Col 3.18-4.1
Col 3:18 AiJ gunai'ke", uJpotavssesqe toi'" ajndravsin wJ" ajnh'ken ejn kurivw/.
Col 3:19 OiJ a[ndre", ajgapa'te ta;" gunai'ka" kai; mh; pikraivnesqe pro;" aujtav".
Col 3:20 Ta; tevkna, uJpakouvete toi'" goneu'sin kata; pavnta, tou'to ga;r eujavrestovn ejstin ejn kurivw/.
Col 3:21 OiJ patevre", mh; ejreqivzete ta; tevkna uJmw'n, i{na mh; ajqumw'sin.
Col 3:22 OiJ dou'loi, uJpakouvete kata; pavnta toi'" kata; savrka kurivoi", mh; ejn ojfqalmodouliva/ wJ" ajnqrwpavreskoi, ajll j ejn aJplovthti kardiva" fobouvmenoi to;n kuvrion.
Col 3:23 o} eja;n poih'te, ejk yuch'" ejrgavzesqe wJ" tw'/ kurivw/ kai; oujk ajnqrwvpoi",
Col 3:24 eijdovte" o{ti ajpo; kurivou ajpolhvmyesqe th;n ajntapovdosin th'" klhronomiva". tw'/ kurivw/ Cristw'/ douleuvete:
Col 3:25 oJ ga;r ajdikw'n komivsetai o} hjdivkhsen, kai; oujk e[stin proswpolhmyiva.
Col 4:1 OiJ kuvrioi, to; divkaion kai; th;n ijsovthta toi'" douvloi" parevcesqe, eijdovte" o{ti kai; uJmei'" e[cete kuvrion ejn oujranw'/.
Col 3:18 Wives, be submissive to your husbands as is fitting in the Lord.
Col 3:19 Husbands, love your wives and do not become bitter towards her.
Col 3:20 Children, obey your parents, according to all, for this is pleasing in the Lord.
Col 3:21 Fathers, do not rouse to anger your children, so that they might not lose heart.
Col 3:22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not in eye-service as men pleasers but in singleness of heart pleasing the Lord.
Col 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily out of the flesh as to the Lord and not unto men.
Col 3:24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; serve the Lord Christ;
Col 3:25 For he that deals wrongfully will receive the wrong that is due him: and there is partiality.
Col 4:1 Masters, show to your servants righteously and fairly, knowing that you also have a master in heaven.
Exalt His Name; Live His Purpose
“God Centered Christianity - in the Home”
Colossians 3:18-4:1
Thesis: Family relationships are the “litmus test” of our renewed status in Christ. As we are being transformed into His image, Christ serves as our model of love and submission.
I. Introduction
A. ILL: Housekeeping Monthly, 1955
B. This passage is viewed as having several problems.
1. The passage doesn’t seem to jive with Paul’s previous comment that all are equal in Christ (3:11).
a. Didn’t the work of Christ on the cross erase all the barriers between people?
b. Isn’t it true that in Christ there is no gender barrier, no ethnic barrier, no economic barriers...?
c. Just one way that we as Christians are distinct from the world – there are no barriers between the people of God because despite diversity we are all in Christ.
d. Then, why does Paul now speak about “submission, obedience, and servitude?”
2. Whatever the difficulties in this passage, it doesn’t really matter because Paul’s culture operated a lot different than our own.
a. Times have changed – Paul lived in a male dominate society, and we do not.
b. So Paul’s instructions were applicable for his day, but not for the 21st century.
c. Today, slavery is outlawed and women enter the marriage union as their husband’s equal not in a submissive role.
d. Does this passage even apply to us in this day?
C. Authority of God’s Word
1. Q: What are we guilty of if we say this passage has no application for us today?
2. A: We are guilty of making our culture more authoritative than the Bible.
3. In other words, if the Bible fits the context of our culture, then we can draw application; but if the Bible doesn’t fit our culture, then we can claim that passages like this one cannot be authoritative over our lives.
4. This mindset is a growing trend in the church today.
D. Although this passage can make us feel uncomfortable, we cannot and must not abandon the fact that we are dealing with the authoritative Word of God, and that His Word is used by His Spirit to conform us into the image of Christ – and therefore must be obeyed and applied to our lives.
1. It is easy to dismiss this passage – the instructions seem barbaric and at the very least outdated, so skim over it and resign the fact that it was appropriate for Paul’s day but not for ours.
2. However, if we affirm that Scripture was inspired by God and is authoritative for all people of all time, then we need to understand this passage.
3. We will begin by …
a. Understanding the instruction from Paul’s point of view
b. Understand how Paul’s instruction fits in the context of his letter.
c. Draw application
II. Why did Paul write these words?
A. Understanding the culture
1. Paul’s instruction specifically targets the “family unit” of the first century.
a. Family unit consisted of more than just husband, wife and kids.
b. The family unit could include the husband’s brother and his family or the wife’s brother and family…
c. It also included servants and their families…
d. However, in each family unit there was a definite structure – a pecking order if you will.
e. The husband was considered to be the authority of the household and his word was law – everyone else was under him.
f. In giving instructions to the family unit, Paul seems to be accomplishing two objectives.
