9/15/24 Vision Sunday
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The word vision in corporate America
sets the tone and direction for an organization
The vision statement has become the buzz word in leadership circles
and it is on constant repeat in most businesses
because the saying in leadership goes, “Vision leaks”
In other words for any leader to have success they must constantly be retelling the vision of the company
In church settings though, the word vision can have all sorts of perceptions
and most of them are negative
Questions arise like, “Should a pastor really have the vision for the church?”
Isn’t this the church of God?
Doesn’t the vision come from Him and we just follow that?
To which I would say “amen!”
Honestly the mission and vision of the church hasn’t changed
since Jesus gave the great commission before He ascended into heaven
Matthew 28:18–20 (ESV)
18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
I could spend the entire time talking about his one verse
Because in my understanding
This is the mission of the church
It’s labeled the Great CO-mission for a reason
God has invited us to work with each other to accomplish making disciples of all people groups
So let’s just say amen and go home
To help us as a church remember the Co-mission of the church
We created it in simple statements
Introducing people to God
Developing follower of Jesus Christ
Deploying them into the world
So that’s the mission, but what about vision?
let’s take a moment and define what a vision is
so we can all have clarity about this
Definition of Vision
Definition of Vision
Proverbs 29:18 (ESV)
18 Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint
I’m not a prophet or the son of a prophet
I’m not claiming to be a prophet
A prophetic vision is one that God gives to a specific person or people
for a specific reason
In the Old Testament most of the visions given to the prophets were all about correcting sin
That’s not the vision we are talking about this morning
However, let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater
The principle behind this is
if there is not clarity for what the mission looks like
people will do whatever is right in their own eyes to try to accomplish the vision
Example, Jesus said to make disciples, what exactly does that look like in best practices?
Does that mean Bible study?
Does that mean outreach to the community at laundry mats?
Does that mean serving food to the homeless?
Does it mean small group accountability?
Is it reaching children, adults, seniors
maybe all of it?
This is where vision comes in
It helps to focus our efforts to accomplish the commission that Jesus gave to us within our local environment.
Let’s look at another verse
Habakkuk 2:2–3 (ESV)
2 And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
3 For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.
Again, this is a prophetic vision
But there is another principle here that I believe we can apply
God may give a people a vision or a mission
and if it doesn’t happen with a generation
God’s mission for those people doesn’t change
He may allow a group of people to die off and start with a whole new group of people
but the mission and vision doesn’t change, just the people.
It all depends on how obedient to the mission that group of people are
There’s a whole church in the end times that Jesus is speaking to
The church at Ephesus has begun to do things
that aren’t wrong, but aren’t the vision and mission of Christ either
So Jesus sends a warning to the church
Revelation 2:5 (ESV)
5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.
The vision is the long range plan
It’s the end goal of what the leader of the organization wants to see it become
It’s more than a 5 year goal or even a 10 year goal
it’s the end game
at the end of the game, the end of the road
this is what we should look like
If you want to know God’s vision for His people?
Revelation 7:9–10 (ESV)
9 After this I looked (vision), and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
10 and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
It may look like this
Every Nation, Tribe, People, Language
So God’s vision is to have every tongue, tribe, people, and language
all gathered together worshipping God together
The mission, making disciples of all nations, ethne, people groups is how we get there
That’s the vision and mission for all of God’s people
That’s what an organization might call a BHAG
A big hairy audacious goal
It’s so huge that it is impossible to accomplish without Jesus
And it’s impossible to accomplish all by ourselves.
That’s why there are multiple churches and followers of Jesus
because each church and follower has their own part in accomplishing the mission and vision of God
So what is our job to find the vision for this local community of believers
Vance Pittman - A church planter once said it this way
Vision is seeing God’s activity in the world and showing other people how to get in on it. - Vance Pittman
So that’s the job of the church
Where is God at work and how can we be part of it?
Henry Blackaby said it also in his Experiencing God study
Watch to see where God is working and join Him there - Henry Blackaby
Over the past 12 years begin at Riley’s Creek, that’s what I’ve tried to do
Vision and Mission are not about finding something new
It’s connecting with where God is and has been
Where We’ve Been
Where We’ve Been
I’ve said on a recent Sunday evening I am a journaler
I started journaling because
it allowed my to get out my emotions on a piece of paper
without having to go postal on people.
