The Mercy of a Loving and Impartial God
James 2:1-13
Why do Christians so value and esteem the Lord Jesus? It is all here in James’s words.
• We prize Jesus because he is Lord—the sovereign, exalted ruler of the universe.
• We prize Jesus because he is Jesus. This is his human name. Wonder of wonders! The sovereign Lord took our humanity and dwelt among us.
• We prize Jesus because he is Christ. This name refers to his office or function. It means ‘anointed one’, and the Lord Jesus was anointed by God to discharge a threefold office—prophet, priest and king. As prophet, he faithfully declares the truth of God. As priest, he offered himself as the sacrifice for sinners. As king, he rules over his people.
• We prize Jesus because he is the Lord of glory. He is the Lord from glory who perfectly reflects the glory of God and will eventually take his people to share in his glory.
• We prize Jesus because we, by the grace of God, ‘hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ’. Faith is the means God gives by which we apprehend or appropriate who Christ is and what he has done. We know Christ by faith.
It is possible to be poor in this world and rich in the next, or rich in this world and poor in the next (1 Tim. 6:17–18). Or, you could be poor both in this world and the next, or rich in this world and the next. It all depends on what you do with Christ and the material wealth He has given you. God promises the kingdom to “those that love Him” (James 2:5), not to those who love this world and its riches.
Where God finds repentance and faith, He is able to show mercy; where He finds rebellion and unbelief, He must administer justice. It is the heart of the sinner that determines the treatment he gets.
God’s Word can change our hearts and give us the desire to do God’s will, so that we obey from inward compulsion and not outward constraint.
But God deems it his glory and joy, to pardon and bless those who might justly be condemned at his tribunal; and his grace teaches those who partake of his mercy, to copy it in their conduct.