We have to learn how to gradually rejoice His will and what He wants us.
God’s will is that we become holy and sanctified like Him. Although we are weak to follow His way God wants us to be holy like His image. When the text says “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, this means that we constantly obey His word and ask God’s help by praying. We are supposed to ask these spiritual things desperately.
We must keep in mind that the world is interested in what you have and what you want to be. The world wants you to get more money, better education, better spouse, and better house. This is because our flesh continuously desires self righteousness. However, the desires of the Spirit makes me satisfied with my current situation.
1Tim 6:6 That’s why Paul said “ But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment.
These worldly things never raise the level of human beings. On the other hand, The Holy Spirit helps you be holy in accordance with God’s commandments. God moves our heart to love each other and forgive sin of others. He manages you to control of your anger, bed words, selfishness, lust and so on. Therefore, changing your attitude to your sinful nature is one of the best ways to pray and this is exactly the meaning of the Lord’s prayer; “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
More important thing than having more prayer time is to pray with correct information in accordance with the teaching of the Lord’s prayer. Even if you have long prayer time daily, you don’t follow the teaching of the Bible if you desire your own lust.
The teaching of the Lord’s prayer are closely related to the principle of the gospel. In a large degree, there are two key things in the gospel that we have a sinful nature and we are saved by God’s righteousness. Therefore, the reason God saved us from sin is to make us be holy and righteous.
So the application of the Gospel is connected to the Lord’s prayer. The reason Jesus went to the cross is to make you holy. The application of the gospel and the meaning of your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven is that we are fighting against our sins and praying for the sanctification. Our desire should be God’s things like the kingdom of God, sacntification, forgiveness, and righteousness. Our desire should not be our own desire like more money, nice car, nice house, and beautiful looking. If God gave you these things, please use it wisely and well. However, if you don’t have these things, satisfied with what you are given and then discover the most precious things in God’s gospel. These should be our prayer topics.
We want to pray for that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I urge you to submit to His will by asking the Holy Spirit so that we are holy and pure in Jesus Christ.