A Journey of Multiplication and Addition
As I started the sermon prep the question of how does a healthy church multiply what is going on inside it outside the walls within the community?
This led me to Mark 6:7-13, which is where we will be this morning
As I studied though another aspect of this journey revealed itself. As we seek to multiply the discipleship we add to our faith.
So no matter the response we get as we are missional we benefit and the word of God does not come back void (Isaiah 55:11)
We got to realize that sometimes the encounter you have with someone is not necessarily for them, but for you, God has a way He is molding you through that encounter
But before we start I got two questions to ask you:
1. Do you remember who you were before Jesus?
2. Do you know how your life has been transformed?
Believer that’s all you need to be missional, and you are qualified to be sent out by Jesus
Remember the Samaritan woman was testifying the day she got saved
Send them out two by two (v. 7)
Send them out two by two (v. 7)
What is the purpose of going out by twos?
On the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses the one who is to die shall be put to death; a person shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness.
One reason is related to Jewish law, at least two witness have to be present to establish truth
We are to be a witness not the judge
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.
the Gospel is truth that leads to life for those that accept and to death for those who reject it
What are some practical reasons for going out in twos?
Gifted in different ways that compliment
So there is a need to lean into one another and trust one another
This is why unity in church is vital, if their is a lack of unity, their is a lack of trust and their is a lack of coming together to compliment one another
This is why searching for a church your motivation is not where best serves me, but where can I best serve
Ministry is meant to be done in community
Encourages boldness
Gives credibility
It allows for accountability
It keeps you from misspeaking or mistreating someone
The culture we live in, people will lie on so it also protects you
All the weight is not on you, you are able to share in the responsibility of knowledge
Allows for encouragement
Going in twos also puts faith community on display for the world to see
What do people see when they walk in these doors?
Do people feel like they are walking into a family reunion or a exclusive country club?
Journey Supplies (v. 8-9)
Journey Supplies (v. 8-9)
this is how you should go
They were to be completely dependent on him to meet their needs
They were also to travel lightly, which speaks to a sense of urgency
On average 137 Alabamians enter eternity everyday
Dont just talka bout what you going to do, do it. Don’t get lost in planning and never act
What can we take away from this:
Dependence on God to provide as we follow the call He has put on our life
Sometimes that is scary and full of unknowns and stepping into the unknowns trusting in the promises of God
I think back to when God had called me to a church in Shreveport, LA
I was moving over their for a bi vocational youth position
6 hours away
Not a second job lined up (Turns out Shreveport has the worst job market in the USA)
And my car I pulled it over there because we were afraid it would not be able to make a six hour drive (400 miles)
Let me tell you what God did for me stepping into this unknown: He opened the door for a job just in time at a warehouse within a mile of my apartment, two of my youth parents were mechanics and spent a many hours with me working on my corolla and never would take a dime, put Mrs. Rose in my life (family and provision)
Realize that your qualifications are not what qualifies you for the call God has put on your life
God qualifies and God opens doors
Ministry is not dependent on big fancy programs or budgets
Ministry is dependent on God
Ministry happens out of your obedience, and your obedience is not going to be perfect. The disciples track record up to this point was not perfect and would be full of blunders during Jesus time with them
Do not let fear of messing up stop you, you are going to mess up and guess what God is still going to use you
And I do not think you are going to out mess Peter, I mean the dude cut off someones ear
Casting Out Demons and Healing (Purpose of Miracles)
Casting Out Demons and Healing (Purpose of Miracles)
This is what you are doing as you are going
Miracles- meeting physical needs
This opens door for conversation and prayer
Putting gas in someones tank
Helping the widows (rather church member or not)
Meeting the needs of family when the father is down from a work injury
Helping with someone’s medical bills
Having fun events (Jesus turned water into wine)
Casting out demons- fighting the evil forces at work
This creates an environment so the gospel may be heard
Someone possessed by a demon has their mind so captured they cannot respond to the gospel
How do we combat:
Properly arming our selves with scripture and prayer
bringing light to darkness
exposes evil
Dialogue with your kids on what they have been exposed to
at school
in music
gives you insight to the culture at that point
gives you insight to your child's mind
involved in the political system
Vote and campaign for godly values
create a culture that has a value on life
have conversations on the devastating consequences of alcohol and drugs
Filtering software on phones
Porn industry makes $12 Billion a year
need to have conversations, early (6 years old was the last man I counseled)
Let them know you are a safe place to talk about these issues
Create a culture with a high view of marriage
The reasons for most divorces is non-biblical reasons
Marriage counseling
Singles ministry
How does living missional benefit us?
Teaches us to lean on the authority of Christ
But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
Connects us with the people:
Are the demonic going to be sitting in our church pews?
Are the ones in the church pews the only ones in need?
Not All Will Receive (v. 11)
Not All Will Receive (v. 11)
Not all people are going to respond well to the godliness in your life
Some people are not going to accept the Gospel no matter what evidence they are presented with
If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Romans 12 calls us to do all we can to live well with others, but with some it is not possible, and you have to know when is the appropriate time to knock the dust off your feet
I will tell you from experience you will know when the time comes. Peace will come.
I went out my way for a year in a specific situation, and the week it was all coming to a high point before i really even knew for sure it was God lid this passage on my heart.
Situations like this make you do a lot of self reflecting and depending on God
Also instructions found in Titus 1:7 benefit us in these situations
For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain,
The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught.
Imagine Jesus is sending you out right now, and you are to return next week, what will you be able to testify about next Sunday?