Disciple First Church: The Purpose of our Church

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I want to say how grateful I am for this opportunity…
-Pastor Robert led me to the Lord in Children’s church and Baptized me in a lake.
-Met Tiffany here and now have been married for 10 years.
-Found my calling into ministry:
I can remember having an interest in playing drums, Don’t worry I am not doing a drum solo today.
I can remember all the nasty things I ate in Youth. The worse is a blended Happy Meal with Coke.
I can remember encounters with the Spirit at this altar.
Christian mission is the only reason for our being on earth.
Andrew Murray
Anytime Churches loose their “Why” they loose their way!
This happened to the Church in Ephesus..
They got in a rut and was literally doing the definition of insanity.
Revelation 2:4–5 ESV
But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.
Transforming ALL people by the Holy Spirit to become Disciples of Christ.
HOW? Here is our Vision we will use to accomplish our Mission.
Experience God, Build Relationships, and Discover Calling.
The steps are intentional, Today as we talk about future plans my goal is to plant a flag here to say this is who we are!
As we look as these steps, I want you to ask yourself whats the step God wants me to take today.
Experience God

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent

“Know” meant gnōsisco deosnt mean to Know God means to Know God.
He wants us to Experience Him.
He wants us to Have a Relationship with Him.
He wants us to Grow in Him.
Three significant experiences in the life of a Christian.
Baptized with the Spirit.
In order to have Salvations and Baptisms, we have to reach the lost.
We do this by creating a church lost people love to attend.
It’s a Biblical Model. Jesus did it first. He leaves the 99 for the 1.
Recently went on a Cruise with the whole family..
(17 of us, Playing at the Beach, Lost Baby Maverick, 66% ain’t bad)
What you got to understand is in the Early Church biggest Theological Debate in was, “Do Gentiles, that get saved have to be circumcised.
There were Jewish people who grew up under old Covenant. So the sign would have been circumcision for 2000 years.
Then the Gospel goes to the Gentiles, All of them want to follow Jesus, do they have to be circumsiced???
Think about a conversation with a Jewish person and Gentile wanting to become a Christian.
Gentile asked, What do I need to do?
Jew is excited, I have been waiting for someone to ask me.
You Just need to believe that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.
You need to repent of your sins. So from this day for as best as you know how you will live for him.
God wants you to build a relationship with him. So you need to Pray and read Gods word.
3/3 Im in… actually man there is one more thing…You might no think thats not a big deal..
I got a friend who was circumcised when he was born guy didn’t walk for an entire year.
Families were turning to Christ, they were coming to church in their mini vans and Husbands were saying, I think Ill just stay in the car.
So they had this debate, What are we going to do with all these Gentiles who are trying to turn to Christ.

19 Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God,

Thats why we want to bring familiarity to what someone experiences in their daily activities
Sound in a Movie or Lights at a Concert
Hospitality at a Restaurant
Comfortable as home.
If there is still lost people on this earth, we still have a job to do!
Be Encouraged:

21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

Still one thing He wants us to do to Experience God…
Baptized with the Spirit brings Power
Building Relationships
The best way to build relationships with each other is through Disciple Groups. Why?
Act 2
Peter Preaches
Spirit Falls
3000 People are Saved
Then we get a Beautiful description.

46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

Temple Worship (Service) but House to House Ministry (Disciple Groups)
God uses Faith in Christ to get you forgiveness, but the FAMILY of Christ to get you freedom.
Here is a lie from the enemy: He wants you to look at your issues, and say you can get freedom alone.
Heres the truth: Every break though in your entire life will come from a break down!

16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.

We confess to God for Forgiveness but People for Healing
The Minute you placed you faith in Christ you got saved, The minute you try a Disciple Group you will begin to start experiencing true freedom.
You might think you are one _____ away?
NO, your one RELATIONSHIP away from changing your life!
Discover Calling
God designed a calling for you and you will never be satisfied until you find.
God didn’t put you on this planet, just to consume time, money, and resources until you die.

10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Before you were born, He had a plan for you!
Here is the problem, Most people don’t Discover their calling so they most certainly never fulfill it!
Here is How: Next Step Class, designed to help you discover your calling.
Why: People need help discovering their calling

10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:

Gift in Greek is Charisma.
NonDenomination- Talent
Baptist- Gift
AG- The Anointing
God doesn’t care what you call he cares that you use it.
Your Gift will supernaturally fill the kingdom and you at the same time.
Joseph used his gift! In Genesis 41
Joseph was in Prision
Brough to Pharoah to Interpret Dreams
Joseph Interpreted and Pharoah Promoted Joesph
Joseph’s calling wasn’t just for him, he supernaturally saved Egypt but also saved the future of Isreal.
Once you know your calling it’s time to start Serving.
We have tons of work to be done to get ready for this launch. My prayer is that we can help you Discover your calling to Make a Difference here at Disciple First.
Thats our Vision: Experience God, Build Relationships, Discover Calling.
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