2. Objective #1 – Becoming a Christian does not cancel the requirement to show respect for authority and to fulfill your duties as a family member.
a. As Christianity spread, the issue of Christ’s lordship was viewed as a threat against the structure of the family unit.
b. Paul repeatedly taught that Christians are free – there is distinction in the body of Christ (see 3:11)
c. The unsaved community was starting to see Christianity as a revolt against the foundations of their society.
d. However, Paul was NOT trying to destroy the family unit of their culture.
e. As you notice there is still structure…
1) Wives are to submit
2) Children are to obey
3) Servants are to obey
f. Paul makes it very clear that “freedom in Christ” does not cancel our obligation to respect and obey authority.
g. He is not trying to start a revolution – he is instructing Christians on how to live within the structure of society.
h. Sometimes, loyalty to Christ did create conflict within the family unit – especially in a situation when a Christian was married to an unbeliever.
i. But ultimately, Paul desired Christians to live within society’s structure, so that the unsaved would be drawn to Christ. (See Titus 2:9-10 and 1 Peter 3:1-2)
3. Objective #2 – Becoming a Christian will transform lives within the family structure.
a. Wives are instructed to submit to their husbands
1) For Paul to instruct women was unique – men did not give instructions to women, because to do so implies that a woman is capable of making her own decisions regarding the instructions.
2) Women were not decision makers – they simply carried out the duties of the husband.
3) Paul’s instruction is for the wives to submit to her husband.
a) Paul is not condoning the same “inferiority” promoted by the culture.
b) Means a voluntary submission – a willing choice, not some universal law that promotes male dominance and female inferiority.
c) Paul is not equating the woman’s submission to that of her culture, but to a submission that is fitting to the Lord – a submission that is required of all Christians not just women.
b. Husbands are instructed to LOVE their wives
1) The typical head of household was taught to exercise his rights over the family – he is the law.
2) However, Paul instructs Christian men they are not to exercise their rights over their wives but to exercise love.
3) Therefore, if a woman is called to submit to her husband; it is to submit to his love not his dominance.
c. Children and Slaves are instructed to OBEY
1) Again, for children and slaves to be addressed as people, much less household members was not very common.
2) Paul directly ties their obedience to authority to obedience that is pleasing to the Lord.
4. Therefore, Paul is not trying to upset the family structure of the culture, but he is instructing the believers that Christ’s Lordship over their lives will transform their understanding of how to function within the family structure.
B. Understanding the letter
1. The key to understanding how these instructions fit into the overall letter to the Colossian church is the key phrase “in the Lord”.
2. Phrase is repeated seven times in nine verses...
a. Submit as fitting in the Lord (18)
b. Do what is pleasing in the Lord (20)
c. Obey out of fear in the Lord (22)
d. Work as unto the Lord (23)
e. The Lord shows no partiality and renders either judgment or reward (24-25)
f. Serve the Lord (24)
g. Know that you have a Lord in heaven (4:1)
3. We have said that Paul is calling the Colossian believers back to a “God-centered Christianity”.
a. Is this evident in this passage? Absolutely!!
b. Paul is instructing the Colossian believers on how to live God-centered lives within society’s family structure.
c. Their model is Christ – who submitted himself to God and desired His glory above everything else.
d. Their model is Christ – for the purpose of bringing others to him.
III. Application
A. Family relationships are one of the greatest “litmus tests” of our new life in Christ.
1. As acknowledge Christ as Savior and Lord over our lives, his lordship ought to be evident in every aspect of our lives, and most certainly in the day to day routine of life.
2. But the place where we are most likely to reveal our true selves and our true allegiances is in the home.
3. Nothing is more difficult than living in a family where the virtues of compassion, kindness, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love are tested daily.
4. Yet it is within the context of the home where we are instructed to demonstrate the lordship of Christ over our lives.
5. Paul’s commands to do not abolish structure and order within the family unit…
a. The husband is clearly the head of the home
b. The wife is called to submit to him
c. And the children are commanded to obey their parents.
6. However, the context of these relationships are to be based in voluntary submission, sacrificial love, and selfless giving.
B. <Show beginning slide> We may not live in these days anymore; times do change.
C. However, God’s Word does not change; in fact, God’s Word changes us.
1. Do you demonstrate the Lordship of Christ within the structure of your home?
a. Husbands – we are called to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
1) We are called to lead but not as authoritarians
2) But to lead our wives and our children in love and self-sacrifice.
b. Wives – you are called to voluntary submit to your husband as you have submitted yourself to Christ.
c. Teens – in this passage your faithful duty is to obey your parents as unto the Lord.
1) Your freedom in Christ does not cancel the requirement to know your place and obey your parents.
2) Paul implies that if you rebel against your parents, you rebel against God and his Lordship over your lives.
2. How do you characterize your relationship with your dad, your mom, and your siblings?
3. Do our family relationships express our full allegiance to Christ or do they express worldly values – such as selfishness, deceit, hatred, envy, jealousy, or rebellion?
4. Family relationships are indeed the “litmus test” of our renewed status in Christ.
5. As we are being transformed into His image, may Christ’s example of love and submission be our goal for our family relationships.