The Plot to kill truth

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The Plot to kill Truth
John 11:45-57
September 8, 2024
What is the one thing that you would fight, literally fight to keep?
I would argue there are many things that we will fight to hold onto at all costs. Some of these include what we see church should look like (worship, preaching, community outreach, and other priorities). It could be an ideal or interpretation of your situation. Or what the communities we live in should look like (small town vs growth). How about our homes, families, kids, careers, and positions of influence over others? Or your constitutional rights, your political party as we elect a new president?
Now, before I am misunderstood, there are things worth fighting for! But my question is at what cost? Are these things worth whatever it takes to maintain them? Please think about that question. You see when we hold onto these things above truth, we allow them to overcome truth when it is right in front of your face.
You may say that these are not things that I have struggled with. But, I would argue that is not necessarily true. When people and even believers get so focused on fighting to maintain ideals, we suppress truth in order to justify our righteous crusade. Even when the truth is right in front of our eyes. It is like believers take a beach ball and hold it under the water as if to suppress the truth so that they can maintain their priorities (sin).
This sermon could not be more timely and more important. To be clear, I am directing this sermon not out there into the world, but right here in this room. God’s expectations are different for His own. 2 Chron 7:14 “if My people humble themselves and pray and seek…”
You see, it all starts here, for the child of God. It starts in this room and it starts here with me. To be most specific, it starts in our hearts. Let me start by asking, what are you holding onto that you are willing to do whatever is necessary to maintain, even murder?
I know that is a provocative question but it is appropriate and I’ll show you why.
Today we will look at the first and only real trial of our Lord. In the Gospels, there are six trials that Jesus goes through but this one is the only real one. The others were rubber stamps and the outcome had already been determined by this trial.
Over the last several weeks we concluded the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Jesus had just brought a man back from death and the people saw it. It was not a secret miracle and it had caused a great outcome.
Read VS 45-46
When the word “therefore” is put into a passage, a good Bible student will need to read the section before to understand what is coming. The word “therefore” here refers to what Jesus had just done. He had just raised Lazarus and now we see the effects. There are two extremes. Many believed!
That word “believed” is actually, to believe in. They believed in THE Way, THE truth, and THE Life in Christ! How exciting and how appropriate! I would hope that we all would have done this!
But not all. You see that some ran and told the Pharisees. This is the tipping point for the Pharisees, and we see the final response. All people who continually reject truth have a tipping point. No one is ever in a state of neutrality with Jesus.
Romans 1 teaches by the sovereignty of God that those who reject truth, will be turned over to a reprobate mind. It literally means that they do not have the ability to think. And not just in spiritual matters because they are spiritually dead they never had that ability. This would be in every day matters....their brain is broken..
Vs 47-48
And here it is. This is where John the apostle who is writing of this event gives us a look behind the curtain into every man’s souls. He gives us a look in the dark hearts of all men. Notice I said “ALL” men and women. Every one of us come prewired for this level of sin. The beginning of every murder in history starts here, with means and motive
1. Meansand motive to kill.
Vs 47 “SO” is a big word! Maybe not in the number of letters but something caused this level of response. So, meaning in response to the raising of a dead man and its effects (many believed) made them act.
They gathered “THE” council. It is important to understand that the Jewish nation bumped up under the rule of the Roman Empire. Rome, when it conquered a nation would allow its current form of leadership to operate as long as it fell in line under Rome. So, “The Council” had full authority to rule its nation (the Jews) so long as it abided under Rome.
Now, “the Council” had full authority to act as Judge, jury, and executioner of judgment. The council was made up of the “chief priests” Sadducees and Pharisees. The Sadducees were the liberals of the time versus the Pharisees who would have been the conservatives. They usually hated each other but this time, they had one enemy, Jesus.
They could not pin a man on the cross but they sure had the authority to demand that Rome do it. It was a smart move by Rome. If the people got out of line, Rome would come and squash the rebellion and with it the current form of leadership (The Hight Priests and The council). To their defense, the religious leaders had every right to panic. Rome would not tolerate a “new King” even if it was the King of the World.
So, the council was called and they had every right to ask “What are we to do?”
