Exhausted But Still in Pursuit
Are you exhausted? We can find ourselves exhausted mentally, physically, spiritually, or even all of the above! There are so many things we face every day that can be overwhelming like inflation, politics, wars and rumors of wars, drama at work, at home, or at church, heath issues, and just the busyness of life. Trying to process all of this can be exhausting. But in Judges 8:4 we find an encouragement for us to keep pressing through the exhaustion and completing the assignment that God has given us. It says that Gideon and his 300 soldiers crossed over the Jordan “exhausted, but still in pursuit.” God was with Gideon and the 300 and gave them the strength to overcome their enemy despite their exhaustion. And God can do the same thing for you. If you’re exhausted, keep pursuing, keep pressing forward, keep fighting, keep standing. Don’t give up! Don’t lose heart! You are about to transition into a season of harvest!