The Ressurection
Call To Worship
Say: Let us now begin to worship the Father the Son, the Holy Spirit, Our Call to worship Comes to us from
With relish, the Sadducees spring the punch line, designed to ridicule belief in the resurrection, “At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?” (12:23). Behind this spoof lies a crass assumption that resurrection life will be no different from life as we experience it on earth—except, in this case, more chaotic.
a. You are in error [planao].
b. You do not know the Scriptures.
c. You do not know the power of God.
c.′ [The power of God] raises the dead and they become like angels.
b.′ [Scripture is cited] In the bush passage, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is God of the living.
a.′ You are badly mistaken [planao].
Application note: How to share a techqunique
Step 1) You need to be able to provide a defence for what you believe
Step 2) Listen to what is being really said, know the person you’re interacting with
Step 3) Address the question clearly and Succinctly.
Point 2 What/When/Who Is Resurrection
What is Resurrection
31:2 At the last day, those saints who are found alive will not sleep but will be changed.5 All the dead will be raised up with the very same bodies, not different ones,6 though they will have different qualities. Their bodies will be united again to their souls forever.7
31:3 The bodies of the unjust will be raised by the power of Christ to dishonor. By His Spirit the bodies of the just will be raised to honor and will be made like Christ’s own glorious body.8