Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass during the Day
Rv 11:19A; 12:1-6A, 10AB
1 Cor 15:20-27
LK 1:39-56
The Feast of the Assumption is not just a date on the calendar, but a profoundly significant event in our Christian life. It is one of the oldest Marian feasts and remains the most solemn Marian feast for Christians in the Eastern Church. Its significance cannot be overstated. I want to explore the meaning of the Feast and its relevance to our Christian lives, focusing on two essential aspects: hope and renewal.
Firstly, the doctrine of the Assumption is a profound statement of hope. There is a saying that “If Mary, the mother of our Lord, the creator of all creatures, had not been assumed into heaven, our hope in the promise of eternal life might seem uncertain.” But it would be fitting that Mary, God’s mother, should possess what belongs to her Son and should be honored by every creature as the Mother and the Handmaid of God. The Church teaches that Mary, after completing her earthly life, was taken up into heaven, body, and soul. This teaching assures us of the hope in eternal life. Today's reading states, "Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through man, the resurrection of the dead came also through man.” Through Christ's victory over death, Mother Mary considered the first among the redeemed, offers us hope. Mary's Assumption assures us that one day, we will join her in heavenly glory, gathered around her Son in eternal praise and thanksgiving. Mary's Assumption reminds us that our earthly life is a path leading to our ultimate union with God.
The Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption is a celebration of our spiritual renewal. As a parish that bears the title 'Our Lady of the Assumption,' it is a time for us to draw inspiration from Mary's life of humility, faith, obedience, and love for God, and to renew our commitment to these virtues.
As the people of Assumption, we are called to renew our Christian faith, obedience, love, and mission. It is the time to renew our faith in Mary, who is the perfect, the second greatest intercessor after Jesus. Have faith in Mother Mary because she knows what her children need, and she is the most incredible mother in this parish. It is the time to renew our obedience to God’s will in our life. It is time to renew our love for God and for others. Lastly, it is the time to renew our mission to reach out to those who do not recognize our savior.
As we celebrate the Feast of Assumption, let us remember that we have a Father in heaven and a Mother who is always praying for us, loving us, and caring for us as her beloved children.
Assumption: Poem by Saint Anthony
The Praises of Mary
O, how wondrous is the dignity of the glorious Virgin!
She merited to become the mother of Him.
Who is the strength and beauty of the angels
And the grandeur of all the saints.
Mary was the seat of our sanctification,
That is to say,
the dwelling place of the Son
Who sacrificed Himself for us.
"And I shall glorify the place where my feet have stood."
The feet of the Savior signify his human nature.
The place where the feet of the Savior stood
was the Blessed Mary,
who gave him his human nature.
Today the Lord glorifies that place,
since He has exalted Mary
above the choirs of the angels.
That is to say,
the Blessed Virgin,
who was the dwelling of the Savior,
has been assumed bodily into heaven.
— Saint Anthony of Padua