Col 3 1-17 Part Two
IV. New way of life = Live His Virtues (3:12-14)
A. A person who has been made new in Christ will reflect the character of Christ.
1. Col. 3:9-11 makes it clear this is not about trying to be a good person.
a. The virtues that we are to “put on” in verses 12-14 are a byproduct of being renewed in Christ. (3:9b-11)
1) By committing to Christ, you have renounced sin as ILL in baptism.
2) Christ’s image is being renewed in us
3) Christ did not simply improve on our old nature nor did He revamp it; rather, He exchanged our old nature with a new one.
4) As we follow Christ in obedience, we ought to view the “putting on” of the new self as a total exchange as well.
5) Paul is not urging us to make minor modifications in our lives – He is calling us to living consistent with the radical exchange that has taken place in your life because of Christ.
b. Because of our union with Christ, all barriers between humans have been erased.
C. Virtues
1. Paul lists five characteristics of people who are being transformed by Christ.
2. This list is NOT designed for us to develop strict rules governing our lives.
3. This list is descriptive – a person changed by Christ and one who is abandoning sin will demonstrate the following traits.
a. Compassionate
b. Kind
c. Humble
d. Gentle
e. Patient
4. In redemption, Christ has indeed demonstrated these traits to us.
5. Now Christ expects us to manifest His character to others.
6. These virtues are to distinguish us from nonbelievers BECAUSE we have been transformed by Christ not IN ORDER TO BE transformed by Christ.
V. New way of life = everything is worship (3:15-17)