Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (3)
Hearts most important
Breathed soul into material body
First formed, then gave it will, the heart
like a cup, outside nice, but main purpose what inside.
so God’s way (sacramental)
mat world, then life
OT prepares physical earthly, NT Spiritual
earthly people to dwell in
matter then Spirit which gives matter life
without spirit empty husk or worse
hearts most imp
Earthly, material pointing to NT Spiritual
water washing slavery
death penalty for mortal sin
innocent lamb death
earthly kingdom of Jerusalem
promises this life
Whole OT was earthly and given life spirit in New
DEFINITION sacrament
just like sacrament its internal matters most
goes from external actions to heart of matter
Purity Law vs Moral Law
because of this change from earthly to spirit
from external to heart
..misunderstand laws of OT
more external to prepare way of Lord (explain)
purity laws for Jews (not moral laws that bind all)
washing, eating certain things, mixing fabrics, etc
Once gentiles united to judaism, no need for this external separation
purity laws didnt get abolished,
rather no longer a purpose to separating gentile from Jew
Their whole purpose was to prepare for God to dwell in us by these external signs
but many were more concerned with external purity than moral law
unfortunately made them just like gentiles supposed to be different from
doing external rituals to purify w/ gods, but their hearts filled with malice
brings to Gospel.
Trad v trad
traditions of men
Not a statement against oral traditions of God
as Matt 23:3 auth to pronounce them
later in apostles 2 thes 2:15 and 1 Cor 11:2 after all
...rather merely human (call these {t}raditions)
Even those allowed and even good, but not contradict Traditions of God
sport sundays
gifts on Christmas
private devotions
here obsession w/ appearance, earth, external, not heart
pharisees cleansed outside that doesnt matter and didnt let Gods spirit be breathed into their heart
Today/for us
Do we care more about external than interior?
appearing good when people see it, but evil in thoughts and private
keeping physically healthy but not spiritually healthy
being merely nice but not good
God breathed life into material body
God starts with the outside to prepare the way to enter into us
where God wishes to dwell is not our outside but inside
no life if not in our hearts
Do not be good by appearances only, but truly from the heart
what is important is our heart
prepared a body, now gives it the more important: soul
breaking decalogue but upholding external rituals they made up
Greek terms
“dialogismos” means evil plans, not undeliberate thoughts
porneia (at time) means unchastity in 1st cent context
envy, ‘evil eye’ literally
foolishness, ‘imprudence’ irrational acts
“driving law into the heart of the human being where he wants it”
matt 23:1.
2 Thessalonians 2:15 “So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.”
1 Corinthians 11:2 “I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I have delivered them to you.”
trad of men vs of us (apostolic, God sent)
CCC 83
Threskia: ‘religion’