Look to Me (Isaiah 45:22-25)
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The context of this passage is discussing the Israelites. Although God constantly sends prophets and His servants to persuade the Israelites, they do not listen. They are stuck in their stubborn ways and do not listen to God’s words. God constantly tells the Israelites to turn back from their evil ways of following idols and depending on other nations such as Egypt, but they do not listen. How stubborn can they be? How stubborn can they be? So, what does God do? He sends Gentiles, those who were not His chosen people, to reprimand and punish the Israelites. He first sends nebuchadnezzar, the king of babylon to destroy israel, capture the people and destroy the kingdom. today’s scripture introduces Cyprus, the king of persia to punish God’s people.
However, the punishment does not last forever. He promises to return his people back to the land. More importantly, he promises an eternal convenant. He says the day will come when all of His people will know His name and He will save them with eternal salvation. The day when His servant, the righteous one, Jesus, the Messaiah, not specifically mentioned in this passage, but later parts of Isaiah will save His people. And He reminds us who He is. The creator of this earth and the one and only savior.
So, He says in Isaiah 45:22 Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other. Only through God, there is salvation. When we talk about salvation, it is not just salvation for our souls. It is salvation from our past, our current problems in our lives, our selves, the chains in our lives and the world.
And He promises in isaiah 45:23 I have sworn by my own name; I have spoken the truth, and I will never go back on my word: Every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will declare allegiance to me.” He reminds us that He is the truth and He only speaks the truth. People are inconsistent, right? But, God promises that he will never go back on His word.
And He promises to all of us that He will accomplish His dream of spreading the gospel to the next generation through us is our vision right now. He will never go back on His word, so we need to be faithful to make His dream and engrave it in our hearts and brains as our vision.
Do you Look to God?
Do you Look to God?
First, do you personally look to God in your lives? Or, are you stuck in your own thoughts and stubborness?
Isaiah 45:24 says The people will declare, “The Lord is the source of all my righteousness and strength.” And all who were angry with him will come to him and be ashamed.
How much do you depend on God in your daily life? Are you so busy and caught up with your schedule that you forget about Him? I know it is difficult to have a personal relationship with God because He is spirit. I know he feels distant at times but can I tell you something? That means you are the issue. God has never left. He is always besides you.
It is kind of like when I am looking for my keys in the morning. It is on top of drawer where it also sits, but sometimes I cannot find it. Does that mean the keys moved? No, it is just me not being aware of my surroundings. It could be the situation with you and your relationship with God.
Why should we Look to God?
Why should we Look to God?
But, why should we look to God? Now, this is the million dollar question! Why look to God when every single one of you are smart and more than capable of living your lives? You are facing big issues in your life right now so what is the issue? You come to church. You serve in the church. So, what’s the problem, right? That’s the trap! You remember this verse?
Matthew 7:21–23 ““Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. 22 On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ 23 But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’
We look to God in the midst of the flow of life, because He is the source of life. Let me ask you something. How do you know if you were successful in the task you completed? How do you know if your decision was correct? By the results? To your satisfaction?
Ladies and Gentlemen, we exist and live for the glory of God. Don’t forget that. People get so excited because they feel like they are doing something big and important. Are you doing it for yourself and are you doing it for God?
I am not saying that ministry and living as Christian should not be filled with excitement. It should! You should be excited to serve. You should be excited to worship. But, what are you excited for?
How can we Look to God?
How can we Look to God?
So, how do we look to God? Follow what Jesus recommends us.
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.
You must give up your own way. Other translations say, deny yourself. This is why I personally like the New Living Translation. It is more practical. Give up your own way. Stop making decisions that you think is right. Ask God what pleases Him. Well, how do I know what pleases Him? Did you read the Bible recently? There’s your answer. Bible, prayer and worship like today.
The Israelite with their lips proclaimed that they were followers of God but when situation got tough, they relied on Egypt for assistance. They chased after false gods.
Looking to God is perfectly illustrated in numbers 21. Do you know the story of the bronze snake? When the Israelites begin to complain to God because of their long journeys, God sent poisonous snakes and those who were bitten died. Then, the people filling with regret asked for forgiveness. So God told Moses to make a replica of a poisonous snake and attach it to a pole. Those who looked at the pole were healed but those who did not, died.
Our spirit might be dying right now without me realizing if you do not look at the pole.
But, God assures us in Isaiah 45:25 “All the descendants of Israel will be justified and boast in the Lord.” In the Lord all the generations of Israel will be justified, and in him they will boast!
We are called by God to living a holy and just life. We are God’s children and we are called to live as a royal priesthood. Remember your identity.
My friends. Let’s not be like the Israelites who foolishly wasted their lives by not simply looking to God.
God calls us to answer His dream for this ministry, to speak and to sing to the next generation.
Looking to God is giving up your own way. It is about being wise.
He wants us to live successful and disciplined lives and it starts with fearing God.
Let us pray.