Genesis Chapters 12-19

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Chapter 12: (Ask for Summaries)

Major Events:
God’s covenant with Abram:
Abram leaves Haran for Canaan
Abram leaves for Egypt, acts with deceit.
Major Themes:
Discuss how the 3 promises shape the narrative structure of scripture
Discuss the inclusion of the gentiles in “all families of the earth.”
Discuss how Abram’s family halting their journey in Haran can be reflected in us taking half measures—need to restart our journey.
Discuss Abram’s lack of trust in going to Egypt—How is the theme of “trusting in Egypt” repeated in scripture (for Israel entering into the land, and for us today?)

Chapter 13: (Ask for Summaries)

Major Events:
Conflict between Abram and Lot
Abram and Lot part ways, Abram in Canaan and Lot toward Sodom.
Yahweh reaffirms His blessing to Abram; Abram builds an altar.
Major Themes:
How the choices we make (even about where we live) affect the spiritual good of our family.
Abram’s humility in letting Lot choose, and his renewed trust in remaining in Canaan:

Chapter 14: (Ask for Summaries)

Major Events:
Battle of the kings allied with Shinar and those allied with Sodom:
Lot’s family taken captive
Abram’s defeat of those forces and rescue of the captives
Abram’s rejection of King Bera and embrace of King Melchizedek
Major Themes:
Lot’s choices catch up with him
The choice of the righteous to rescue people from the consequences of their wickedness
The importance of rejecting fellowship with the world
How Melchizedek is a type of Christ

Chapter 15: (Ask for Summaries)

Major Events:
The promise of Isaac
God establishes a special covenant with Abram
Major Themes:
The promises of God in the face of doubtful and difficult situations
The importance of entering into a Covenant with God:
What covenant are we in?
What does it mean to be in a covenant, what are our responsibilities? etc

Chapter 16: (Ask for Summaries)

Major Events:
Sarai gives Hagar to Abram
Abram has a son, Ishmael with Hagar. (at 86 yo)
There is a falling out between Hagar and Sarai: Hagar flees.
Yahweh finds Hagar and promises to bless Ishmael
Major Themes:
How Satan pushes on our doubts even when God has affirmed His loyalty
(see the first temptation of Christ: IF you are the Son of God...
The temptation to take matters into our own hands when we think that God has not acted quickly or correctly.
The long term consequences of straying from or trying to change God’s plan.

Chapter 17: (Ask for Summaries)

Major Events:
Abram enters into the covenant of circumcision
Abram becomes Abraham
Promises are affirmed, Ishmael’s future secured.
Major Themes:
According to the NT, what was circumcision supposed to be teaching Israel? What sort of circumcision do those in the NT undergo now?
What is the difference between a the symbolism and practice of the OT Circumcision, done to infants at day 8, and Baptism, which is compared to circumcision but only performed on those who can believe?

Chapter 18: (Ask for Summaries)

Major Events:
Abraham receives a divine visitor, shows hospitality.
Birth of Isaac once again promised, this time within a year.
Sarah’s laughter and chiding.
Abraham is told about the fate of Sodom
Abraham bargains for the lives of Sodom, God’s justice affirmed.
Major Themes:
The importance of hospitality and care for strangers
What is the difference between Sarah’s laughter and Abraham’s questioning? For another example see Luke 1 and the comparison between Zacharias and Mary.
Why is it that Abraham could approach God and try to bargain? Why could he have such confidence that God would be just?

Chapter 19: (Ask for Summaries)

Major Events:
Visitation of Sodom
Lot’s hospitality, exposing the depths of Sodom’s wickedness
Sodom destroyed; Lot’s family partially escapes
Lot’s daughters rape their father twice to conceive
Major Themes:
How had Lot exposed himself to increasing levels of exposure to Sodom
Although it was not in doubt, how do the actions of the city highlight that God knows when a place needs to be judged?
What are examples of God’s mercy toward Lot in the chapter: Dragging him out of the city, allowing him to take shelter at a closer place, etc
How is Sodom’s influence born out in the actions of His daughters?
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