Death and Resurrection
1. The State of Man after Death
WE BELIEVE that the bodies of men after death return to their natural elements but their souls, being immortal, immediately return to God who gave them.
The souls of believers go immediately upon the death of the body to be with the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, where they wait for the redemption of their bodies. The souls of the unsaved are reserved in hell to the day of the last Judgment. Holy Scripture knows of no such place as Purgatory or of any intermediate state.
a. Body and Soul
WE BELIEVE that the bodies of men after death return to their natural elements but their souls, being immortal, immediately return to God who gave them.
b. Heaven and Hell
2. The Resurrection
At a time known only to God, the Lord Jesus Christ shall return to this earth in glory, bringing with Him the souls of the believers who have died. At this time the bodies of those believers who are still alive on earth shall be transformed instantaneously and without death into a condition of glorious incorruptibility, conformable to Christ’s own glorious body.
a. Christ’s Return
b. Bodily Resurrection
The bodies of those believers who have died shall rise in like glorified condition and be reunited with their souls. All believers shall then, in their glorified bodies be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so be with Him for ever. The bodies of the unsaved shall also be raised by the power of Christ.