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Romans 16:17–18 KJV 1900
17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
For the last several weeks we have covered some very well known and popular religions. We have covered Mormons, Jehovah’s Witness, and Buddhists.
Today we will be covering one of the most secretive and more difficult religions, Scientology.
Scientology truly is very difficult to obtain information regarding anything about their teachings or workings. Most of this is because they keep a tight grip on their members about speaking on the internal works within their ‘church’.
This should always be a tell tale sign of a cult system.
The book of Romans warns us against those that teach false doctrine, to mark them and avoid being around them. Paul is clear that if there are those that have erred and continue in that manner that they should be marked and avoided.
When was Scientology founded?
Who Founded the church of Scientology?
L. Ron Hubbard (Lafayette Ron Hubbard).
The founding of the church of Scientology premise came from a book that Hubbard had written two years prior in 1950.
What book did Hubbard write that be the premise for the church of Scientology?
Before we get into the book Dianetics, lets first talk about the founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
If you go to the church of Scientology official website, you will see a timeline of Hubbard’s life and accomplishments.
The church of scientology portrays Hubbard as an explorer, spiritual seeker whose youthful adventures led him to the far corners of the world.

Hubbard’s official biography, which has been rigorously promoted by the Church of Scientology, presents him as a modern-day Ulysses: a restless explorer and spiritual seeker whose youthful adventures led him to the far corners of the Orient, where he visited Buddhist lamaseries, befriended Manchurian warlords, and even lived for a time with bandits in the hills of Tibet.

Significantly less glowing assessments of Hubbard can be found in a number of court transcripts, affidavits, and even some of Hubbard’s own early writings, which present the founder of Scientology as a fabulist whose claims contained certain embellishments, together with, in many cases, outright fabrications.

Hubbard was born in Tilden, Nebraska, March 13,1911. His father Harry Hubbard served as a lieutenant in the Navy (mostly a desk job as a navy supply officer). Due to his father being in the military the Hubbards would move frequently, almost yearly, from Guam, San Diego, Seattle, Bremerton (Washington), and Washington D.C.

For Ron, an only child, it was an exciting but alienating way to spend his childhood, and loneliness would remain an issue throughout his life. “When I was very young, I was pathetically eager for a home,” Hubbard wrote in the early 1940s.

Due to the itinerant nature of Hubbards childhood, he grew up with streaks of isolation and loneliness.
Hubbard grew up listening and enjoying the stories that the navy sailors would tell. He harbored dreams of commanding his own ship despite having no desire to end up like his father behind a desk.

Harry Hubbard, as the journalist Russell Miller noted in his critical yet comprehensive biography of Hubbard, Barefaced Messiah, was “a deeply conservative plodder, a man ruled by routine and conformity.” Ron Hubbard, by contrast, was a dreamer who saw himself as the hero of his own adventure story

Hubbard viewed himself as a young Jack London; he penned swashbuckling accounts of his (greatly embellished) heroics in his journal, and later projected his fantasies onto fictional (and often, like him, redheaded) heroes: sailors, spies, pilots, soldiers of fortune. He had a sponge-like ability to absorb facts and details about the places he’d visited, no matter how briefly, and he wrote breezily, “as if he was a well-traveled man of the world,” Miller noted, and “a carefree, two-fisted, knockabout adventurer,” not the gawky, freckled teenager he actually was.

In 1929, Hubbard entered Swavely, a preparatory school in Manassas, Virginia, in anticipation of what his parents hoped would be his next step: the U.S. Naval Academy.

But appointment to Annapolis was not to be—terrible at math, Hubbard failed that portion of his entrance exam and was also discovered to be nearsighted, instantly disqualifying him from becoming a cadet.

Hubbard then enrolled at George Washington University in the fall of 1930 with a major in Civil Engineering.
Hubbard though had about as much interest in engineering as he did math.
Hubbard believed that his destiny lay in more exciting ventures.
Who needs a college degree when you can start a cult? (joke)
He earned a commercial glider pilot’s license in 1931 and also learned how to fly a small stunt plane. During the summer of 1931, Hubbard and a friend would travel around the Midwest.

The following summer, Hubbard chartered an aged four-mast schooner, intending to lead an expedition around the Caribbean in search of pirate treasure.

He promoted the trip as a research and motion-picture voyage—he dubbed it the Caribbean Motion Picture Expedition. Placing an ad in local college newspapers for “adventurous young men with wanderlust,” he managed to recruit some fifty other students to go with him, at the cost of $250 per person.

