Micah 6-7 - Just a Closer Walk

Micah  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:43
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Walking humbly with God involves living a life of obedience, justic, and mercy, following the example of Jesus Christ.

In a world gone wrong, how do we do right? In the last 3 weeks we have learned that Micah’s countrymen were very much in a similar world to ours. In chapter 1 we found that worship had gone wrong: people were worshipping the wrong god or they were were trying to please the right God in the wrong way. In chapter 2 we noticed that the people were mistreating each other: seeking their own power and accumulation. Then last week we saw that their leaders were devouring rather than serving the people.
Today, in Micah’s final oracle, we find that people were attempting to overcome these 3 wrongs through church donations. But Micah addresses their thinking, their behavior, and their attitudes.
The executive summary of this oracle is found in the 3 verses read a moment ago, but the context of that soundbite is crucial for us to apply the soundbite correctly.
TRANSITION: Chapter 6 begins with courtroom imagery. The first 2 verses begin with a plea and an indictment.

Walking in Covenant (Micah 6:1-8)

Elements of the Crime (v.1-2)

1. With our “freedom of the press” too often cases get tried in the court of public opinion.
I have a pastor friend back in Wisconsin who came under social media fire the morning after the Butler, PA incident because he did not mention former President Trump in his pastoral prayer. This congregant had made a conclusion and was seeking allies or enemies a mere 12 hours later while evidence was still being collected. My friend responded, “in my prayer I was focused on the needs of those in our church family and any omission should not be interpreted as support or opposition to any candidate.” This week an event happened in Georgia and the helicopters and drones captured images that prompted many to draw conclusions about guilt and innocence before I had even learned of the tragedy.
2. When I went through the police academy in Oklahoma I was provided with this booklet. The booklet has a section of select major crimes and lists what must be proven in a court of law to find a suspect guilty. It doesn’t say anything about the race of the individual, the individual’s contribution to society, the persons former record, or the impact upon any victim. This simple listing of facts does not make for “must see tv” nor does it provide an engaging headline for the newspaper
3. It simply states “if a,b,c, is present then a crime has been committed and can be proven in a court of law”.

2 parties to a Covenant (vv.3-8)

Remember, all of God’s covenants with His people starts with God’s goodness to the other party.
God provided the Garden to Adam
God rescued Noahfrom the Flood
God blesse Abrahamand provided a Son
God chose David and established his descendants
God delivered from Egypt before he invited Moses to Sinai
These set up the New Covenant where God provides His own Son, Jesus, and rips the veil from top to bottom.
Vv.3-5 describe God’s unilateral goodness BEFORE the expectations of vv.6-8.
Since God had already proven His commitment to the covenant (vv.3-5), Would it be reasonable to expect Him to also perform the expectations of the other party?
Should He provide offerings?
Should He offer His Son to redeem the firstborn?
We find in Jesus, that although God has no obligation to these expectations, He DOES IT ANYWAY!

3 specific verb-complement pairings. (v.8)

Do justice – a couple of weeks ago when I spoke about justice that is not “woke” I highlighted the idea that justice must be doneby us, not required of others by us. We do not become the justice police, we become just doers!
Love kindnessKindness is always “otherly”. Kindness is never done in isolation! Our attitude towards others is not something optional, God requires that it come from deep in our being. You may have heard sermons that talk about the 4 Greek types of love (3 of which are found in our New Testament), but Micah didn’t speak NT Greek. This Hebrew word has both positive and negative uses. It is used to describe David and Jonathan’s deep kindred spirit that defined their relationship. It is also used to describe the Amnon’s passion that led to raping Tamar.
In response to God’s goodness and faithfulness to a covenant relationship, He requires that we have a deep seated kindness towards others.
Too often, kindness is NOT the first adjective that comes to people’s minds when considering the people of God. The reason we fail to demonstrate kindness is because we neglect the 3rd pairing.
3. Walk humbly – this meaning of walk is not the process of placing one foot in front of the other (as in the famous song from the Santa Claus is Coming to Towntelevision special). The sense of this word is fellowship.
“Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.” –Matthew Henry
We are to be in constant and intentional fellowship with God. When we are acutely aware of the blessing of that fellowship and the grace necessary for us to be in His presence, we are forced to put away any arrogance or hostility toward others. Even others who are still far from God’s intimate presence.
TRANSITION: Micah goes on to illuminate God’s expectations of us in response to His covenant kindness

a Warning to the Wicked (Micah 6:9-16)

Sight and Sound (vv.9-12)

Fear is not terror or quivering in this context. (v.9b)
It is actually a form of the word Jireh.
Jireh (as in Jehovah-Jireh) is usually understood as God who provides. But the actual root meaning is that He appears. He sees and He is seen.
It is sound wisdom to know that God is present in one sense, and that He shows up in a very real way.
The reason we fellowship with God (v.8) is because He comes to us. He is not a God on a distant throne above the clouds. The Hebrew understanding of God was One who spoke throughout the Scriptures and dwelt in the center of the camp via a cloud, fire, and glory in the Tabernacle.
God not only appears as Jireh, but He also communicates through hearingHear of the rod.
Many of us have seen sound clips of a 4-year old debate where one participant scolds the other with, “I’m speaking”. That is the force of the last phrase of v.9.
3. God has spoken and God is speaking Mr. human.
4. It is sound wisdom to look around and see what God is doing, it is also sound wisdom to listen to what He is saying. He is saying, “wickedness will not be tolerated!”

Wickedness ends in Emptiness (vv.13-16)

People around us are drinking saltwater.
I’ve been told that people stranded in the Ocean become so thirsty that they often drink of that water, but it only makes them thirst more.
vv.13-16 describe the people who are collecting all that this world offers, but it only leaves them empty and wanting more.
In a world gone bad, the proper response is not to feast on what the world offers, but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.
TRANSITION: Chapter 7 tells us that the gap that exists between what is and what will be requires us to…

Waiting in Anticipation (Micah 7:1-17)

The Tension of “not yet” (vv.1-7)

vv.1-6 describes the struggle
v.7 describes the believers’ strength.
Micah 7:7 ESV:2016
7 But as for me, I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.

Reward is coming (vv.8-13)

V.10 is a promise to hold when we experience injustice.
Micah 7:10 (ESV:2016)
10 Then my enemy will see,
and shame will cover her who said to me,
“Where is the Lord your God?”

Dust like a serpent (vv.14-17)

These verses hold on to a promise made back in Genesis 3. Things are truly messed up right now! But when the good Shepherd, the seed of the woman gathers the remnant we spoke about last week, the serpent who seems to have the upper hand will end up crawling on the ground and eating dirt.
Micah 7:17 (ESV:2016)
17 they shall lick the dust like a serpent,
like the crawling things of the earth;

Worshipping the Faithful and Compassionate God (Micah 7:18-20)

A Fitting Benediction

Micah goes back to an image he introduced back in v.3 of the first chapter.
Micah 1:3 ESV:2016
3 For behold, the Lord is coming out of his place, and will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth.
2. He concludes by staking a flag on the mount. There is ONE ultimate God:
He pardons
He forgives
He demonstrated compassion
He keeps His promises


We cannot allow the despair of politicians trying to win an office to turn our heads towards negativity and defeat.
Micah says the only response when people are bullies and leaders devour their people, is to turn to the Lord who will make everything right.
It is this God who invites you into relationship. This is the God who asks you to turn from sin and surrender to Him. This is the God who desires a life close to you, and an eternity with you.
Response Song #380...................................................................... “Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Benediction: (Micah 7:19) — He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.Walking Humbly with God
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