See What God Has Done

Colossians: Christ Alone  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Today I want to dive into Colossians chapter 1 15-20
But before we do that I just want to back up and look at verses 12-14

12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. 13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

You have been qualified.
Olympics—I enjoy watching the best in the world compete, so many good stories of sportsmanship and even Christian witness
Favorite--Cole Hocker 1500 meter race
Hocker was not a favorite to win this race
Norwegian Jakob Ingebrigsten—won gold Tokyo Olympics 4 years earlier
Britain’s Josh Kerr—gold at the world championships
These guys were favored and had a heated rivalry with each other—a lot of trash talking
Either one of them could have won this race. No one was talking about Cole Hocker, even though he had already
Indiana state title in high school
NCAA championship at Oregon
Multiple titles in USA track and field competitions
And this year he was the silver medalist at the World indoor track and field championships
Still, few people were talking about him
And so, in the Olympic final of the men’s 1500 meter race, Hocker lined up against a very strong field, including Norway’s Ingebrigsten and Britian’s Kerr
The guns sounded and it seemed like the race was going to wind up just as everyone had predicted— a shootout between Kerr and Ingebrigsten
Going into the last lap, Hocker was 5th
You know, winning an Olympic medal must be an amazing accomplishment—you are going against the best in the world
But you know, what, you don’t get there if you don’t qualify
You can be considered the best in the world
But that doesn’t mean that you automatically get an Olympic medal. You don’t even automatically get to compete in the final
You have to qualify
You have to get past the USA’s olympic qualifications
you have to get past the preliminary heats, the quarter finals, and the semi-finals, before you can race and possibly win a medal
You have to qualify. You have to be good enough
the emphasis is on you. It’s up to you and your coaches and you to qualify for the final event and maybe win an award
And you know, that’s the way that a lot of people approach Christianity and their relationship with Jesus
It’s the way a lot of people think when they think about our final reward
They say, “Well, I just don’t know if I’m good enough”
I don’t know if I’ve done enough
Some folks, when they approach the end of their life on this earth and contemplate going to be with Jesus, they say, “Well, we can hope, can’t we?”
Helpful to know to whom Paul is writing
He is writing to Gentiles
you know, a lot of Jews who had come to faith in Jesus still had this idea of, “Well, we’re Jews. Of course we qualify. Of course God is pleased with us and will give us a reward some day. Of course we can expect to share in the inheritance that He has for us. We’re Jews!”
But the Colossian Believers were Gentiles.
They knew good and well what the Jews thought of them
They knew that they didn’t have the birth or the nationality to qualify
And there was nothing that they could do to change that
On top of that, there were some other challenges
Remember in our intro to Colossians, we talked about some false teaching that they were encountering
One of the aspects of this false teaching was , “Hey, you don’t qualify, unless you believe or practice like this”
It had to do with belonging. Do I qualify, or belong in this new group? This church? Do I qualify as a saint? or believer?
Because in chapter 2, Paul tells them
Do not let anyone pass judgement on you in questions of food and drink or festivals
verse 18, “Don’t let anyone disqualify you, insisting on certain life styles or worship of angels, etc.
Don’t let anyone disqualify you. Why?
Because (back to our passage today) we don’t qualify ourselves to partake in the blessings and in the inheritance that God has prepared for us
I don’t qualify myself, and no one here in this room qualifies me
And no one here gets to say for certain whether or not I am disqualified
Because it isn’t us who do the qualifying and disqualifying
It’s not me who by putting in enough effort and training and discipline, as an Olympic runner does, qualifies myself to share in an award at the final race
On the contrary, it is GOD
Paul says, I thank God who has qualified you to share in the inheritance
There is a reward waiting for the people of God. There is an inheritance. And it’s not just for anybody. It’s for the people of God.
It is for the saints. And you need to be qualified to receive it.
But here’s the amazing thing:
We don’t go out and train for years to qualify ourselves and win the prize
Rather, it is God, who qualifies us
That’s not to say there is nothing we do. Jesus is pretty clear that in order to be His disciple and follow Him, you need to count the cost. It’s going to cost you a lot!
But it is God who declares us qualified to enter into His Kingdom and receive the inheritance that He has for us
Isn’t it amazing to think that He has an inheritance waiting for us
We are co-heirs with Jesus Christ
And that inheritance is described for us here in the following verses
And what we discover is that this inheritance that is referred to is not only a future reality. In other words, it’s not just heaven that he is talking about. But it is now
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness
In WW 2, there was a horrific event called the Bataan death march
took place in the Philippines
Japanese forces overwhelmed American and Filipino forces on the Bataan peninsula
And rounded up 75,000 of them and forced them to walk over 65 miles to a prison camp in sweltering heat with almost no food and water
Those who fell or couldn’t make it were shot
When they reached the prison camps, the conditions were absolutely appalling...
