Your inheritance from your father
Ephesians 1:1-14
Ephesians is addressed to the saints, to all believers, to help them become spiritually strong.
[verse 1]
You are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. [V.3]
1. You were ........................ before the creation of the world [v.4], in order to be holy and blameless.
2. In love He ........... …………… us .[v.5]
3. To be ............................................ with full rights. [v.5]
The end result is to be praise for His glorious grace. [v.6]
God’s Riches At C........................ E.................................
4. We have ........................................... through His blood. [v.7] This is freedom.
5. We are promised the ................................................................... of sins. [v.7]
Read Isaiah 1:18, Psalm 103:12, Jeremiah 31:34, Micah 7:9, 1John 1:9, Colossians 2: 13-14
6. He lavished on us grace with all ............................................. and ......................................... [vv.8-9]
We understand the ultimate truths of eternity, and God’s purpose of bringing people into His new society of love.
7. You are .................................................................... with the Holy Spirit. Vv. 13-14
8. You ............................................................ to the church [Eph.1:23, 3:10, 1Peter 1:12, Matt. 16:18] and are privileged to join in its royal purpose.
Some thoughts:
1. Are you sure that you belong to God and are going to go to heaven?
2. Have you absorbed the scope of the blessings God has given you?
3. Are you taking your role in the church seriously?