A Small Price to Pay
Introduction (v. 1)
“Finally” - The first word of the chapter is not intended to signify the conclusion of the book. It is probably best translated “in addition, or further”. In other words, he is adding information.
“my brothers” - indicates that he is speaking to fellow believers in Christ, but because Philippi is in Macedonia, and from contextual clues we also know that this church was primarily comprised of Gentile believers.
“rejoice in the Lord” - Paul brings us back to the main theme of the book as he introduces this new section.
“To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.” - An unfortunate part of being human is the tendency to forget lessons we have once learned. In many ways repetition is the key to understanding.
A Strong Warning (v.2,3)
Look out!
We can never let our guard down when it comes to false teaching.
Ephesians 5:15 “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,”
Three Categories of Adversaries
Dogs - It is interesting that Paul uses this word since this is what Jews often called Gentiles / pagans. Dogs were considered a dirty and undesirable animal in this culture.
Evildoers (workers) - This is the group that considered themselves to be the most religious and workers of good in society and yet Paul calls them evildoers. No matter how much good you think you are doing in the world if you dilute the gospel you have done more harm than good.
Flesh Mutilators - It is this phrase that ultimately identifies who Paul is talking about. It seems that there has been a “Jewish” infiltration into this primarily Gentile church that is promoting the false teaching that circumcision is necessary for salvation. This group is commonly called “Judaizers”.
Three Credentials of True Believers - “Those of the true circumcision” (v. 3a)
“Worship by the Spirit of God”
“Glory in Christ Jesus”
“Put no confidence in the flesh”