I then began journaling to improve my walk with Jesus
and I spoke about that the other night
so if you want to see how I journal, watch the video
We need to take a brief perspective of where as a church we’ve been
So we know what to correct
to see how God has been able to work through this body
and how to grow in our relationship as a church with Christ
We could just keep maintaining what we have
We could just be the same ole country church we’ve always been
and when we do, we keep the traditions and other things
that were started before we got here
and may never know the reason why they began
I was sharing in our staff meeting last week
about why we have a Thanksgiving service on Tuesday nights
It started because when Pastor Herchenhahn was here
we had the Thanksgiving service on Wednesday nights
at the time we didn’t have Sunday evening services
The office is closed on Wednesday
but we came in just to have the service that evening
Also, there were a lot of people traveling on Wednesday
to get to family for Thanksgiving on Thursday
I made the suggestion we have it on a Tuesday night
rather than Wednesday and he agreed
We no longer have Wednesday nights
and we now have Sunday night services
so the question came up
why can’t we have the Thanksgiving service on Sunday night instead of Tuesday
That sparked the conversation about
why we have had the Thanksgiving service on Tuesdays
after we figured it all out
We decided it would be better to have the Thanksgiving service on Sunday night
These are the things we need to look at as we go back and see the history of the church
History of the Church
History of the Church
The history of Riley’s Creek is simply defined as
Where has God taken this church in the years of it’s existence
and why do we do some of the things we do
and have some of the things we have
are we functioning and operating on traditions?
Or are the things we do primarily scriptural?
Are there things that we do that need to stay in place?
or are there things that need to happen that need to be updated or released
I believe that God plants a church in a community
for specific purposes that may change over time
as the community changes, so does the specific work to accomplish the commission of the church
It wouldn’t do us much good to start an urban ministry here in Rocky Point
unless all of a sudden
high rise buildings began to be built around the church
We have other responsibilities based on our context
I’m not going to give a full history of the Riley’s Creek Baptist
You can read it for yourself
we actually have history books that were printed for the 200th anniversary ten years ago
The bullet point version of Riley’s Creek is
this church was founded in 1814 by a circuit preacher
that was traveling by boat and felt led to start a church in this area
Since that time God has been at work in this area
How can you tell God has been at work here at Riley’s Creek?
Buildings and furnishings have been donated
land was donated
ministries began and spread throughout the community
after 200+ years, the church is still here
and I’m not just talking about the building
The church was able to be involved in many opportunities
We helped to build the Matthew 25 Center in Burgaw
We helped to be part of the missions house in Wilmington
Our church is rich in helping with NC Baptist Disaster relief projects
We are usually the first church to get called when a ramp is needed for someone in the community
The members of this church enjoy a debt free property and building
We even have had people to donate to the church
because they felt we were a missions minded church
we are actually considered a growing church
the average church in the US congregation wise averages at 65 people.
So God is blessing
Now times haven’t always been the best
as with most churches, Riley’s Creek is full of people
and people are naturally sinners
and sinners tend to sin
But what God can do with a group of willing sinners is amazing
even in spite of what we try to dismantle
God continues to build and use the remnant faithful to Him
Where We Are
Where We Are
This is a much different time than 210 years ago
when the church began in 1814
It wouldn’t be until almost 1925 that electricity was being installed in homes
111 years after the church began
maybe 1950ish before televisions were placed in homes
maybe 1980’s before computers were in homes
The internet wasn’t a thing until around 1993
The phones we have in most of our pockets have more technology in them
than the 210 year history of this church has ever seen
Not just technology but society has changed
Self checkout, drive through windows and fast food
automobiles that drive themselves
You can now order anything from around the world and have it at your doorstep in a matter of days
and have your groceries delivered to your door in a couple of hours right here in Rocky Point.
