The Essence of Faith

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The Essence of Faith
(James 2)
Logan Peters
1) Pure and undefiled religion is the aspiration of every Christian (James 1:27).
2) The Christian desires to delight in the Law of God (Psalm 1:2; Rom. 7:22).
3) Christians should desire to give God the glory in all things (Col. 3:17).
4) To have a pure and undefiled religion, one must understand his faith.
5) James chapter two gives the essence of a Christian’s faith.
6) There is not a magic formula, there is not some big “secret.”
7) The faith of a Christian is charged with doing the will of God (Matt. 7:21).
8) The essence of our faith lies within James chapter two.
9) To have pure and undefiled religion, to have true faith one must not be a respecter of persons; he must keep the whole law of God; and his faith must be active.
I. True Faith has No Respect of Persons (James 2:1-9)
A. Pure religion: true faith has no room for respect for persons (Jam. 2:1).
i. Stop holding the Gospel system in such a way that you have partiality (NKJV).
ii. If you hold the faith system in this way, it is not the Gospel system of Jesus Christ.
iii. “Respect of persons” occurs multiple times in the New Testament.
1. Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; 1 Peter 1:17.
2. God is not a respecter of persons.
3. He does not have favorites, nor shows partiality.
B. James gives a real illustration that may be a reality to some (Jam. 2:2-4).
i. The contrast here is tremendous—this man with bright and shining apparel and a gold ring is trying to draw attention to himself. He gives off a sense of having riches or high status.
ii. But then there is the poor man who walks in with filthy clothing, just trying to be among the assembly.
iii. James presents how each man is treated.
1. The rich man is treated with respect and is given the best seat in the house.
2. The poor man is treated lower than dirt. He is told that he can sit under the footstool of another.
iv. Do Christians find themselves doing the same thing? Is there greater treatment for the one with the four-piece suit than the one who is in dirty work clothes because he came from his shift at the factory?
1. If this was a man outside of the body of Christ, what damage do you think is done? Do you think he will come back to the next service? Do you think he has a desire to hear the Gospel now?
C. James says you have become divided in your minds, thinking evil thoughts (James 2:4).
i. When Christians act in this way, they are now become respecters of persons.
ii. When we begin to treat one man in higher regard than another, there is an immediate and serious heart problem.
D. Hearken (LISTEN)—Are not those who are poor in wealth but rich in faith heirs to the kingdom of God?
i. The same man who has been shunned for showing up to worship in his work clothes may be strong in the faith (Psalm 68:10; 69:33; 140:12).
ii. You have despised that man to gain favor with the man who seems to have riches.
E. We are not practicing pure religion (Jam. 1:27).
i. The rich of this world are the ones who speak against Christians, so why do we try so hard to get their approval?
ii. Having partiality in men is a sin against love and the royal law (Rom. 13:8-9; Gal. 5:14; Mat. 22:39).
iii. There is an attitude problem here associated with sin.
iv. Love thy neighbor as thyself (Rom. 13:9).
II. True Faith Keeps the Whole Law (James 2:10-13)
A. There is an idea that has made its way into the church that there are different degrees of sin.
i. So, what if one tells a lie? He knows that it is wrong, but it is not nearly as bad as stealing, right?
ii. So, what if one cheats on his/her spouse? At least he/she is not committing murder!
B. When one breaks any law given by God, he is now a transgressor of the law.
i. God does not set degrees of sin.
ii. Romans 6:23 – The wages of “major” sin is death?
C. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
i. Paul would write to those at the church at Corinth about those who cannot enter the kingdom of God.
ii. There is oftentimes an emphasis placed on the list that Paul gives; one must zoom in on the word “unrighteous”.
iii. All unrighteousness is rejected by God.
iv. 1 Cor. 6:11 – SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU…
D. What is the point?
i. There will be a judgment in which that perfect law of liberty will judge every man.
ii. Are we following the entirety of the perfect law of liberty? Or are we setting degrees of sin that God never commanded?
iii. All have sinned (Rom. 3:23), but as Christians, we must continue walking in the light as He is in the light (1 John 1:7) and not allow our minds to change on what sin is.
iv. If we continue to press toward the goal, we can have boldness in the day of judgment (1 John 4:17) and rejoice in the judgment because we have found mercy in the cleansing power of the blood of Christ.
III. True Faith is Active (James 2:14-26)
A. What does it profit (James 2:14-20)?
i. What does it profit if one has faith, but does not put it into action with works?
1. Works are how faith is expressed (Gal. 5:6) – “FAITH WHICH WORKETH BY LOVE.”
2. When I do the will of the Father I am born again and continually blessed (1 Pet. 1:21-23).
3. Faith is a work of God (John 6:28-29).
ii. Galatians 3:26-27 – Repentance is faith deciding, baptism is faith in action
1. He puts off that old man in faith, being washed to arise a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17).
2. Faith does not mean anything until it is acted upon.
3. Even the devils believe and tremble (Jam. 2:19).
B. Because I am a new creature, what do I do?
i. You show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works (James 2:18).
1. When your brother or sister comes to you in need, you FILL THE NEED. You DO NOT turn them away (Gal. 6:10).
2. These works are of faithful obedience because I am saved, not working for merit to become saved (Eph. 2:8-10).
3. We help the ones in need because we want to show them the love of God and be that light on a hill that shows forth the glory of God through our FAITHFUL ACTS OF OBEDIENCE! (Matt. 5:14-16).
4. I want not to glorify Logan but to glorify God and show all the world His love through my actions!
ii. Faith if it hath not works, is dead, being alone (Jam. 2:17); But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead (Jam. 2:20); For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also (Jam. 2:26).
1) To have pure and undefiled religion, one must have faith. He must have a true faith.
2) The Christian must not be a respecter of persons.
3) He must do his best to follow the whole law and walk in the light (1 John 1:7).
4) He must have an active faith – obedient works of faith.
5) Let us all have the faith that is pleasing to God and that will allow us to go boldly in judgment, having done the will of the Father.
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