No medical help
Very little food and water
Constant threat of execution hanging over them
Especially as General MacArthur’s army began closing in
Those who survived this recall believing that they would not make it out alive…things looked pretty bleak and hopeless for them
They needed a miracle,
And they got one, at least some of them did
American forces mounted a daring night-time rescue mission in which they hiked over 30 miles to get into place
they created a diversion with an airplane and breached the prison walls and rescued over 500 prisoners
These men were delivered at a time when things seemed pretty bleak
It says here in Colossians, He has delivered us. This verb tense is past imperfect tense, if I’m not mistaken
That means, it is something that HE, that God has already done and is continuing to do
He has delivered us
You know, I think that it is hard for those of us who have been born into solid, Christian families, who have actively taken part in church and Christian community, those of us who have tasted the goodness of God all of our lives...
it is hard for us to think about the fact that all of us needed to be delivered
Some of us, though, even those of us who have been Believers in Christ for a long time, for some of us, maybe all of us, there have been times in our lives when we have been brought up short and forced to realize that bondage to sin is a real thing
We have been forced to come face to face with the “sin which so easily besets us”, as it says in Hebrews.
But for others, maybe we tend to excuse sin like it’s no big deal.
Some of that may come from the way we talk about it
“I have a sin problem”—kind of like I have a stubbed toe or a gash on my head
Yeah, it’s a problem that I’d kind of like to get taken care of. I know it’s sort of an issue, but it’s not really affecting my life that much, so there’s no real urgency
The way that we talk about this might not cause us to have much urgency or realize the seriousness of our condition away from Christ
But look how Paul describes this:
He says, “He (God) has delivered us from the domain of darkness.”
What is a domain? It is an area owned or controlled by a ruler or government
The Greek word used here means authority or power
He has delivered us from the power of darkness or the authority of darkness
he is saying, you once lived or [more accurately] were held captive in a land of darkness
Not a place that you wanted to be. Yet were held there by a power which had taken over this realm
Much like the prisoners in the Bataan death march.
They were taken into a domain controlled by the Japanese, and it was a dark place.
They were far from home and had no control over what happened to them
I think that this is how the Bible would describe what it is like to be apart from Christ.
You are in the realm of darkness
Not only are you apart from Christ, but you are without hope
Totally unable to help yourself.
You might want to get out, but you can’t
You need to be delivered.
And that is why Paul says, “GOD has delivered us”
He has done for you what you were unable to do for yourself. We weren’t allowed to leave that domain of darkness, but God came in and delivered us
And transferred us to the Kingdom of His beloved Son
You know back to the prisoners in the Philippines,
It wouldn’t have done much good to simply go in there, blow a hole in the prison fence and neutralize the guards, and yank open the doors to the prison barracks and yell, “You’re free!”
And then leave again
Yeah, they might have had a taste of freedom. But it wouldn’t have been long before the Japanese forces would have rallied and closed in and they would have been right back where they were
And possibly in worse shape than they were before
No. Not only did they need to be delivered, the needed to be transferred.
They needed to be escorted back to where their freedom was secure
They needed to come back into the territory or domain that was controlled by American forces, and ultimately be transported home to America
There was no middle ground for them; either they were prisoners, or they were free
And you know, this is something that I think we need to lay hold of
For us, it is the same way. There is no middle ground for us. At least, I don’t believe that Scripture would teach that there is
We are either in the domain of darkness, or we are in the Kingdom of God’s Beloved Son, Jesus
And BTW, I was struck by the words that Paul uses here
When talking about the area of darkness, he calls it a “domain”
But when talking about where Jesus rules, he calls it a “kingdom”
And I wonder if that is an intentional distinction
He calls the area of darkness a domain, not a kingdom
He doesn’t even mention the deceiver who is in control of this area
It’s almost like, yeah, there is this domain and there is some control there, but it’s not a kingdom.
The person in charge there does not have ultimate authority there
But he’s allowed to act like, or think he’s in charge for now
But when talking about Jesus, Paul calls it The Kingdom of God’s Son
The Person in charge there, isn’t just some lower level official. He’s THE KING.
Ultimate authority and power lies with Him
Even, I would say, over the domain of darkness.
He is King even over that domain
But the picture that we get here is, We can’t be half way in between. God doesn’t deliver us and then say, “Well, have fun. If you decide to come to my Kingdom, that’s great. But if you just decide to live out there somewhere and create your own kingdom, that’s OK too.”