Houses no longer have telephone connections in them
Now they have cat 6 cables to run internet
fiber optic lines now carry more information faster and more reliably to your homes
A type writer made it’s way to the Smithsonian Institute Museum
and was replaced by a keyboard and a screen
No more white out is needed
I can preach from an iPad and not have to worry about not reading my own notes
In 200 years where have we come culturally?
We now have legalized gambling, alcohol sales, all kinds of smoking devices
We’ve been fighting about the rights of the unborn since the 70’s
We have legalized marriage between all sorts of people
School shootings, sending rockets into space, electric cars, and AI are all normal events
Politics hasn’t really changed much in 200 years
we’ve just become more sensitive about it since social media and a 24 hour news cycle
The prince of the power of the air is ramping up his efforts to distract Christians from their true command to go make disciples of Jesus
and have instead began making disciples of a political candidate or a news media outlet
We’ll talk more about that next week when we start a series on relationships
Riley’s Creek
Riley’s Creek
What about as a church?
A few years ago I felt we were figuratively standing on the border of the promised land
and arguing over a “vision”
Somebody’s personal vision rather than seeking what God wanted for His church and His vision
deciding if we were going to take a 40 year trip around the wilderness
and in essence maintain what we had always done in the past
or if we were going to trust God and walk across the river
I’m happy to say that the church decided to trust God
and decided to trust God by taking on a Yankee pastor that was totally unprepared
and completely green when it came to being the senior pastor
and we together are still trusting God two years later
However, remember what happened to those people on the other side of the Jordan River
They had to fight for their land
they had to trust God when he said
Joshua 1:3 (ESV)
3 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.
Even when it didn’t make sense
or even when the way was tough
God said to have courage
and for the most part they did
They didn’t do everything right
but they were able to acquire most of the land that God had promised to them
and then they got comfortable and forgot about God
You can read about it in the Bible beginning with Deuteronomy and go to the book of Malachi
So where are we today?
well, we are right where God wants us to be
It’s entirely up to us if we are going to step forward and claim what is already His
or if we are going to retreat and wish we were back in Egypt
I believe we need to move forward and trust God
Where We Are Going
Where We Are Going
Since God’s vision is to have every people group gathered around the throne in heaven
and His way to get there is to make disciples of Jesus Christ from all people groups
How do we focus all that into where we are?
Well I’ve had the privilege to see where God is working and how we can get there
I believe we have three areas we can focus
Community, Country, and the World
The question we need to ask about each of these is
How can we accomplish God’s commission for these
and what is the best use of our resources to do it?
Much of this is still under the microscope with various teams within the church
but let me give you some snapshots of where we could go
and what it might look like
3 Areas of Focus
3 Areas of Focus
How can we accomplish God’s commission for the world?
and what is the best use of our resources to do it?
We live in a first world country
with almost 31% of the worlds wealth right here in the US
per adult salary we rank 2nd in the world
Now some may say that’s impossible
have you seen what I make a year?
I would challenge you to go out and visit a third world country and see just how wealthy you really are
Because we are among the wealthiest countries in the world
we have a responsibility to use our resources to help the world to find the gospel of Jesus
there are over 3000 Unreached People Groups
A people group is anywhere from 38,000 to 1.8 million people
just averaging those numbers together comes to about 1 million people
times 3,000 equals the number of people that do not have a Christian within their people group
By the way the number is about 3 billion people without the gospel
How can we accomplish God’s commission for the world?
and what is the best use of our resources to do it?
by multiplying our efforts
We can go to reach one people group
and the church made the decision earlier this year to reach the Jains
This is a people group in South Asia that have about 1.8 million people in it
You can walk down the halls of the church and see all kinds of pictures of South Asian culture
and see a wall with just the Jains on it
At the very least we can pray for them
for the missionaries in the South Asian area
but we can also do more
we’ve set up a discovery trip in February next year
to establish contact with IMB missionaries and cultural leaders
with a goal to go back twice a year to help cultivate the ground in that area
and reach these people until they are reached with the gospel
discipled into Christ
and start indigenous churches on their own
We can’t go everywhere, but we can multiply our efforts
we already do that through missions offerings like the Lottie Moon Offering
and the Annie Armstrong offering
We also have at least a tenth of budget toward supporting missions efforts in
Hungary, Zambia, Mexico, Cuba, Turkey, England, France, Ireland, Coute D Voir
and we partnered with Wrightsville Beach Baptist to start work in Uganda because I saw God at work there
This is another place we can place our efforts to go
and share with a majority Muslim village that we built a well for water
and we’ll get to go next year and have earned their ear to share the gospel
Did you know that 57% of people under the age of 40
were born outside of the United States are now living here?