This was a panicked statement and genuine! Their entire priorities, way of life, and potentially their nation were at risk because Jesus was doing these signs. Notice that Truth, Real Truth was staring them in the face demanding a response!
They are right in Vs 48 to say, “If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”
They don’t deny the signs or the power of them! They could not deny what He was doing nor the effects! What they are worried about is their position.
The “place” is their temple position and power as a nation. They had everything to lose, and, in their minds, their world system was at stake. To be honest, it was. If they did not act soon, they would be at major risk of losing everything. Put yourself in their shoes! Their entire way of life, culture and form of worship was at stake. What they thought they were to maintain on a directive from God was now at risk!
Would you say that they had both means and motive?
Think about this for a second. If you were on the verge of losing it all. Everything you admitted in your mind that you would fight to keep in my introduction, would you be willing to suppress the truth to maintain it? If pushed like these guys were, would you ask the same question: “what are we going to do with truth?”
They had the motive and the means to suppress truth. We all do. But, there is another requirement needed to really accomplish the murder of truth. That one last requirement is opportunity.
2. Opportunity to kill.
The act of murder can not come together unless an opportunity is given. Please know that I used those words very carefully. Opportunity, given. Look at our passage:
Vs 49-52
The providence of God is on full display. God has our leaders in place and they are subject to His direction. Even when they are not “believers” they are still subject to the will of the Father. This should give us great comfort and great concern. God has used fallen and sinful men in the past to accomplish His perfect will and it is on display for us here.
Romans 13:1:
13 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment[1]
God appoints all leaders, from church to nation. From the home to the school. The plan for Christ to go to the cross was going to happen. The salvation of the world was going to go to the cross. The fact that the Jews were panicked over what Jesus was doing was according to the plan.
In verses 49-52 we are introduced to Ciaphas who prophecies that one man should die for a nation. Does that mean that he was saved? NO! But, see how God put words into his mouth? It is not the only time that God did this. Balam in the OT was asked to curse Israel and instead, God put blessings in his mouth. Speaking of Balam, God even used his donkey to speak so God can use anyone or anything.
What we see here is God’s intended plan in action. When people see panic, God sees the plan.
Other examples of God using evil men would include Pharoh, Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, Pilot, Rome, and Hitler (the result of the Jews after WWII) going back to form the nation of Israel. Throughout human history, the church grows best when persecuted. God uses these evils for His plan! Does God create fresh evil? NO!! Does God redeem the evil for His will? Always.
But, let’s look at what Ciaphas said:
“…it is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish.”
John goes on to provide us with the needed commentary. Jesus was the payment of sins for the nation. He repeatedly said that He would lay down His life for His sheep in John 10:17-18. What Ciaphas said was not wrong! It was spot on and was used by God to push the plan along.
To God, it was the plan. To the Pharisees, it made sense because it was expedient.
This is important to know. Expediency or pragmatism is not always wrong. But when it comes to Spiritual matters, it is rarely right.
Expedient: adapted for achieving a particular end; marked by concern with what is advantageous; governed by self-interest.
So, is expedient behavior a good thing in spiritual matters with that definition? NO! Expediency makes sense for nonbelievers and the Pharisees. One man dies so that the nation lives. This is when compromises happen and corners get cut. For the believer, it looks like we are pushing the ball of truth under the surface of the water. We are willing to shake hands with pragmatism for the sake of productivity.
Many good churches fall into this issue and they blink and culture is no longer outside the door but now inside the chairs of the congregation. When truth is compromised, the Gospel message pays the price. The message of truth is compromised.
When this happens the Word of God is taught less for the sake of personal agenda. The Gospel, the TRUTH is what is as stake. If I were to ask MBC to define the Gospel, we SHOULD all be on the same page by this point. I have preached it every sermon. If we can’t articulate it, I would argue there may be something in you that you are fighting to hold onto that would limit your ability to give the Gospel message of life.
If you are here today and do not know what the Gospel is, listen please:
So, let’s make sure we know what the most important truth is. It IS the person and work of Christ and Him crucified. It is not subjective. You and I are separated from a Holy God because of our sins. BUT, He provided Jesus Christ to be sentenced to die on a Roman Cross to provide salvation to sinners like you and me. It is a narrow way, a narrow path and few find it.
