The Idol, The Furnace, and The Savior

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Something that happens at the beach is when you begin to get in the water, the waves begin to hit you. The further out you go, the harder it is to stand strong. As a kid, I would test myself to see how long I could withstand the waves and shaky sand. As I grow older, I realize that’s a picture of maturing in the faith.
Need: The waves of culture are constantly hitting you, and you have to decide how you will stand in it. Will you stand strong in the Lord, or will you allow the waves to pummel you?
Daniel 3
Main Idea: Stand Firm in the Faith
Babylon has taken over. Taken Jews into Babylon. Nebbie had a dream. There was an image. Head was gold (Babylon), chest and arms were silver (Persia), middle and thighs were bronze (Greece), legs of iron (Rome), and feet of iron and clay (10 kingdoms reigning when Christ returns).
Because of Daniel’s interpretation, he and the boys are promoted in Babylon. The plan: build homes and pray for Babylon. Now, they are given responsibilities there.
Instruction #1: Withstand the pull of culture (1-12)
Exp. In light of this vision, Nebbie builds an image. Verse 1. This image is all in gold. Gold represented Babylon. This was him taking destiny in his own hands. Calls the officials. Verse 4-6. All peoples, nations, and languages. Hear the music and bow or thrown into furnace. So, they tried it. Music played and everyone bowed. Verse 8. Likely jealous of the men’s standing. Verse 9-12.
You have appointed.
Pay no attention to you.
Do not serve your gods or worship golden image.
The first three don’t matter. The last one is the disobedience.
Ill. Telling your kids to clean their room. If not, no tv. One kid cleans, the other doesn’t. The obedient one tells you that “Your son that you raised, whom you’ve provided food and roof, doesn’t respect you, didn’t clean his room. The other stuff is fluff. Doesn’t matter.
Arg. Their lives were at stake. It’s not uncommon for us to have ultimatums as believers. They’ll say: If you stand on Christian convictions, you hate people. Or if you vote this way, you’re not a Christian. Our lives are plagued with ultimatums. They’re almost always tempting capitulation. Christian beliefs must be sacrificed on the altar of man.
Galatians 1:10
For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Arg. You have to answer to God, not man. As God was the object of faith for these men, Jesus should our object of faith.
Christ - Jesus is the object of our worship. Not an idol made by man, but God in flesh. This statue could be seen for miles, but Jesus will be worshiped forever.
App. What do we do?
Gracefully stand in your convictions. Gracefully, not angrily.
Proximity is key. Biggest impact is not on social media, but with those close to you.
Understand your decision has consequences.
Instruction #2: Bear the Marks of Jesus (13-23)
Exp. Nebbie is irate. Verse 13-14. Feels betrayed. He’s going to give them a second chance. Verse 15. Gives them the ultimatum again, and then challenges their God. Nebbie fails to realize that God is the one who gave him his position. Nebbie claims he is in control and questions the one who is. Verse 16-18. No need to answer. God will save them. If not, we still won’t kneel. Willing to die for God.
Ill. I have strong opinions. Barry Bonds and Pete Rose in HOF. Will I die for these? No. I will not die for an opinion, but for the truth.
Arg. The boys would not die for an opinion, but for what they knew. God was sovereign and he was worth it. Verse 19-23. They went into the furnace ready to die. Same ferver of disciples. Disciples knew this. Paul knew this.
Galatians 6:17
From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.
Paul - shipwrecked, arrested, stoned, chased out of cities. Willing to lose everything because Jesus did.
Christ - Christ was willing to die for us as he fulfilled the will of God. Prayed in the Garden, but if not.
App. Why should we bear marks?
Because Christ did
Because we stand in truth
Why should we not bear marks?
Because we are jerks
Section #3: Salvation is only through Jesus Christ (24-30)
Exp. He throws them in, and something happens. Verses 24-25. They threw 3, but 4 are just walking around. Not hurt. Like a son of the gods = must have been divine. Christophany. Biblical angels were weird looking, this was not. Jesus stepped in and rescued them from the fire.
Christ - Jesus stood in the fire with them. He stood in our place, and he stands with us now. He took the punishment we deserved, and gave us salvation.
Ill. Brother being punished after being the victim. The brother who was punched took the punishment for the guilty one. Setting him free.
Exp. He jumped into the fire with them and saved them. Look at the response. Verse 26. Servants of the MOST HIGH GOD. After he sees it, his tone has changed. Verse 27-28. Respected their stand. Verse 29-30. Begins with decree and ends with decree. Different threat. No furnace. Torn limb from limb.
Arg. Over and over do we see God saving. No other gods will. None of them save. False gods who don’t exist.
App. What do we do? How do we acknowledge Christ as the savior?
Identify idols. For them it was the statue. For us, it is school, relationships, work, success.
Identify the fallacies. Find their deficiencies. The boys knew God would save. People only worship out of fear. Point out where they will leave you hopeless.
Identify the Savior. Seek Christ. Live and rest in his salvation and provision.
The waves of culture are testing you each day. Choose today how you will respond.
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