over half of those living in America are not from here
This is an incredible opportunity
We can go to the world without ever needing a passport
How can we accomplish God’s commission for our country?
and what is the best use of our resources to do it?
We already support the North American Mission Board
to help revitalize plateaued and declining churches within the US
and support church planters also in North America
We support other missions efforts all across the US
through our supported national missionaries like the Smiths and Brian Palumbo and the Rivenbark family
We have our disaster relief teams ready to go
in the event of some catastrophe
there are several people that are trained through NC Baptists
to go be part of a chainsaw crew, cook food, or just pull out flooded structures
all doing this with the opportunity to make disciples of Jesus
We are working on an opportunity to work with a church planter up north in Boston
God is at work in the Boston area through North American Mission Board church planters
This will allow us to not only lend a hand to those that need help
both financially and physically
but will also provide training for us to be able to
possibly learn how to plant churches even within our own community
We have another opportunity to partner with two ministries in the Northeast
The first is a partnership with Coats for the City
God is at work through Kure Beach Baptist doing this project
This is a simple as bringing coats to the church
and a we choose to either hand them over to a sister church to take to New York
Or go and and bring our coats to hand out while we are there sharing the gospel
in predominantly Muslim neighborhoods of refugees from around the world
Even just reaching our own state
We have two unreached people groups per month that appear for prayer
most of these people we don’t associate with North Carolina
people groups like the Persian Farci or the Han Chinese
even the Jains that live in Cary, NC
At the very least we can pray that churches would adopt these people groups
and begin to search out and share with them
We are praying for a church that would search out and find the Jains in Cary
that we can partner with them and begin work to reach them an hour away from our home
Another way to reach our state is to help poorer communities during Christmas time
God is at work with Wrightsboro Baptist Church as a sending church for this project
This year the church will partner with them and other NC Baptists
to do what is called Appalachian Backpack Outreach
Similar and in place of Operation Christmas Child
We get to help kids in our own state in the Appalachian area
by collecting specific items and putting them into backpacks
and then again, either delivering them to a sending church in the area
or take them to the churches in the Appalachian area to deliver to the kids
How can we accomplish God’s commission for community?
and what is the best use of our resources to do it?
It is no secret that I have a heart for missions
But missions is not just defined as going across the world to share the gospel
Missions happens in our own neighborhoods and communities.
And our efforts here have a a multi faceted approach
Reaching the large community
Reaching the large community
We support local missions agencies like Pender County Christian Services
Matthew 25 house, a place for families to stay while they visit their loved ones in the prison
Safe Haven - a place for women of domestic violence and abuse to stay
FCA - we currently house the regional office in our church
and support the regional director financially
That means we are in the counties of Pender, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Onslow
The Tierney family who were just here
are reaching UNCW, Cape Fear Community, have a college study in their home
we are a part of that ministry
Reaching the local community
Reaching the local community
Our Vacation Bible School was able to touch over 50 kids that don’t belong to a church
and we’ll continue to reach out to those families that came to invite them to be part of other events
God is at work with Burgaw Baptist Church and us through
Pender Sports Ministry feeds close to 19 athletic teams each week
and over 2000 students in middle and high school receive a snack, devotional and prayer
through the efforts of Pender Sports
We’ll also be returning to our Angel Tree programs
We will collect gifts, wrap them up, and give them to deserving families within our own community
This year we’ll add to our schedule a free health screening outreach
On November 2 the NC Mobile Health Unit will come onto our property
We’ll offer blood pressure screening
BMI Screening
Diabetes testing and education
Wellness counseling
Bouncy Houses and an opportunity hear the gospel to all that come
as we try to reach our community by providing the need of health screenings
We are also looking at reaching our Hispanic community specifically
To start we are sending people to get ESL certified to begin classes here on property
with the hopes of reaching the Hispanic community around us
by teaching English as a Second Language using the Bible as a textbook
You can join me in praying for a Hispanic church to partner with to reach our Hispanic community
and a Hispanic church planter to evangelize, disciple, and grow a church here in Rocky Point
Inviting the local community
Inviting the local community
There are a lot of proposed houses to be built in this area
Things keep popping up about the number
the point is at some point they will be here and how do we bring them in
We’ve already started to make updates to our internet presence
In soon and future days we’ll update our streaming presence online
We’ve discovered that the first touch for a church is the video presence
people will watch and join based on what they can see from their computer before ever entering the door of the church.
