The Presence of God in Creation

The Presence of God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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The Presence of God in Creation
Genesis 1
This morning we begin a new series focussed on the Presence of God. Throughout this series, we will learn some truths about God and His presence that I believe will help us to be aware of God’s presence in our own lives.
Today, we will look at the Presence of God in Creation. Turn with me to Genesis 1.
As you turn there, we are going to have a quick review of elementary school reading class. What is a verb? It is an action word. It shows that someone or something is doing something. There is an action taking place. As we read Genesis 1, I want you to notice the action words that you see.
Read Genesis 1.
Let’s take just a moment and look at what God was doing.
Created, hovering, said, saw, separated, called, made/fashioned, blessed, and then if you look a couple of verses forward into ch. 2, He rested.
Understanding that God does not change. He is as He has always been and always will be, there are four truths about God that we are going to pull from this text.
God is Present
God is Active
God is Perfect
God is sovereign
Let's start at the beginning.
God is Present
In order to understand exactly what this means, you are going to have to trust me for just a second. Let’s assume that I can prove my second point, that God is active, by looking at this text. Now understanding that God was active at the time of creation, He must have been present. We just read that He created, hovered, said, saw, separated, called, made/fashioned, and blessed.
That demonstrates an active presence.
Someone talk in the fellowship hall without going in there.
If no one can do that, I’ll make it easier. Come sit in this chair, without leaving your seat.
Being active in a place indicates your presence in that place. God is! He was present, in the beginning, and He is present now. Don’t take that lightly. God is present even now in this very room.  I know that because His Spirit dwells in me. He takes up residence in those who are His children. He is present.
God is Active.
Not only is He present, He is also active. Let’s visit that list of action words again. created, hovered, said, saw, separated, called, made/fashioned, and blessed. God was actively involved in the creation of the world. He made it all. Nothing has been created apart from God. The world wasn’t formed by a big bang of random molecular collision. God spoke, and formed, and created, and separated as He saw fit. He made it all.
That’s great, but how does that factor into my daily life? God didn’t just create the world and then walk away. Yes, He rested, but He is still actively involved today. God’s action didn’t stop at creation. Not only is God present in our lives, but He is also active. He cares for you. He loves you. God could have stepped away after the fall of man or at any point before or after, but He didn’t and He won’t. God is active today. He is still working in the lives of the lost to draw them and call them to himself. He is active in the lives of believers as He strengthens us in Him, guards us from the enemy, communes with us through prayer and his word, and comforts us in times of struggle. Our God is active.
God is Perfect.
God is present. God is active. God is perfect.
Art supplies. Make me a replica of your house. There will be mistakes even though you have been given all the materials necessary to do the task.
God made everything from nothing, and He did it perfectly. All these years later, the world God made is still working like it should.
The Earth’s rotation and distance from the sun.
Imagine if those weren’t perfect.
God created everything in perfection according to His design.
The perfect God of creation is still perfect today. His guidance is perfect. His comfort is perfect. His correction is perfect. His love is perfect.
God is Sovereign
God has all authority. He spoke the world into existence. He created all things. His authority does not waiver.
Luke 19:40 the stones will cry out
1 Kings 17:4 the ravens fed Elijah
Psalm 81:16 Honey from the rocks
Tell me what part of creation God isn’t sovereign over. He allows us to have free will, yet He is sovereign over us. Remember Herod who God struck dead. Remember Nebuchadnezzar who God made insane for a time. God has all authority.
The present, active, perfect, sovereign God is who is who He is no matter what. Your circumstances do not change Him. Your choices do not change Him. He cares for you. This morning, He is waiting for you to cast your burdens on Him.
If you have never trusted Jesus as Lord, let me warn you this morning. Your rejection of who He is does not change who He is. Will you turn to Him this morning?
If you already know Him, let me ask you this. Are you living daily with the awareness that He is present, active, perfect, and sovereign? Don’t leave here without knowing that He is going with you.
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