Tale of Two Sons

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Theological Focus
Christ is always ready to welcome a sinner home after he/she comes to their senses and realize their own sinfulness, confessing their sin and turning from it before God, in which He clothes him/her in His own righteousness and gives them a new identity in Him.
The topic of identity is big in our culture today. It is the core of who you are. But who are we when we say we follow Jesus Christ? That’s the issue I want to address today.
I. Pursuit of Sinful Living leads to Emptiness and Despair (Luke 15:11-16)
A. Revelation
Q: What was the younger son doing when he told his father to give him his share of his property (inheritance)?
A: That he did not want to live with him, he wanted to live as though he were dead - I would be crushed!
far off country - went into Gentile territory
Q: What does this parable reveal to us about the pursuit of sin?
A: That is promises much but never delivers, it leads to emptiness.
significance of pigs - were unclean animals. Shows how desperate he became during the famine.
B. Relevance
Sin never comes with a huge sign saying: “I am sin”. It looks attractive!
Illustration: example of a moth to a flame.
sin is also like drinking salt water, the more you drink the faster it kills you.
II. Repenting of Sin leads to Joyful Reconciliation in Christ (Luke 15:17-24)
A. Revelation
Turning point - “But when he came to himself...”
Q: What did he first decide to do?
A: acknowledge his sin and the fact he brought shame upon himself and his family and request to be his father’s slave instead of his son
Q: How did he put it into action?
A: “…he arose and came to his father.”
Yet, it was while “he was still far off” that his father saw him - vulnerable, filthy rags, naked, desperate
Q: How does the father react?
A: nothing but love and compassion! he runs to him and embraces him.
Before the son can even get all of the words out, the father is already calling to his servants to bring the best robe on, a ring, and shoes for him.
describe the significance for each.
Q: What is the reason for the celebration (v.24)?
A: because his son was dead and is alive again, lost but now is found.
B. Relevance
This is how we ought to approach God through Christ - as we are, in our filthy rags, in our vulnerable state. But Christ clothes us with his righteousness, we are given a new identity in him.
Illustration: video of homeless people getting a makeover.
III. We need to be just as welcoming as Christ is (Luke 15:25-32)
A. Revelation
Q: How does the son address his father and refer to his brother?
A: “this son of yours”
is self entitled, demands that he be celebrated. doesn’t acknowledge his brother’s repentance but continues to hold his sin against him.
B. Relevance
IV. Application
For unbelievers: it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done, God is willing to embrace you with open arms if you just repent and trust in Jesus alone
For believers: know that you can never stray from the love of God, that we need to remind ourselves who we are in Christ.
How do we do that?
When we are tempted to think we are far away from God or not feeling qualified to be used by God because of past sin.
Step 1 - Stop what you are thinking, realize this is not who you are in Christ.
Step 2 - Remind yourself by saying something like, "I am dead to sin and alive in Christ", or, "I am a son/daughter of the King". Think about this parable and also look at Ephesians 1.
Step 3 - Be open to however God may use you, realizing he holds no past sin against you.
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