But, unfortunately, I think that some Believers do try to do this
We all think that it’s pretty cool to be delivered. We like that
But many people resist being transferred heart, soul, and body into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
They say, “Yeah, deliver me from those pesky sin habits, but…not sure if I want to be heart, soul, and body in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
Because, here’s the thing. Being transferred to the Kingdom of Jesus means that you are in a new realm
And in this realm, Jesus is King. And He demands total allegiance.
In this realm, He is King over our hearts, our lives, our thoughts, our words, our emotions, our actions, the kind of clothes that we wear, the way we use our time, our money…everything.
He is King over that
And the reason that Jesus is King is because God has granted this power to Him. Jesus said, before leaving this earth, “All power, or all authority, has been given to me in heaven and in earth”.
God has granted this power to Jesus. He has a Kingdom and it is to this Kingdom that God transfers us when He delivers us
But there is something in us that can rebel against the Kingship of Jesus because, well, we like to “have our own life too”, don’t we?
We don’t know if we like the fact that Jesus wants to be King over every part of my life
But He does. And we can’t live halfway in between the domain of darkness and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
In Matthew 12, Jesus makes it clear that there is no neutrality when it comes to Him and His agenda, or His Kingdom
If you aren’t for me, you are against me, He said
If you don’t gather with me, you are scattering
And so for us, there is a clear division for us
If we can’t say for certain that God has transferred us to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, then it’s a pretty strong probability that we are in the domain of darkness
But I don’t know why we should be so scared about the Lordship of Jesus Christ
Because, look at the kind of King that Jesus is
Paul goes on to say that it’s in Jesus that we have
the forgiveness of sins
Refers back to the word “delivered” vs 13
Redemption means to be ransomed or released
Sometimes when someone is kidnapped, or forcibly detained, the kidnappers will demand a ransom
or a sum of money before the will consider letting their captive go
The kidnappers have control of this person, and they put demands on this person’s life
IN the same way, our sin, the sin of all mankind put us in a situation where we needed to be redeemed.
There was a payment that needed to be made
We were under the control or the spell of sin, and there was a payment that needed to be made
In one of my favorite stories of all time, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Edmund, one of the four children in the story, falls under the spell of the white witch and commits the terrible act of betraying his siblings to her
Fortunately, they are all rescued by Aslan, the Lion
But the white witch demands the life of Edmund.
And she cites “the deep magic” that demands the life of a traitor
Edmund was a traitor and and rightly belonged to her
But Aslan offers his life to her in place of Edmund’s and she accepts thinking that once Aslan is dead, all of Narnia will be under her control
But, not being able to see the future, she doesn’t realize that there is a “deeper magic” which says that Aslan would not stay dead but come to life again
Which, of course, happens. And Aslan leads the Narnians against the witch and her minions, conquers them, and kills the witch
IT’s a kid’s story, but as a kid, it helped me get a clearer understanding of what was at stake in my case, OUR case
Because of my sinfulness, I was a traitor too
And Satan had every right to demand that I belong to him and he could do with me what he wanted
But Jesus redeemed me
He said, “I will offer my life in place of his.”
And Satan said, “Hey, that’s a pretty good deal”, not being able to see the future and understand that he had just ensured his own defeat”
Jesus, by His death and resurrection bought us back, paid the price for sin
He redeemed us
And He also forgave us.
indicates the state of having a particular obligation removed or ignored in a given relationship
In a guilty state, there is the obligation to pay for our sins somehow
In a forgiven state, that obligation has been removed
There is nothing to pay for
And there is so much that we could talk about when it comes to forgiveness
God has forgiven us in Christ Jesus. He demands nothing from us when it comes to payment for our sins
That has all been taken care of
And that is the same way that he asks us to live with each other
Many of us struggle with forgiveness because when it comes to wounds that we have received from others, they are hard to forget, aren’t they
And we say, “I don’t know if I’ve forgiven that person, because, well, I still remember what they did to me, or said to me
Yes, probably so. But the question is, do you hold that person to an obligation
Do you have someone in your life that you feel like they still owe you something because of what they have done?
They owe you an explanation or an apology or something
Then you haven’t forgiven them. You are still demanding something from them
You want that hurt or that trespass to be paid for
Well, Jesus has paid for it.
Your sins, and the sins of those who have sinned against you
That obligation has been removed
That person doesn’t owe you anything
And when you can come to the place of releasing that person in your heart from the obligation to pay for the hurt that they have caused you, then you have forgiven them
Yes, you may still remember the incident, but you have forgiven them
This is what God has done for us in Christ Jesus
Qualified us to receive an inheritance
Delivered us from the domain of darkness
Transferred us to the kingdom of Jesus Christ
Redeemed us
Forgiven us
This is a lot to be thankful for
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