The Fall of Babylon

Isaiah  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  49:18
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Isaiah 13:1-22
E.g. I believe in Aliens!
I think people have seen them, spoken to them, seen space ships
I think you should believe in them too!
Except when I say I believe in Aliens what I mean is I believe in angels, demons and supernatural beings
“That’s a weird way to start a sermon and a good way to get fired”
What do aliens have to do with Isaiah, Israel & God’s kingdom?
Part of the problem with our materialistic western world is we believe everything must have a materialistic answer
That is, there must be a logical, explainable, ‘scientific’ explanation for it
Result of that thinking means we have lost a very important part of the framework needed to understand our world & the Bible
When Bible talks about spiritual warfare it’s not just talking about being tempted to sin by a little devil on your shoulder
There is a real, cosmic, universal struggle between good and evil
There is a real cosmic rebellion taking place and we are in it
We’re not to overemphasise this neither ignore it
To understand Isaiah and prophets we need to understand they speak of the spiritual & material worlds as overlapping, existing together
We also must understand the Bible sees everything grounded between 2 events that unite spiritual and material
Cross/redemption - Isaiah’s prophecies all find foundation in redemption of Messiah, suffering Saviour
Coming Kingdom
So for us, we are grounded in what is behind us (cross) and the promise of what is before us (kingdom)
Our life now exists in the overlap of all of these
A physical event (cross) has immense spiritual implications that leads us to an eternal kingdom
Our life between those 2 realities is lived constantly in both the material and spiritual world
Our role in this life isn’t to be demon hunters & slayers or spending our time identifying & naming spirits
Our calling is to live godly in this present world
Why do I say all of this as we come to Isaiah 13
We’re about to embark on a section of Isaiah (13-27) where this becomes important
Isaiah moves fluidly from material to spiritual from present to future
1 thing can be both spiritual and physical, both present/past or future
God can be speaking both to an earthly king and the spirit behind the king
A physical reality can be illustrating to us a spiritual reality
What do we have to learn from Isaiah’s vision about Babylon and the kingdoms?

The Decree Against Babylon

Isaiah 13:1-5

God is Preparing for War

Crush His Enemies and Save His People

Many question this portion because we jump from Assyria threatening to Babylon
Though Babylon been a pest to Assyria and has some power they are not a mighty nation yet
God casts us into a future time so that the present can be understood
Through this next section of Isaiah God is going to show Himself to be master of nations
In all of the physical & spiritual battles going on God stand over them all
This begins with God gathering an army, an army He gathers to accomplish His purpose
An army that will save His people, those who have trusted Him
An army that will bring an end to all God’s enemies

Coming Day of the Lord

It doesn’t take much to recognise we’re not talking about any battle
It seems clear something epic is in mind
Familiar phrase of the prophets tips us off to what’s happening here
Isa. 13:6, 9 tell us we’re talking about God’s great & final judgment - the Day of the Lord
A concept Isaiah introduced in Isa. 2.
Now we’re no longer thinking small about a handful of nations
We’re not just talking about a way of disciplining Israel or judging a wicked nation
Now we’re talking about vengeance, pure righteousness and unfettered holy wrath

The Cosmic Battle

Then we begin to see true extent of this war
Isaiah 13:10 - heavens are darkened (perhaps to mock worship of heavens)
Isaiah 13:13 - the earth is shaken
Isaiah 13:11 - the whole world is punished
We’re no longer talking just in the material realm
Something much bigger is going on here, something future to Isaiah’s time
Something that draws together all the threads of God’s purpose of redemption into one great moment
It becomes clear we’re not just talking about something that affects this world but also the spiritual
Paul warns us in Eph. 6 (& other places) we’re in a spiritual battle
It’s imperative we understand the scope of this - it’s bigger than you’re personal battle with temptation

God Will Crush Rebellion

Babylon is a Place

Remember we’re talking about both the seen & unseen here
Babylon is a real place, real kingdom, soon to be a real threat & conqueror
Babylon plays a significant role in the Bible
Mentioned more often than any other city except Jerusalem
Had it’s beginning known as Babel (Gen. 11)
There the spirit/attitude of Babylon rose
Isa. 13:19 reminds us Babylon was a glorious kingdom
Filled with beauty, power, excellence but also ungodliness, wickedness & pride
Reason God judged it as Babel is the same reason He will judge it as Babylon

Babylon is More Than a Place

Again, it’s apparent we’re talking about more than just a city or a kingdom
Why would God refer to it in the Bible so often?
City/kingdom of Babylon represent something much more
Babylon is a symbol of the pride & rebellion that fills the world
Babylon represents physically what the world is spiritually
Are we talking about a physical city? Yes. And much more
Babylon is the epitome of pride, arrogance & extravagance
It’s why in Revelation Babylon is used to describe the religious & political systems
It’s why it’s described there as a prostitute because she is a seducer & deceiver

