Authority Beyond Words - Matthew 8

Dan Baker
The Gospel of Matthew  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  49:01
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“Authority Beyond Words” Matthew 8 Event Reference(s) to authority Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Healing of the centurion’s servant (vv. 5-13) The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law (vv. 14-15) Event Reference(s) to authority Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) “If you will, you can . . .” (v. 2) “I will . . . “ (v. 3) “Go . . . offer . . . [what] Moses commanded” (v. 4) Healing of the centurion’s servant (vv. 5-13) The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law (vv. 14-15) Event Reference(s) to authority Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) “If you will, you can . . .” (v. 2) “I will . . . “ (v. 3) “Go . . . offer . . . [what] Moses commanded” (v. 4) Healing of the centurion’s “only say a word” (v. 8) servant (vv. 5-13) “I too am a man under authority with soldiers under me” I say “Go . . . come . . . do this” “And he goes . . . comes . . .and does it” (v. 9) The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law (vv. 14-15) Event Reference(s) to authority Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) “If you will, you can . . .” (v. 2) “I will . . . “ (v. 3) “Go . . . offer . . . [what] Moses commanded” (v. 4) Healing of the centurion’s “only say a word” (v. 8) servant (vv. 5-13) “I too am a man under authority with soldiers under me” I say “Go . . . come . . . do this” “And he goes . . . comes . . .and does it” (v. 9) The healing of Peter’s “He touched her . . . and the fever left” (v. 15) mother-in-law (vv. 14-15) Event The healing of demoniacs and the others (vv. 16-17) The teaching on the cost of discipleship (vv. 18-22) Calming of the storm (vv. 23-27) Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Reference(s) to authority Event The healing of demoniacs and the others (vv. 16-17) The teaching on the cost of discipleship (vv. 18-22) Calming of the storm (vv. 23-27) Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Reference(s) to authority “He cast out spirits with a word and healed all” Event The healing of demoniacs and the others (vv. 16-17) Reference(s) to authority “He cast out spirits with a word and healed all” The teaching on the cost of “he gave orders to go to the other side” (v. 18) discipleship (vv. 18-22) “permit me first to . . .” (v. 21) “follow me” (v. 22) Calming of the storm (vv. 23-27) Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Event The healing of demoniacs and the others (vv. 16-17) Reference(s) to authority “He cast out spirits with a word and healed all” The teaching on the cost of “he gave orders to go to the other side” (v. 18) discipleship (vv. 18-22) “permit me first to . . .” (v. 21) “follow me” (v. 22) Calming of the storm (vv. 23-27) Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) “even the winds and the sea obey Him” (v. 27) Event The healing of demoniacs and the others (vv. 16-17) Reference(s) to authority “He cast out spirits with a word and healed all” The teaching on the cost of “he gave orders to go to the other side” (v. 18) discipleship (vv. 18-22) “permit me first to . . .” (v. 21) “follow me” (v. 22) Calming of the storm (vv. 23-27) Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) “even the winds and the sea obey Him” (v. 27) “O Son of God” (v. 29) “Have you come to torment us?” (v. 29) “The demons begged him” (v. 31) “Go! So they came out and went” (v. 32) Event Reference(s) to Authority Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) “If you will, you can . . .” (v. 2) “I will . . . “ (v. 3) “Go . . . offer . . . [what] Moses commanded” (v. 4) Healing of the “only say a word” (v. 8) centurion’s “I too am a man under servant (vv. 5-13) authority” (v. 9 The healing of “He touched her . . . and the Peter’s motherfever left” (v. 15) in-law (vv. 14-15) Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Event Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Reference(s) to Authority Teaching about Jesus’ Authority “If you will, you can . . .” (v. 2) Jesus always exercises His authority at “I will . . . “ (v. 3) will but never in contradiction to God’s “Go . . . offer . . . [what] Moses revealed will in scripture. commanded” (v. 4) Healing of the “only say a word” (v. 8) centurion’s “I too am a man under servant (vv. 5-13) authority” (v. 9 The healing of “He touched her . . . and the Peter’s motherfever left” (v. 15) in-law (vv. 14-15) Event Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Reference(s) to Authority Teaching about Jesus’ Authority “If you will, you can . . .” (v. 2) Jesus always exercises His authority at “I will . . . “ (v. 3) will but never in contradiction to God’s “Go . . . offer . . . [what] Moses revealed will in scripture. commanded” (v. 4) Healing of the “only say a word” (v. 8) centurion’s “I too am a man under servant (vv. 5-13) authority” (v. 9 The healing of “He touched her . . . and the Peter’s motherfever left” (v. 15) in-law (vv. 14-15) a. Jesus exercises his authority with only a word. Event Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Reference(s) to Authority Teaching about Jesus’ Authority “If you will, you can . . .” (v. 2) Jesus always exercises His authority at “I will . . . “ (v. 3) will but never in contradiction to God’s “Go . . . offer . . . [what] Moses revealed will in scripture. commanded” (v. 4) Healing of the “only say a word” (v. 