Colossians 1:1-14 - At the center of our faith

Jesus at the Center  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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John F. Kennedy went to the NASA facilities in the 1960s
NASA was working on a major project at the time: Putting a man on the moon.
JFK saw a janitor sweeping the floor and he said to him, “Hi, I’m Jack Kennedy. What do you do here?”
The janitor looked at him and said, “Well, Mr. President, I’m helping to put a man on the moon.”
He understood the unified goal of NASA at that time.
Everything everyone did:
Pouring the fuel into the rocket
Speaking with the press
Safety checks
Moping the floor
went to this one purpose at the center of their mission—Putting a man on the moon.
They were unified and everyone contributed to this one goal.
Sermon series: Jesus at the Center

Big Idea: Jesus is at the center of our faith

Stand to read
Colossians 1:1–8 ESV
1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, 2 To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father. 3 We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, 4 since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, 5 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, 6 which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, 7 just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf 8 and has made known to us your love in the Spirit.
Leader: This is God’s Word.
Everyone: Thanks be to God.
Paul never makes it to Colossae
He has heard of their faith and their love (v. 4)
Epaphras brought the gospel to Colossae. (v. 7)
He went and reported to Paul the work that was taking place.
Colossae met in homes of believers
Philemon hosts a church in his home
Colossians is a circular letter that Paul wrote that was supposed to be read in other cities
Paul opens the letter with a prayer of thanksgiving (vv. 3-8)
Thankful for
Their faith in Christ
Paul loves hearing about the most essential thing to being a Christian.
Y’all trust in Jesus.
They were not falling into worship Caesar or other false gods.
They knew how costly it was to follow Jesus, and they wouldn’t let up.
They knew that receiving Jesus meant rejecting all other gods.
Their Love for God’s people
They love the church.
They served their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Their love isn’t Hallmark love that’s built on sentimentality
Their love is a costly commitment
They love hard!
They have hope laid up in heaven.
They have confidence about their future.
They don’t worry about suffering or struggles like everyone else, because Christian hope is not wishful thinking.
They know their faith carries weight.
They’re not holding out for a spiritual lottery—hoping to win the jackpot.
They trust in a promise-making, promise-keeping God who loves us.
Their hope is anchored in a promise, which is the good news of Jesus Christ.
Where did all this come from?
Epaphras heard the gospel in Ephesus and ran home to tell his friends and family.
Hilary and I went to Pigeon Forge last year
Boss Hoggs BBQ.
It was the best BBQ I’ve ever eaten.
I went up to the counter and said, “I want to buy your BBQ sauce
“Oh, honey, you can get that at Kroger. That’s just Ken’s Cannonball BBQ.”
For a year, there was a hunt.
We went and told friends, “You have to go to Boss Hoggs/best BBQ sauce.”
We had them looking for Ken’s.
You have to try this BBQ sauce!
He joined Paul in starting churches, but he had a particular heart for his hometown.
When he heard the gospel, he knew he needed to step into the action.
He had to find as many people as he could and tell them about this amazing grace!
He felt the burden for his friends and family
He knew that there were people in his city that were dying and going to a real hell with no hope!
He recognized their need for the gospel and the hope of Jesus Christ!
He recognized they NEED to hear about this Jesus who came to save sinners!
Epaphras was committed to the mission of God.
Epaphras became a disciple who knew he needed to make disciples.
He went home and shared his hope with his friends and invited them to follow Jesus!
And one by one, people became Christians and the Colossian church was born to display the glory of God to the world.
This is the mission that we’re on at Graceland.

We want people to know our hope (vv. 4-6)

