Why church? To go and make disciples
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Matthew 28:16-20
Matthew 28:16-20
Good morning, church!
I’m thankful for another beautiful Sunday morning gathering with you!
This week, as I have been praying over the next direction of teaching that the Lord has for us, I was thinking back over our studies on the topic why church. I was praying to make sure that I covered the areas that the Lord wanted us to discuss and talk about.
And it became clear to me that there was another role or mission for the church. There is another command and instruction from Jesus that is one of the reasons for why church. At least one more reason...
Its a passage of scripture that you know and that you may have even heard preached before. Its a passage that defines churches across America. Its mission statements for many churches. There is a group of people at the SBC to make this the mission statement for the convention.
Its one of the more clear instructions of our Lord before He ascended to heaven and its called the great commission.
Turn with me to Matthew 28.
While you are turning, its important to know that the phrase great commission is not found in the passage itself but is used to describe this great direction and instruction of the what now.
Jesus knows that He is about to ascend into heaven and He wants to make it clear that the mission of the disciples is not ending, its really just beginning.
The word
commission means an instruction, command or duty given to a person or group of people.
commission means an instruction, command or duty given to a person or group of people.
a group of people charged with a particular function.
a group of people charged with a particular function.
So, this is known as the great command, the great duty, the great charge or a responsibility for followers of Jesus.
Let’s read it together and see what the Lord has for us this morning.
Pray for the Spirit to unveil the Word like a beautiful flower.
Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
We see here that this may be one of the first things that Jesus taught His disciples after His resurrection.
We see in the previous verses that Jesus told Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to tell the disciples to go to Galilee and that He would meet them there.
Verse 16 tells us that the disciples go to a mountain in Galilee and Jesus meets them there.
Interesting fact, this is not told to the disciples on the Mount of Olives that Jesus ascends from because that mountain is down south next to Jerusalem. They travel about 80 miles north to meet Jesus back at there home base area.
I think one of the most fascinating verses is verse 17 that shows that humans can still struggle with doubt even when the resurrected Jesus is standing before them! They were His disciples and knew Him but still some doubted.
Christian, do not beat yourself up if you struggle with doubt. But yet, do not stay there. Worship through your doubt and draw near to Him. Don’t let doubt hinder your worship. Some times you have to sing it until you believe it!
Verse 18 is where Jesus starts talking and He makes a claim about His authority.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
The word authority here means
4. the power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed (generally translated authority));
4. the power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed (generally translated authority));
a. universally: Matthew 28:18
a. universally: Matthew 28:18
Jesus is stating that all authority, all power to rule or govern, everything universally. In all of the universe and in all dimensions. Heaven and earth. All things everywhere. Jesus has been given authority to rule. to issue commands according to His will and they must be submitted to and obeyed.
We love this verse don’t we! We love the power that it proclaims that Jesus has!
We use this verse to remind ourselves that Jesus has been given all power and authority over all things in heaven and earth!
We use this verse to proclaim to the supernatural realm that Jesus is the ultimate authority and has the power to rule over every enemy force and super natural rulers! We use this verse to remind satan that even he has to bow to authority that the resurrected Jesus has!
We use this verse to remind ourselves that victory is Jesus’! That we are not fighting for victory but from victory!
We used this verse to proclaim that Jesus is the victor over sin and death! That sin has to obey the commands of Jesus and fear has lost its victory and sting! This verse and His presence standing there is the hope of our resurrection and victory over death!
This verse is a verse that is a battle cry in spiritual warfare! A reminder to the enemy that the One that we serve has defeated him and he must bow to Jesus!
This verse gives us courage and strength to know who is on our side. Paul talks about in Philippians that he counts everything as lost for the sake of know Jesus and the power of His resurrection in his life!
This is true for you and me! We can and should use this verse in all of these ways!
Scripture confirms this elsewhere!
that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
All of this is true! Amen!
But let us not fall into a too narrow view of this verse. We love what this verse means for the enemy and all that may come up against us but if you remember the context of the verse, Jesus may have meant something a little more direct to the disciples here.
So, right before Jesus gives this great commission, this great command, this duty for His followers, He states His authority not over the enemy, but over them....
Remember, authority means
4. the power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed (generally translated authority));
4. the power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed (generally translated authority));
a. universally: Matthew 28:18
a. universally: Matthew 28:18
Just before giving this new command, Jesus establishes His authority to give this command and it is a command that must be submitted to and obeyed by those under His authority.
The disciples in this moment would not have taken this statement to mean everything in heaven and earth, universally, though it is true. The disciples would have heard Him say this as a precurser to the command that followed.
Jesus says, before I tell you what I want you to do, you need to know who I am now. I am the resurrected Jesus that has been given by the Father ultimate authority to issues commands and expect them to be followed. Not in a mean or harsh way but in simply a way of stating TRUTH!
We love this verse to mean that demons must obey His commands but we hesitate to believe that Jesus’ authority is over us as well. we don’t like that.
We think the enemy has to obey. But for me, its optional...
I’ll tell you this, not a single one of those disciples thought it was optional! Every single one gave their lives in obedience to this command.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that Jesus was coming back with an iron fist demanding obedience.
We know that Jesus taught that He desires obedience out of love for the Father and love of others.
We should be obedient to His commands, yes because of His authority but more importantly out of gratitude for who He is and all that He has done for you! We should be obedient out of love for Him!
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”
Love is the best and greatest motivator. Jesus desires a love centered relationship with you. He desires you to want to be obedient to His commands because when someone you love asks you to do something for them, you want to do that thing!
In one of my favorite Christmas movies, James Stewart falling in love says, “What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.”
Love is the great motivator to move heaven and earth and even the moon.
Look at the depth and length of the love of God for you that He would send His one and only Son to set you free.
Our love for Jesus in response to His love for us should be our primary motivator for our obedience to His commands.
But not just that, our love for ourselves!
Yes! Do you love yourself enough to want to spend eternal life in heaven? Do you love yourself to not want to go to hell?
You had someone else love you enough to share with you the beautiful gospel and good news of Jesus Christ!
Jesus said to love your neighbor as you love yourself. You love yourself enough to go to heaven. We ought to love other enough to desire THEM to spend eternity in heaven with God!
Heaven and hell are real and Jesus is issuing a command that states that our responsibility is to go to others and share with them the good news!
Again, love is the most powerful motivator. We should love people enough to not want to see them spend eternity apart from God. Its worth the possibility of rejection for someone you love.
Its worth people looking at you differently for someone you love.
Its worth talking about it over and over again when eternity for someone you love hangs in the balance.
While love is and should be the main motivator for our obedience to the great commission, there needs to be a reminder of the authority of Jesus as well.
I believe He was intentional in His stating His authority before issuing this command.
Talk about balance of reverence and relationship.
For some reason this verse is taken out of the great commission. So, many times we see the great commission stated and it starts in verse 19 with Go therefore.
We have removed Jesus’ statement of His authority of this command. No wonder we see it as optional.
One of the reason for the church, for the body of Christ is to go and make disciples, baptizing them and teaching THEM to be obedient to all of Jesus’ commands.
As we move towards our September month of outreach, I believe the Lord is asking us to take a closer look at this command and how we ought to obey it. Each of us.
I have two challenge questions for you church.
How often are you obedient to this command?
What is your greatest hindrance to obeying this command?
Go home, pray about these questions, write down your answers. and come back next week to continue this conversation.
Let’s pray.