Babylon is Where You Live

E.g. Some went to AiG meeting earlier this year called ‘Living in Babylon’
Though the city of Babylon is in ruins it still lives
Babylon is the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics 2024
Babylon is the sacrifice of innocent children
Babylon is the venom towards Israel
Babylon is the extravagance of our society
Babylon isn’t confined to modern day Iraq
Babylon is Paris, New York, London
Babylon is Perth, Western Australia
In the Bible, Babylon is where you live in pride, arrogance, rebellion to God
Babylon is where you’re being seduced to live for pleasure, selfish ambition
Babylon is where you live for right now with no thought of the future and no care for the spiritual

God is Encouraging His People

God Establishes His People’s Faith

Though this is about Babylon it doesn’t appear that this prophecy was ever delivered to Babylon
This oracle/message was delivered to Judah
There is no doubt God did give messages to Babylon later
This message was given to help the people of God
Israel had been warned about their own coming judgment
Also been told about deliverance for those who believe
God is helping them understand His program, His work
He’s assuring them of deliverance
This speaks of a deliverance in the future, a kingdom that seems so far away
That’s why God includes more imminent fulfilments
Isa. 13:17 - Medes will devour Babylon
Isa. 14:24-27 - even closer Assyria will fall in judgment
Bible faith is never God saying, “just trust me” He always gives proof
Hebrews 11:1“1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
After this description what does writer of Hebrews do? Heb. 12 give a bunch of evidence

God is Faithful

Through God’s judgement, promises, prophecy
Promises of Messiah & Kingdom
These are all designed to show that God is faithful

The Destruction of Babylon

Isaiah 13:6-18

God’s Punishment Can’t Be Stopped

Isa. 13:6-8.

Wail of the Mighty

Contrast might of God with weakness of men
Babylon, which is built on pride, strength will melt before God
Mighty will wail
Strong will be weak
Confident will fear
No-one stands before God in pride

Pain of Judgment

Woman in labour illustration isn’t about the end having joy though pain
It’s to illustrate you can’t change the outcome
A woman giving birth faces the inevitable & inescapable pain of child birth
So for Babylon, the pain of God’s wrath is inevitable and inescapable
This is true for all citizens of ‘Babylon’ - all those who reject God and live in pride
Destruction is inescapable with one exception - Jesus Christ
Just like Israel’s deliverance comes through trust in Christ so does ours
That event of the cross can change the trajectory of your life both physically & spiritually

Heart of Dismay

Look at each other aghast, astonished, amazed
Clearly this isn’t the look of rapture or wonder
No, their faces are full of shame, sorrow, perhaps anger
Why? They recognise they’ve made the wrong choice in life
Now struck with realisation it’s too late to change the outcome
Again the overlap of material & spiritual - what you do with God & His Gospel in this physical life determines the destiny of your spiritual life
When you stand before God it’s too late

God will Punish the World for their Wickedness

Isaiah 13:11-16

End Pride

Isa. 13:11 is key
Pride always leads to destruction
Isaiah has made this very clear & Isa 14 reinforces
Pride is how this whole horrible mess began
No-one escapes - whole world judged for evil
Order of these messages seems to emphasise that too
Begins with Babylon in East (Isa.13)
Ends with Tyre in West (Isa. 14)
God’s judgment goes from east to west & all in between
His judgment is with consistent purpose
He judges all for wickedness & iniquity
He judges all for arrogance & pride
These all result in our rebellion against God

Shake the World

Size and scope overwhelm us
Not shaking of heaven & earth that gives most fear
Judgment for our sin is terrifying
Isa. 13:14 - When it comes there is no protection
Roe/gazelle in danger because it’s hunted
Sheep in danger because it has no shepherd
Isa. 13:15 - When it comes there is no escape
Isa. 13:16 - When it comes there is no mercy
God has shown greater mercy than we deserve
When time comes, time of mercy is over, all suffer the same fate

God will Provoke Wicked Hearts

God is in control of this but He is not the author of the wickedness described
Savagery & heinousnous of this is the result of God removing His hand and allowing the wicked to do what comes naturally

The Desolation of Babylon

Isaiah 13:19-22

From Glory

Babylon & our nations are filled with glory & beauty
Take great pride in ourselves
Our extravagance is seen as a sign of power & freedom
Sin will turn that beauty into ugliness
Rebellion of God’s ways will lead to extinction
God will not hold back

To Ghost Town

Babylon is still uninhabited
There does seem to be something deeper & more sinister here too
Revelation 18:2 “2 And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!”
Many of the animals named here are actually uncertain and are used differently in many places
Wild beasts of desert could be desert wraiths
LXX uses satyrs, demons, dragons, centaurs
Babylon is the playground of darkness
If we simply take them as owls, hyenas, goats, etc. we’re still left with an eery, unsettling place
A place that comes alive in the dark
Revelation 18:4 “4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”
Babylon, the world is not to be played with
The end is only emptiness, darkness & wickedness


The only hope for those living in Babylon is Jesus Christ
He is the only one who can change the course of life in this realm and the spiritual realm
The call today is to come out from Babylon, don’t believe her lies, don’t fall for her seduction
It will only lead you to emptiness, darkness and destruction
So believer, make much of Jesus, lift high the banner of His name
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