Architect of Success

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ILLUST: Trying to do a job without the right tools
Doing a job well takes work, challenge to learn a skill
Building a building right - blueprints, money, permits, clear direction laid out
A great boss, planner - sets you up to succeed
Issue: Many don’t want the job, don’t want to work

Jesus Prepares Disciples

It has been apparent that it is increasingly important for His disciples to be ready to take the banner of the Gospel
It will be challenging, do-able, and worth it
Jesus does all He says He is going to - leave and return (ref to Resurrection?)
This confuses them, still, but Jesus knows they’ll get it
He knows they can “do it,” even if they don’t
(Jesus prepares disciples)

1) Explaining the Cost

The pain of childbirth - compared
Intense, will it ever end?
Is it worth it? Ladies?
The resulting joy makes the pain endurable - lots of ladies have more than one child!
But what IS the job, the task, the cost?
Job/task - Being the voice of Jesus, the feet bearing the good news of the Gospel
The world makes the job difficult, seeming impossible at times
Yes, the world hates Jesus, hates believers - the cost
Enemy was rejoicing when Jesus died - short-lived
The world will rejoice when believers are gathered together from here (Rapture)
End Times aside: The Church will be removed - for a short time (7 years)
Then Jesus will return, again, literally, with us!
We will be leaving, and we’ll be back!
Meanwhile - it may simply get more difficult for us - Jesus is good to warn us

2) Creating the Access

If you have a job and you report to a superior - it’d be nice to be able to talk with that superior
The Access to the Father - accomplished by Jesus’ work
They’ve been able to go to Jesus for everything
Jesus had the connection with the Father
And He passes that on to them
Yes, His work opens that door to the Father, so they have direct access
“In Jesus’ name”
Comes from allowing Jesus to establish relationship with them
“Truly, truly” - over and over
“If it were not true I would have told you”
“Trust Me” - the promise of Jesus is golden
From the beginning of sin - access to the Father was the challenge
Reconciliation needed
All must be re-connected with the Father - can’t happen without Jesus

3) Creating the Path

Gotta know where to walk, how to walk, how to accomplish the task, navigate through the obstacles (world)
Victory is complete - yeah, OK…we say that…
Jesus faced an immensely difficult trial
Even He trusted in the purpose, the victorious purpose of the Father
Jesus did not avoid the trial
He did not duck the responsibility
“Thy will be done”
There is a path cleared to walk
Psalm 119:105 NASB95
Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
The Word actually allowed Jesus to complete His task
Now - Faith is what keeps on on the path lit by the Lord
Job to do - Finishing the work that is begun, Phil 1:6
Philippians 1:6 NASB95
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
FOR US - So what?
Knowing Jesus did all this for His disciples, for us…What is our response?
Knowing Jesus will return in “a little while…”
If someone gives you an answer, “little while,” don’t you want to know specifics?
Arrival times, how long, etc.?
What question is asked of Jesus, over and over? WHEN?
A little while :)
1 - This world brings pain, suffering, disappointment - that is, if you are a believer and are frustrated by the injustice shown to believers
If you are really comfortable here, maybe this isn’t a problem
This world is not fair
The pain in childbirth is not fair - and it’s worth it
The reward here for living for Jesus - hatred - is not fair - and it’s worth it! Eternally
2 - Where do you turn for help? Ever seem like there is just nobody to listen?
Jesus died and rose again, in order for you to go straight to the Father
ASK - and experience JOY
Experience JOY and your perspective changes
Pray differently! Not just “in Jesus name, Amen,” but boldly, proclaiming and celebrating access to the Father
Ask the Father - is the same spirit of Jesus, how HE prayed
That’s rather special
The Father sent the Son - 1 John 4:14
1 John 4:14 NASB95
We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.
TO SAVE! That means access, restoration, BOLD LVIING FOR HIM
Jesus saved you, gave you access to the Father - trust Him, He’s there to help you!
You might worry about Freedom. Do you? (Don’t show hands) -
What are you doing with the freedom you already have??
3 - How is your “path-walking” going?
That path - how/where we are to walk
It’s well-lit - by the Word
The decisions we face, choices we make, opportunities we encounter
Temptations we face
Stumbling blocks
Real danger! Real trouble
Lego bricks…
Shoes in way
Potholes in the road
Flying rocks…
The world throws stumbling blocks in the way
Goodness, we put our own there, too
Opportunities to sin, try to make our own path
We tend to put them there ourselves
We do life “Our way” - and God lets us
Look at the aids God gives us for our path
Prayer - obviously, or is it obvious?
The Word - to keep it lit - why don’t we utilize it???
The Church - yeah, the Church
Trouble looks like this
Choice, not a great one
Consequences - natural
Do you see the Church as a resource to help you?
Most will avoid church when conflict arises
“I know I should be at church, but I’m just so angry, I’m so hurt, I’m so frustrated, I’m just gonna go somewhere else…”
Trouble typically includes a lot of “I” - “I” - “I” - “I think, I want, I feel….
Jesus knows this
Jesus knows that this world is totally “I” - focused
And Jesus has overcome the world
So you don’t have to rely on YOU
This is encouraging!
This world is focused on winning!
This world is focused on defeating us!
This passage/chapter, is not defeatist
Jesus doesn’t share this to alarm or to invoke depression
Jesus is a REALIST
World - suffering, trouble, challenges
Jesus - Death and resurrection, just as REAL
Jesus - secured the victory - REAL
Living for Jesus - truly living each day with living for Him in mind - REAL
The path will not always be clear of obstacles - and Jesus/Spirit helps navigate
Jesus returning to gather us together - REAL
Saved - accepting that salvation?
Relying on Him? Allowing prayer, the Word, and the Church to keep focus?
Seeing the world as already overcome by Jesus?
Philippians 4:4 NASB95
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
Jesus, the victorious KING, has given you all you need to live a prosperous spiritual life - for Him
If you want to…
Jesus, the victorious KING, has set you up for success - He knows you can do it
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