The Doctrine of the Christian Life 7. Marriage and Family Life

1. One Man, One Woman, Lifelong
We believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, sealed by vows which make it lifelong.
2. Mutual Help and Comfort
God instituted the marriage relationship for the mutual help and comfort of husband and wife, the procreation of children and the prevention of immorality.
3. Sexual Intercourse
The sexual relationship is sacred and is not to be indulged promiscuously but only within the bonds of marriage. Sexual intercourse outside marriage, whether in contemplation of marriage or otherwise, is forbidden by the Bible, and is sin.
4. Only Marry Believers
porneia (πορνεία) 4202 (4518) n., 25×, sexual immorality; fornication; marital unfaithfulness, adultery; prostitution; incest
5. Children
We further believe that it is the duty and privilege of christian parents to rear their children in a disciplined and loving way; to see that their children acquire a thorough knowledge of the Bible from an early age and so to live that by their faith and example the true nature of the christian religion may become apparent to their children; and that children are to obey their parents in the same spirit.