Love God with All your heart, Soul, and strength
Call To Worship
Say: Let us now begin to worship the Father the Son, the Holy Spirit, Our Call to worship Comes to us from
What is love, A biblical and contemporary breakdown
What God does in our love for him.
How to respond to his love with your love
Application note:
God does not love only certain portions of us, but the whole person; therefore, we are to love God with our whole selves. God does not save us by fractions, and we are not to offer to God a mere fraction of ourselves. Jesus warns elsewhere that as the slave cannot serve two masters, so it is impossible to divide our allegiance between two masters, God and Mammon (Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:13). We will be ruled by one or the other. The one who is double-minded will inevitably fall sway to Mammon. One cannot seek power, wealth, empire, and sensual gratification and at the same time be submissive to God’s will.
Those who present to God a few moments worship in church once a week while ignoring God in the rest of life—at work, at home, at play—will suffer from a religious schizophrenia. Those who try to straddle the fence by allotting God only token love while maintaining a bosom friendship with the world are doomed to be frustrated in this world and doomed in the world to come. With God, it is all or nothing. Love cannot be tithed like money. Few can honestly sing “All to Jesus I Surrender,” but God requires nothing less.
Point 1 Loving with Heart
We must love God with all our heart. In the Bible, the “heart” is more than a pumping station. It is the command center of the body, where decisions are made and plans are hatched. It is the center of our inner being, which controls our feelings, emotions, desires, and passions. The heart is where religious commitment takes root. It is in our innermost being, where we decide for or against God. We can give assent with our mind and lips, but it is the telltale heart that betrays our true loyalties
Point 2 Loving with Soul
We must love God with all our soul. God gave breath to the soul of humans. The “soul” is the source of vitality in life. It is the motivating power that brings strength of will. Together with the heart, the soul determines conduct. When we are commanded to love God with all our soul, it refers to the power of our lives. The apostle Paul provides a good example of someone who loved God with all his soul. All of his energies were focused on pursuing God’s purposes in his life. He wrote, “But one thing I do” (Phil. 3:13). It was this commitment that drove him to do and suffer all that he did for Christ (see 2 Cor. 11:23–29). His soul was so consumed by God that he was constrained to preach, to press on, and to fight the good fight. Those who love God with all their soul will, like Paul, commit all of their energy and strength to him.