8) centurion’s “I too am a man under servant (vv. 5-13) authority” (v. 9 The healing of “He touched her . . . and the Peter’s motherfever left” (v. 15) in-law (vv. 14-15) a. Jesus exercises his authority with only a word. b. Jesus delights to use His authority to bless uncommonly humble and implicit faith. Event Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Reference(s) to Authority Teaching about Jesus’ Authority “If you will, you can . . .” (v. 2) Jesus always exercises His authority at “I will . . . “ (v. 3) will but never in contradiction to God’s “Go . . . offer . . . [what] Moses revealed will in scripture. commanded” (v. 4) Healing of the “only say a word” (v. 8) centurion’s “I too am a man under servant (vv. 5-13) authority” (v. 9 The healing of “He touched her . . . and the Peter’s motherfever left” (v. 15) in-law (vv. 14-15) a. Jesus exercises his authority with only a word. b. Jesus delights to use His authority to bless uncommonly humble and implicit faith. Jesus can exercise his authority through touch without using words. Note: Jesus rebukes the fever in parallel passage (Luke 4:39). Event Reference(s) to Authority The healing of demoniacs and “He cast out spirits with a the others word and healed all” (vv. 16-17) The teaching on “he gave orders to go to the the cost of other side” (v. 18) discipleship “permit me first to . . .” (v. 21) (vv. 18-22) “follow me” (v. 22) Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Event Reference(s) to Authority The healing of demoniacs and “He cast out spirits with a the others word and healed all” (vv. 16-17) The teaching on “he gave orders to go to the the cost of other side” (v. 18) discipleship “permit me first to . . .” (v. 21) (vv. 18-22) “follow me” (v. 22) Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Jesus exercises authority over physical and spiritual sickness with a word in keeping with and in fulfilment of scripture for the good of others. Event Reference(s) to Authority The healing of demoniacs and “He cast out spirits with a the others word and healed all” (vv. 16-17) Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Jesus exercises authority over physical and spiritual sickness with a word in keeping with and in fulfilment of scripture for the good of others. The teaching on “he gave orders to go to the Jesus exercises His authority over His the cost of other side” (v. 18) disciples’ location and their family discipleship “permit me first to . . .” (v. 21) priorities. (vv. 18-22) “follow me” (v. 22) Event Reference(s) to authority Calming of the “even the winds and the sea obey storm Him” (v. 27) (vv. 23-27) Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) “O Son of God” (v. 29) “Have you come to torment us?” (v. 29) “The demons begged him” (v. 31) “Go! . . .they came out and went” (v. 32) Teaching about Jesus’ authority Event Reference(s) to Authority Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Calming of the “even the winds and the sea obey storm Him” (v. 27) (vv. 23-27) Jesus exercises bigger authority than the biggest natural forces even when His followers panic and exercise little faith. Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) “O Son of God” (v. 29) “Have you come to torment us?” (v. 29) “The demons begged him” (v. 31) “Go! . . .they came out and went” (v. 32) Event Reference(s) to Authority Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Calming of the “even the winds and the sea obey storm Him” (v. 27) (vv. 23-27) Jesus exercises bigger authority than the biggest natural forces even when His followers panic and exercise little faith. “O Son of God” (v. 29) “Have you come to torment us?” (v. 29) “The demons begged him” (v. 31) “Go! . . .they came out and went” (v. 32) Jesus exercises authority over the demon world and exposes the human heart’s preference for the status quo over the disruptive cost of changed lives. Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Event Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Posture toward Jesus Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Jesus always exercises His authority at will but never in contradiction to God’s revealed will in scripture. Healing of the centurion’s servant (vv. 5-13) a. Jesus exercises his authority with only a word. b. Jesus delights to use His authority to bless uncommonly humble and implicit faith. The healing of Peter’s Jesus can exercise his authority mother-in-law (vv. 14-15) through touch without using words. Note: Jesus rebukes the fever in parallel passage (Luke 4:39). Event Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Posture toward Jesus Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Jesus always exercises His kneeling before/ authority at will but never in worshiping Jesus contradiction to God’s revealed will in scripture. Healing of the centurion’s servant (vv. 5-13) a. Jesus exercises his authority with only a word. b. Jesus delights to use His authority to bless uncommonly humble and implicit faith. The healing of Peter’s Jesus can exercise his authority mother-in-law (vv. 14-15) through touch without using words. Note: Jesus rebukes the fever in parallel passage (Luke 4:39). Event Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Posture toward Jesus Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Jesus always exercises His kneeling before/ authority at will but never in worshiping Jesus contradiction to God’s revealed will in scripture. Healing of the centurion’s servant (vv. 5-13) a. Jesus exercises his authority with only