Funeral Thoughts
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At least seven references to the Apostle Paul calling death sleep
13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.
death causes us all to grieve but the world grieves without hope
some have hope, but it is false hope
Christians grieve with real hope
when sin entered the world it brought death, and death is an ordinary part of our existence
so ordinary that everyone has to go through it, it is the great equalizer, so no need in avoiding it
so ordinary that death touches plants and animals and insects and creatures of the sea
from the mayfly that lives at most 24 h ours
to the Greenland shark can live almost 400 years
Even stars die
just like going to sleep is a part of life’s journey
death is a part of life’s journey
so We HAVE to deal with it and Christians should learn not be afraid of it, since we have Hope in Jesus Christ
we don’t have to like it
but we also do not have to be afraid
It is as ordinary as a doorway, for that is what it is
For Death does not kill you. It kills your body, but it cannot kill your spirit.
for it is a doorway, it is not the end, it is a time of transition, it is not the end
just like sleep is a transition from work to rests
it is a transition from life’s work to rest
Just like sleep is ordinary, death is Ordinary
just like going to bed at night
taking a nap during the day
the only exceptions were Enoch and Elijah
but even then, they could not stay on this mortal plane
sleep is necessary to rejuvinate the body
sleep gives the body rest: physically and mentally
restores strength of the body
eyes get a rest
heart slows down
muscles relax
allows the mind to recuperate
if it is a good sleep, your mind is dead to the world
our body uses sleep to rejuvinate
the same body that was tired and weak is not energized and strong
we need death to continue on
we can’t continue on in this sinful body
this body has to be rejuvinated
sleep does not last forever
we eventually wake up