$250 from 1930 is a lot of money, this is the period of the Great Depression. That is the equivalent of $4,708.68 today. How many college students have that much money sitting around today to do a trip? Even less would have that spare cash in 1930 during the Great Depression.
The trip was a complete bust.
The captain would later comment that it was “the worst trip I ever made” and decided to turn back. The trip was plagued with bad weather and financial difficulties. Even worst they were not able to record a single pirate haunt or locate any pirate treasure.
The church of scientology website highlights this in Hubbards chronology, though it does not mention it being a failure, it only highlights this as a great accomplishment.

Hubbard, however, maintained that the trip had been a great success, even telling his college newspaper that the New York Times had agreed to buy some of the group’s photographs.*

The ability to spin a setback as a triumph was a quality that would define Hubbard throughout his life.

He was an immensely charming young man whose stories, while sometimes dubious, were often, by virtue of his own salesmanship, utterly convincing. Garrulous, with self-deprecating humor and a ready wit, he attracted people like a magnet and made them believe in his dreams. What’s more, he seemed to believe in them himself. A naval commander named Joseph Cheesman “Snake” Thompson had imparted to the youthful Hubbard a crucial bit of wisdom: “If it’s not true for you, it’s not true.” Hubbard took that as a motto. “If there is anyone in the world calculated to believe what he wants to believe,” he later said, “it is I.”

In 1932, Hubbard dropped out of University and try his hand at freelance journalism. In 1933 he would marry his wife, Polly.

he tried his hand at freelance journalism but soon gave it up for mass-market fiction, action-packed stories that constituted one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the 1930s—a precursor, in many ways, to TV. Published in cheap, dime-store magazines known as “pulps,” the narratives generally featured hearty, adventurous men who’d fly spy missions over occupied Germany, engage in battle on the high seas, or romance weak-kneed women held captive in enemy forts—a perfect format, in other words, for Hubbard to express his own lusty sensibilities.

Within a year of embarking on this quest, Hubbard found success in pulp writing. He wrote primarily western and adventure stories.
These pulp writers would meet at weekly lunch and Hubbard would brag about his life.

Frank Gruber, a writer of western and detective stories, recalled one New York get-together during which Hubbard, then twenty-three, regaled a group of writers with tales of his adventure-filled life. Fascinated, Gruber took notes. “He had been in the United States Marines for seven years, he had been an explorer on the upper Amazon for four years, he’d been a white hunter in Africa for three years … After listening for a couple of hours, I said, ‘Ron, you’re eighty-four years old, aren’t you?’”

It was a joke, but Hubbard, as Gruber recalled, “blew his stack.”

Hubbard would have only been 23 years old at that time.
Hubbard did not make much money off pulp fiction, the average writer was making a penny per word so there was not much in terms of monetary gain.
He moved to Hollywood with his family (wife and two children (boy and girl) in 1935. He attempted to work in screenwriting but only one script was used by Columbia Pictures for a Saturday morning serial - “The Secret of Treasure Island”.
In 1936, he moved to Washington state and set out to work on a novel.
In 1939, Hubbard moved into writing science fiction rather than westerns and adventure. There was a huge shift at this time to not write the fantastical monsters and creatures but more realistic science fiction based on achievable realities and more human like creatures.
After several years of science fiction writing and work, nothing real noteworthy here. Hubbard joined the military.
Hubbard was finally able to join the navy in March of 1941 and was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Naval Reserve.
Not sure if you are aware but the reverse is more like we call you when we have last minute needs. But we all know that in WW2 they needed the reserves.

For years, the Church of Scientology has maintained that Hubbard, who would later give himself the self-styled rank of Commodore, was a “master mariner” and a fearless war hero.* This was an image Hubbard carefully nurtured, boasting to fellow sailors of his lengthy experience on destroyers.

But Hubbard’s naval records show that he had an inglorious wartime career. Boastful and often argumentative, with a propensity for having his “feelings hurt,” as one superior noted, he was a behavior problem from day one.

In April of 1943, he took the helm of a submarine chaser but was relieved within a month after he (unwittingly, he claims) steered the ship into Mexican waters and took target practice on the Los Coronados Islands. This sounds about right for a guy like Hubbard.

Depressed and suffering from ulcers, Hubbard spent the rest of the war drifting from post to post, taking part in various training programs, serving as the navigator of a cargo ship, and studying for several months at the School of Military Government at Princeton.

In September 1945 Hubbard would enter the Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in Oakland, California, to be treated for a recurrence of a duodenal ulcer.

There, Hubbard would later claim, he healed himself of not just ulcers, but of war wounds that had left him “crippled and blinded.”* He also, according to his later statements, did groundbreaking research into the workings of the human mind.

