LVGBC 20th Anniversary
Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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1. Thank God for His Past Provision
1. Thank God for His Past Provision
18 But I have received everything in full and have an abundance; I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.
History by Jeff Kran
Jeffrey Kran [] Friday, November 19, 2004 10:01 AM
Pastor Scott Libby, a native of Vermont, upon returning from Grace seminary had a burden for planting Bible believing Churches in New England. Little did he know Jewish Missionary Jeffrey Kran and his family would soon come to share this burden. Irasburg, choosing to honor the responsibility of the Church a s a whole to reach the Jewish people according to Rom. 1:16, commissioned Jeff to Jewish ministry on November 1992.
He then began doing Bible Studies in various communities. Pastor Scott asked Jeff to go to Morrisville to visit Peter and Marion Guihan's relatives who were meeting with Jehovah's Witnesses. Jeff's background and testimony gave him a unique way of defending the Trinity. Jeff began meeting with them and Peter and Marion in a regular Bible study. At first this study met at home of the Guihan's relatives and at one point in time had an attendance of 15 people. An Evangelical Free Church pastor came to plant a Church and began to try to recruit from Jeff's Bible Study. So the Bible Study was force to move to the home of the Guihans. Jeff also did Bible studies simultaneously in the Morrisville's surrounding areas. He experienced variations in the attendance at the Guihan's Bible study. He preserved and eventually a young couple, the Pelton family, joined them. Rand and Michelle exhibited a true desire to have spiritual questions answered, Rand often coming with a whole page of them. Jeff spent blessed time studying with the Peltons. In time both Rand and Michelle confessed a solid faith in the person and work of Jesus. The Pelton family began attending the Irasburg Grace Brethren Church. Michelle and Rand were baptized by triune immersion. Michelle being baptized by Pastor Libby and Jeff baptizing Rand. Meanwhile, The Rockwell family had started attending Irasburg and attended the Bible study in Morrisville as well. This study continued with the three couples as regulars and Jeff's Son Ariel joining them when he traveled with Jeff. Irasburg invited Pastor Keith Merriman for a visit to observe what the Lord was doing. He visited the various Bible studies and immediately connected them with Irasburg's desire to do church planting. He pointed out to Pastor Scott and Jeff that Jeff had been doing church planting, by doing the preliminary work of exploring communities, proclaiming the gospel at these studies, and teaching the Scriptures. The Elders being Scott Rafferty, Pastor Scott Libby, and Jeff Kran began working with the men in the church to draft a definite plan. Pastor Scott with the other Elders sought advice from other fellowship pastors. The Home Missions' panel of the Conservative Grace Brethren had been getting regular updates previously. The plan required another man to work along side Jeff as an equal team member. This man would take more of the pastoral responsibilities as Jeff continued his work as an Evangelist/Missionary. Pastor Scott expressed this need to the fellowship as they were refining the plan. Pastor Ethan Kallberg showed interest in this work and committed to be the second member of the team. The Fellowship adopted the written plan on March 7* 2003. This acceptance was followed by a commissioning service for both Ethan and Jeff at National Conference of 2003. Pastor Ethan originally settled in Burlington with Jeff continuing to teach the Bible study in Morrisville.
History of the Lamoille Valley GBC November 20, 2004 by Ethan Kallber
On February 10, 2004 the Morrisville Bible study started meeting at Peoples Acadamy school in the history room across from the teachers lounge at 7pm. The facility was very suitable for our needs. On February 27th we had a special meeting at the home of Peter and Marian Guihan to discuss what it would take to start meeting as a church in light of the interest shown by the Brietmeyer, LaPierre, and Locke families from the Irasburg church.
This meeting laid the ground word that led to Sunday services beginning. As a result of that meeting, commitment sheets were signed by Peter, Marian, and even their son Sam Guihan, Rand and Michelle Pelton, Ken and Judy Breitmeyer, Michael and Virginia LaPierre, Greg and Jessica Locke, Marlene Kran, Denise Burney, Terry and Tami Brennan, and Mary Kay Cotte. The Bible Study continued steadily and on June 22nd, 2004 the Lamoille Valley Grace Brethren Church Incorporated was officially incorporated by the state of Vermont.
After I moved up to Hyde Park on August 3 1 we worshipped for the first time on Sunday morning September 5th at the people's Academy School Auditorium 9:30am with Sunday school following at 11:00am. Our first communion service was celebrated on October 17 at the People's Academy lunch room. While all of this was happening, we were talking with Dean Whitamore of the Advent Christian Church. Ralph and Carol Rockwell had known Dean and Fonda since childhood and opened the way for us to discuss the possibility of purchasing their church building. It was really just a dream for a long time because their was another
church that was already in Negotiations with the Advent Christian Church for the purchase of the building.
But the Lord had other plans. With Dean's help we were placed in contact with Clint Taber who was the Eastern Superintendent for the Advent Christian Churches. After the negotiations with the other church failed, Mr. Taber and his board offered our church the opportunity to buy the building for $200,000 at no interest. After consulting with the men of the Irasburg church at an October men's advisory meeting the Lord opened the door for us to accept their offer to purchase the building. The terms that we agreed to were to purchase the building for $200,000 which included a $5000 downpayment. The balance is to be paid at the rate of $600 for the first two years and then $800 for the remaining years until paid in full. Al of this interest free! After the purchase agreement was signed, we quickly moved in and had our first Sunday morning worship service in the new building on October 31st, our Great God has truly blest us beyond all that we could ask or think. May He be praised for His goodness to our church!
On Saturday,November20",we held a dedication for our new building. Members from the Irasburg GBC as well as friends and family members of the saints joined us for the service for a total of eighty people. At this time, four families and I transferred membership from Irasburg GBC to the LVGBC (eleven people). In addition to this, six people became new members and four people were baptised. God is so GOOD!
September 6, 2024 Email from John Oliver Jones, Eastern Regional Association of the Advent Christian Church
Hi Pastor Ethan and Benjamin.
We received your loan payment check dated 9-4-2024 for $2,829.50, representing the paid-off mortgage.
2. Trust God for His Future Provision
2. Trust God for His Future Provision
19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Warren Wiersbe
The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Eleven: The Secret of Contentment (Philippians 4:10–23)
God has not promised to supply all our “greeds.”
We must be faithful to serve our Lord Jesus for He is the one who is building the church. And, what He builds, not even the gates of hell can stand against it.
3. Praise God for All His Provision
3. Praise God for All His Provision
20 Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
We exists as a church to make Jesus famous by moving believers to maturity through Connect Grow Serve.
We do this by helping people connect to each other, providing environments to grow spiritually, and by helping them to serve to others so that others can connect, grow, and serve Jesus Christ and others.
28 We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.
29 For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me.