a word. b. Jesus delights to use His authority to bless uncommonly humble and implicit faith. The healing of Peter’s Jesus can exercise his authority mother-in-law (vv. 14-15) through touch without using words. Note: Jesus rebukes the fever in parallel passage (Luke 4:39). unworthy of Jesus entering his home but full of faith in Jesus’ authority Event Teaching about Jesus’ Authority Posture toward Jesus Healing the leper (vv. 1-4) Jesus always exercises His kneeling before/ authority at will but never in worshiping Jesus contradiction to God’s revealed will in scripture. Healing of the centurion’s servant (vv. 5-13) a. Jesus exercises his authority with only a word. b. Jesus delights to use His authority to bless uncommonly humble and implicit faith. unworthy of Jesus entering his home but full of faith in Jesus’ authority The healing of Peter’s Jesus can exercise his authority mother-in-law (vv. 14-15) through touch without using words. Note: Jesus rebukes the fever in parallel passage (Luke 4:39). gets up and serves Jesus after being healed Event Teaching about Jesus’ authority Posture toward Jesus Healing of Jesus exercises authority over physical demoniacs and and spiritual sickness with a word in the others keeping with and in fulfilment of (vv. 16-17) scripture for the good of others. Teaching on the Jesus exercises His authority over His cost of disciples’ location and their family discipleship priorities. (vv. 18-22) Calming the Jesus exercises bigger authority than storm (vv. 23-27) the biggest natural forces even when His followers panic and exercise little faith. Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Jesus exercises authority over the demon world and exposes the human heart’s preference for the status quo over the disruptive cost of changed lives. Event Teaching about Jesus’ authority Posture toward Jesus Healing of Jesus exercises authority over physical passively willing to be brought to demoniacs and and spiritual sickness with a word in Jesus the others keeping with and in fulfilment of (vv. 16-17) scripture for the good of others. Teaching on the Jesus exercises His authority over His cost of disciples’ location and their family discipleship priorities. (vv. 18-22) Calming of the Jesus exercises bigger authority than storm (vv. 23-27) the biggest natural forces even when His followers panic and exercise little faith. Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Jesus exercises authority over the demon world and exposes the human heart’s preference for the status quo over the disruptive cost of changed lives. Event Teaching about Jesus’ authority Posture toward Jesus Healing of Jesus exercises authority over physical passively willing to be brought to demoniacs and and spiritual sickness with a word in Jesus the others keeping with and in fulfilment of (vv. 16-17) scripture for the good of others. Teaching on the Jesus exercises His authority over His outwardly wanting to follow Jesus cost of disciples’ location and their family but full of reservations discipleship priorities. (vv. 18-22) Calming of the Jesus exercises bigger authority than storm (vv. 23-27) the biggest natural forces even when His followers panic and exercise little faith. Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Jesus exercises authority over the demon world and exposes the human heart’s preference for the status quo over the disruptive cost of changed lives. Event Teaching about Jesus’ authority Posture toward Jesus Healing of Jesus exercises authority over physical passively willing to be brought to demoniacs and and spiritual sickness with a word in Jesus the others keeping with and in fulfilment of (vv. 16-17) scripture for the good of others. Teaching on the Jesus exercises His authority over His outwardly wanting to follow Jesus cost of disciples’ location and their family but full of reservations discipleship priorities. (vv. 18-22) Calming of the Jesus exercises bigger authority than committed followers of Jesus but storm (vv. 23-27) the biggest natural forces even when His faithlessly afraid in trials followers panic and exercise little faith. encountered in His service; rebuked and amazed at His authority Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Jesus exercises authority over the demon world and exposes the human heart’s preference for the status quo over the disruptive cost of changed lives. Event Teaching about Jesus’ authority Posture toward Jesus Healing of Jesus exercises authority over physical passively willing to be brought to demoniacs and and spiritual sickness with a word in Jesus the others keeping with and in fulfilment of (vv. 16-17) scripture for the good of others. Teaching on the Jesus exercises His authority over His outwardly wanting to follow Jesus cost of disciples’ location and their family but full of reservations discipleship priorities. (vv. 18-22) Calming of the Jesus exercises bigger authority than committed followers of Jesus but storm (vv. 23-27) the biggest natural forces even when His faithlessly afraid in trials followers panic and exercise little faith. Healing Gadarene demoniacs (vv. 28-34) Jesus exercises authority over the demon world and exposes the human heart’s preference for the status quo over the disruptive cost of changed lives. encountered in His service; rebuked and amazed at His authority though benefitting from Jesus’ authority, dismissive of Jesus due to His disruptive authority “Authority Beyond Words” Matthew 8
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