In December 1945, Hubbard would be discharged from the Navy and the Naval hospital.
In 1946, Hubbard would start a business with Jack Parsons, a prominent figure in LA and student of Crowley and occult practitioner. Allied Enterprises, which would buy sailing vessels in Florida and transport them to California to be sold for a profit. Hubbard would sail them and the two would make a lot of money. Parsons invested nearly his entire savings of $21,000 and Hubbard invested nearly all his money - about $1,200.
Hubbard would actually end up taking the money and having Parsons wife/mistress go with him to Florida where they would buy two schooners and a yacht before attempting to sail off together. Hubbard would marry Parsons wife/mistress without getting a divorce from Polly.
In the end they would have legal trouble as Parsons would discover he had been conned.
By the end of 1947, Hubbard really believed he was a magus or adept, an enlightened individual. He began writing in his journal regarding his magical abilities and power to heal and influence.

The affirmations went on for pages, as Hubbard repeatedly avowed his magical power, sexual attractiveness, good health, strong memory, and literary talent. He would make fortunes in writing, he affirmed. “You understand all the workings of the minds of humans around you, for you are a doctor of minds, bodies and influences.”

This is not long after he wrote the Veterans Administration reporting that he needed psychiatric counseling and never went to get it despite the VA increasing his pension to do so.
What teaching do scientologists follow?
The term comes from the two Greek terms dia (through) and nous (the mind).
At one point in winter of 1949 Hubbard had wrote to the American Psychological Association in hopes to get their support. In his letter he proposed his theories and claims that he had a technology that could ‘erase painful experiences from ones past’.

Hubbard, like the Freudian disciple Otto Rank, believed that the “birth trauma” lay at the root of many contemporary neuroses and psychosomatic ills.

In winter of 1949, Hubbard began his manifesto work on Dianetics and throughout the early months of 1950 tried his techniques and theories on friends and other volunteers.
One of the techniques involved Hubbard wearing a turban and hypnotizing his patients.

On May 9, 1950, Hermitage House published Hubbard’s book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. Weighing in at a hefty 452 pages, it opened with a dramatic statement: “The creation of Dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and the arch.”

“The creation of Dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and the arch.”
A scientologist today would refer to Dianetics as “Book One”.
As a footnote, there are about 12 basic books and the book package cost about $4000.
Imagine having to pay $4000 for books to become a church member all written by a pulp science fiction author.
Dianetics portrays the mind not as some mysterious, complex labyrinth that many scientist made it out to be, but as a simple mechanism that works like a computer.
Were going to break down some of the parts here:
Main processor - analytical mind (conscious mind)
Subprocessor - reactive mind (this handles glitches and much of the feelings/not capable of independent thought/ considered to lie dormant until an event triggers it)

Painful or traumatic moments are recorded in the reactive mind as lasting scars, which Hubbard called “engrams.”

These, Hubbard asserted, are the source of many present physical and psychological problems.

To get rid of them he advocated a new therapeutic process called “auditing.”

I feel like were trying to combine three jobs into one here, like we need a therapist, computer engineer, and a tax auditor to all combine forces.
I feel like we need Voltron to form here by combining all these powers.

To get rid of them he advocated a new therapeutic process called “auditing.” In an auditing session, a patient was led through a series of commands intended to call up the minute details of an engramatic incident.

The first questions might deal with a recent problem—an illness or injury, perhaps. But with each request for “the next incident needed to resolve this case,” the patient, lying on a couch, eyes closed, would become aware of incidents farther and farther back in the past, all the way to what Hubbard called the “basic-basic,” or prenatal incident.

Once that had been identified, the subject would be asked to “run,” or reexperience, the incident numerous times until its impact was neutralized.

This form of therapy was not new. In the late nineteenth century, Sigmund Freud and the psychoanalyst Josef Breuer had used similar techniques in their early treatment of hysteria, often hypnotizing patients to uncover buried memories and lead them to relive traumatic incidents, a process known as “abreaction” therapy.

It should be noted that Freud and Breuer would abandon this form of therapy and later adopt psychoanalysis.
Carl Jung was another who pushed “trauma therapy” and later left it finding the most neuroses were not caused by trauma.
Jung would later write:

“But what especially aroused my criticism was the fact that not a few traumata were simply inventions of fantasy and had never happened at all.”

If you are familiar with the history of hypnosis, you will know that much of the “past” the person is reliving is fantasy, it is fabricated in the mind and lived out. The mind creates that reality and most of the time, non of the “past” they lived was even true.
Despite all this, Hubbard claimed that his technique had cured hundreds and that it “cures and cures without failure”.

After World War II, the American system of mental health care was stretched as at no prior time in its history, the result, at least in part, of the tremendous psychological damage caused by the war and the specter of the atom bomb. In 1946, Veterans Administration hospitals had some forty-four thousand patients with mental disorders. By 1950, half a million people were being treated in U.S. mental institutions, a number that would increase dramatically by the middle part of the decade, when psychiatric patients were said to account for more beds than any other type of patient in U.S. hospitals.

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