Mark 7:1-13 / prep
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Create in us a clean heart, oh God. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Just Meditate
Questions for the passage / first illumination
Why were the pharisees drawn to him? / 1
What is wrong with tradition?
They were not only worried about having clean hands, but clean cups
I wonder how Jesus said verse 6
Lord, Lord, people…
Is your heart close to God?
It is possible to worship God in vain (Lord, don’t let our worship be in vain)
The commands of the Lord were not the problem. Jesus did not come to abolish the law.
They twist and dilute the word (especially the consequences of sin)
“many such things”
*remember that God in the flesh is speaking to them
Mood/Emotion of the Passage
None for now
Cross References / Passages that illustrate
“Lord, Lord”
“Curse those made in the likeness of God”
Context / Overview
“It was not unusual for them to follow Him from place to place simply to watch for something to criticize.” Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996), 133.
“This delegation from Jerusalem already made up their mind about Jesus and looked for something to confirm their opinion.” - guzik
“This ritual had nothing to do with hygiene; it was purely ceremonial to get rid of whatever defilement the Jews accidentally picked up from the Gentiles or Samaritans.” Warren W. Wiersbe, Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1992), 119.4
“Many Pharisees and scribes intend to convict Jesus of breaking the written Law of Moses” - esv study
“This is the whole idea behind the word hypocrite. The word in the ancient Greek language referred to “an actor” or “someone who wears a mask.” The image they promote is more important to them than what they actually are.” - guzik
“Not only are human traditions ineffective for cleansing the heart, they actually lead to disregard for God’s word.” - esv study
“Part of honoring Father and Mother is to care for them, both financially and personally, in their old age. However, Jewish tradition allowed that funds originally dedicated to the care of parents could be declared Corban, meaning the person would no longer be required to do anything.” - esv study
“In this way, they would appear to be generous supporters of God’s work, when actually they were cheapskates avoiding family obligations. Tony Evans, The Tony Evans Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible, 2019), 1155.”
Relational application (love your neighbor)
Thinking application (mind)
Some approach God with their minds made up, ready to catch him doing or saying something they do not agree with.
Enneagram, personality tests, financial practices, leadership ideas
What “many such things” are we guilty of?
Feeling application (heart, soul)
It is possible to worship God in vain.
Action application (strength)
If you claim to be a Christian, how closely does your life match your claims?
Never turn your preferences or opinions into demands from heaven.
Verbal Illustrations
Begin with “I don’t want to go to church because they are hypocrites.”
“These people make a big show of saying the right thing,
but their heart isn’t in it.
They act like they are worshiping me,
but they don’t mean it.
They just use me as a cover
for teaching whatever suits their fancy,
Ditching God’s command
and taking up the latest fads.” Eugene H. Peterson, The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language
“Another rabbi was imprisoned by the Romans, and he used his ration of water for ceremonial cleansing instead of drinking, nearly dying of thirst. He was regarded as a great hero for this sacrifice.” - Guzik
Enneagram, personality tests, financial practices, leadership ideas
Stuffing dirty clothes under a made bed to make the room appear clean
Ironbridge is cleaning and organizing. Are we clean and at peace in our hearts?
“did God actually say”
Visual Illustrations
Have some sweet tea, dilute it with water
Some may be tempted to make assumptions about God or our traditions.
Some seem close to God, but their heart is 100000 miles away.
Some are twisting or diluting the word of God
Some want to know how to get close to God
Some no longer want to be hypocrites
Questions/arguments they may have for the text
What’s wrong with tradition?
Pre outline
Main Ideas of the text
Jesus’ practices are judged by the traditions of man
The hypocrisy of the externally religious is exposed by their clinging to man-size thinking.
They void God’s good path with a lesser tradition.
So what?
You may be hypocritical, you need to embrace that truth to change.
What would this look like lived out?
Embrace the word of God over the ever-changing opinions of man.
Title ideas
Hypocrisy Exposed
Hope for Hypocrites, Like Me
Heart over How
The distance from your lips to your heart.
Potential Outlines
Clean cups, Distant Hearts, Hypocrisy Exposed