Epaphras did not have all the biblical answers.
He heard the gospel, believed Jesus, and immediately jumped into following Jesus.
Making disciples is every Christians responsibility.
It doesn’t mean you have to have all the answers.
It simply means that you follow Jesus in obedience, which means that you make disciples.
Paul doesn’t praise the Colossian church because they have all the answers.
He praised God for their
Love for Jesus
Love for God’s people
Their hope anchored in the gospel.
Christians reproduce into more Christians.
In order to make disciples, you must be a disciple.
A reason that we don’t make disciples is because we’re not sure that we even have something worth replicating.
We’re so insecure about how lame our walk with Jesus is that we’re worried: “I don’t think anyone else would be interested in this.”
If you want to help people learn and follow Jesus
You don’t have to be a monk, spiritual giant, or a believer for decades.
If you want to help people learn to follow Jesus, all you’ve got to do is follow Jesus.
Actually do the thing.
Read your Bible
Ask the Spirit to convict you of your sin
Grow in obedience to Jesus.
You’ll begin to look more like Jesus
And people around you will be more like Jesus as a result.
You don’t have to do this perfectly, but progressively!
Are there any more people following Jesus because you’re alive?
Is there anyone who has been drawn to faith or looks more like Jesus because you exist?
Is there anyone who’s life has been changed and they live on mission because you’re their friend/coworker/neighbor?
All you have to do to help people follow Jesus is to follow Jesus and share the hope of Jesus.
Epaphras hears the gospel and starts following Jesus and he invited his friends who invited their friends to follow Jesus.
If we’re going to see people’s lives changed for the gospel, we must make our hope known and show that we’ve been changed by the gospel.
If you feel like you’re stagnant in your life with Jesus, the best thing you can do is put yourself in a position to help someone follow Jesus.
When you teach, you learn twice.
If you don’t disciple someone, you’re spiritual life might be lame.
Your spiritual life is lame because you’re not discipling anyone.
Who are you going to commit to praying for and moving toward?
Paul doesn’t merely commend them because of their hope.
Paul prays specifically for this church to continue to grow.
Colossians 1:9–11 ESV
9 And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; 11 being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy;
Grow from knowledge of God’s will.
Come to know who Jesus is and begin reading His Word
The Holy Spirit begins to give you wisdom and understanding of the Word.
The Holy Spirit gives wisdom with how to do God’s will in your life, in your community, and throughout the world.
As you seek to grow in your knowledge of God's will in your daily life, start each morning with prayer and Bible study.
By aligning your heart and mind with God's Word early in the day, you set the tone to live in a way that is worthy of Jesus Christ.
Grow in worthiness of Jesus
You cannot walk in a manner worthy without a knowledge of God.
You will not bear fruit for Jesus without growing in your knowledge of Jesus.
This is why participation within the local church is vital for Christian life.
When we grow to know more about Jesus, we become more like Jesus.
When we live like we love Jesus, our lives reflect the gospel and the Spirit of God.
Grow in strength by God’s power to endure with joy.
Every element of the Christian life can be lived for Jesus.
Including seasons we have to more endure than enjoy.
Our joy, when it’s deeply rooted in Jesus, leads us to walk in God’s power and not our own.
Church, Paul’s prayer is for us too.

We continue to grow in the gospel

I planted a watermelon plant in the back corner of my yard.
At the beginning of July, the plants were beginning to sprout and grow, but it was super small.
We went on vacation for a week, then church camp the next week, then the hospital the next week.
When I came home, the watermelon vines had overtaken that whole corner of my yard, grew out of my fence, and was growing across my driveway!
It was about to take over my car!
It was growing up my fence and wrapping itself around tightly!
I did not know how a watermelon plant grows prior to planting it.
I didn’t know you needed 20sqft PER PLANT because the vine grows rapidly
I didn’t know vines can get up to 6feet for a single shoot
I was expecting to be contained within my 5 foot space I set aside.
Christians so often think that the Christian life can be lived in that five foot of space on Sunday mornings.
They Christian life is so much more expansive than we think!
If you are not growing in the gospel, then you are not healthy and producing fruit.
The Christian life is a wholistic life.
Spiritually, physically, financially.
Every part of the Christian life builds upon itself.
As we grow in our faith, we will grow in thankfulness to God because of what He has done and continues to do!
As Paul thanks God for what’s going on in the Colossian church, it seems like his imagination is sent into the stratosphere.
This isn’t just some forgotten little town.
He doesn’t thank God because their lifestyle is a little different than the culture.
There’s a revolution going on here.
God is doing big things in this little place!
This isn’t just a sleepy, no where town.
There’s transformation and life change happening.
These people are different!
Because their thankful for what God has done in their lives.
This is more than just living with positive vibes, this is
“I was dead and now I’m alive.”
“I was guilty now I’m free.”
Look at what they’re thankful for.
Colossians 1:12–14 ESV
12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. 13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Gospel presentation
How has God qualified you?
God has sent His Son on a mission for a purpose.
These people were not forgotten by God.
We are not forgotten by God.
Although we have sinned against God and spit in His face
We were in the domain of darkness
Jesus Christ came to die on the cross for your sins
HE has qualified us, through His blood to shared in the inheritance!
He has made it to where we get the inheritance of the saints
What is that? A right relationship with God where we don’t have to go to hell, but get to live with the blessing of God’s presence through faith!
Jesus shed His own blood so that we can be transferred into His Kingdom as beloved sons!
If you’re not a believer, you can have verse 14 today.
Repent of your sins, trust in Jesus
You will have redemption, the forgiveness of sins
You can be transferred from darkness into light today.
Fully accepted by God because of Jesus Christ.
Repent of your sins, put Jesus at the center of your faith, and you can have a new story today.
We’re going to take communion in a little bit
Communion is for believers to celebrate what Jesus did on the cross.
Today can be your first communion
Would you trust in Jesus and be given a new hope? Transferred from the Kingdom of darkness to light?
While we’re singing, just come to me and let me know that.

Take the Next Step

Put Jesus at the center of your faith
Write someone’s name
You’re going to intentionally share your hope with
Invite a friend or neighbor over for coffee and share your testimony of how Jesus has given you hope in difficult times. Your story could inspire them to seek hope in Christ.
Pray for
Lord move me forward
Help me take the next step.
Becoming a Christian
Being baptized
Serving; Joining the mission of the church
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