We’ll have a new church app and website online
There will be midweek podcasts available
so people can still learn and grow in the middle of the week
without having to make another trip to the church building to do it
this is the first touch for almost everyone that comes to the church
Tonight we’ll vote on taking the next step
when they drive up on campus and see a new digital sign
It reaches a new generation of people in our community
and shows we are trying to stay up to date even before people enter the building
It will be able to communicate all the events as people pass by
rather than just one event per month
we can communicate several events each day
bible verses, sayings, correct service times, etc.
We have been working diligently making the campus new guest friendly
without changing who we are
we’ve added some signage on the walls to help people get to places
including bathrooms
There are signs for visitors to park close to the sanctuary doors
there are two big ribbon banners to show people where the doors are
Coming up
We’ll be looking at removing the closet wall in the vestibule to create more room
this will allow missionaries that come to have a place to set up information
it will have a place for us to showcase some of the history of the church
it will also allow a place out of the way of people trying to leave
that pastoral staff can meet and talk with people that have questions they need answered
Way down the road
We’ve been trying to revamp what we have with the resources we have to try to make the campus more inviting
You may be saying, isn’t our campus more inviting already?
What could be more inviting than to have to search for the main entrance to the building
or to have to walk past me every Sunday to use the bathroom
To have to wheel a disabled person around the building to come in the back entrance
to get soaking wet while dropping people off when you arrive.
Here’s an idea for a solution to all those and make it a little more inviting to those that want to come
An idea is to build a building connecting the two existing buildings with a covered driveway
The new structure will be level to the front door to allow for wheelchairs to come through without a special ramp off to the side or having to roll around to the back of the facility
It will connect Clark’s Landing Loop with the parking lot with a covered drop off area to be able to drop people off under cover in inclement weather
The building will allow for a larger vestibule entrance area that can display missions, ministry, and history.
A place for parent with small children to escape out the back if they need to
a place to allow for a secure entrance to the children’s hallway and check in stations
including storage, rooms for security, and bathrooms in the back.
Even farther down the road
An idea to build a building called the Missions Center
a place to house and feed disaster relief teams when hurricanes come to the area
and to house our church disaster relief equipment
a place to hold missions conferences to educate those in the area
To house missionaries that are here on furlough
missions teams that want to serve in this area
a place to have some fellowship and recreation also for those in the area and for our local church
This will be a multi purpose building that will have a large are in the middle
probably for sports, or large conferences
The area will be surrounded by rooms
The rooms will be for groups to stay in during mission trips and events
disaster relief. The Baptist Men will have it’s own garage for storage
A large kitchen for preparing meals for large groups and conferences
a couple of rooms that are similar to a hotel room for missionaries to come and stay during their furlough
All of this is to help invite the community to be part of our fellowship
And to show the community what the vision of God looks like in practical real ways
There are no time lines for this
and these are ideas, not set in stone
but it’s a direction, a focused local vision of God’s greater vision to reach the world
This is so that we can all be headed in the same direction
to accomplish the same Commission
for the same larger God vision
of every nation tribe people and language
worshipping at the feet of Jesus
Let’s take as many as we can to see Jesus with us
If you want to join us in this effort
come find me at the end of the service and I’ll help you discover what your next step is.
It’s going to take more than who is here to do all these things
which is why we God needs us to make disciples of Jesus.
Not to grow this campus
but to grow His Kingdom.