This is a truth that has and will always be suppressed by the sin of man and the expediency of well-meaning believers. But, MBC must be able to stand on it, define it, and proclaim it’s message here in our church and in the streets in which we live.
Why is this so hard for us? Why is it so hard for us to know and proclaim this truth?
3. We have motive, means, and opportunity.
Vs 53
This one verse is the thesis statement of our passage today. It is the main point and the words of those who hate truth throughout human history. After this verse, John concludes this section by saying that Jesus no longer walked openly among the Jews. He leaves the region and waits until it is time to enter for the passion week where He goes to the cross.
But look closely at these words “So from that day on they made plans…”
The trial was finished, and the verdict was death. There was no jury of His peers or testimonies. Only expediency and judgment are given. Now we would be quick to say, well those are the bad guys. I would never do this and no one would ever be that cruel.
I think that I have already proven their motive but we have yet to talk about your motives. We quickly like to point to others and miss the FACT that we all have motives, means and opportunities. And, while we are busy pointing fingers we are missing the fact that we are pushing the ball of truth under the surface of the water to justify our own positions.
As with all balls that are held under the water, they will soon jump from our hands and be exposed. My question to you is this, how are you responding to this truth? Are you quick to push it back down?
You see, each of us has been exposed to the real Truth, Christ. Rightly understanding BIBLICAL Truth determines how you will live your life and your eventual destination for eternity. How we understand directly affects our lives. If your truth does not align with the Word of God then your truth is not truth but your opinion. I’ll tell you, Jesus never taught opinions. He never said, “Well, I believe…” No, He said, “Thus says the LORD.” Or “it is written.”
Truth does not open itself up for variations in interpretations. Jesus never allowed for that and He never condoned it. He never said, you know what, I gave you a lot to think about. Why don’t you go home and think it over and come back with what it means to you.
Instead, He said: “I am THE Way, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE, no one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
You may ask, Pastor how do I know if I am living by my opinion or my own made-up truth? That is a great question! Here are some symptoms:
Envy or jealousy: Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming,
but who can stand before jealousy?[2]
Complacency and laziness: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Run the race!
Suppression of truth: Romans 1:17-18 has a stern warning about those who suppress Truth: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth…” Look no one likes to be wrong! I get it, but being wrong is when you stand opposite to the truth for your own protection.
Comfort: Revelation 3:17 speaks about our relentless pursuit of comfort. Look, all this will burn. In the end, Is Jesus enough or is comfort required?
Other symptoms I do not have time to go over would include relentless nationalism, preservation of a community over truth, retirement that looks a certain way, and ideals of society.
In of themselves and managed under truth these are not bad things! But, when they come at the cost of truth, they are now enemies of truth. Truth is what is written, taught, and given to us by God our Father. The Word of God spoken should and must keep these things in their place and not the other way around. The tail does not wag the dog.
Finally, if these and others limit the gospel in your heart and mind, then the Gospel will find your limitations and convict you. Meaning, God corrects His child. Maybe today He is correcting you.
4. Submit to Christ and His Truth. (HP)
I remember getting in a fight with Heidi and she was raging mad. In my stupidity and in an attempt to make things light, I went up to her and stood next to her. I could still see steam pouring out of her ears. I said, “Was it something that I said?” Oh man, that did not help!
I am looking across the crowd today and I am hoping that something I said today grated against each of us. I wanted it to. I have proven we all have some Pharisees in us. We all have our own versions of truth that we think is right. The truth of the matter, unless it does not align with HIS truth, it is nothing more than emotional self-preservation.
I want each of us to submit to His truth. I want each of us to live John 14:6. I have preached it on Easter, I have said it continuously, and will always direct us back to it. Unless we submit to Him and HIS truth, we are acting like the Pharisees who eventually succeeded in killing truth on a Roman cross.
Church, please do an inventory. Are you holding onto something at the cost of truth? Look at your:
a. Time: Are you in His Word? I get frustrated when I hear people say “I believe God would…or I believe would never…” and when I ask if they read God’s Word daily I see blank stairs. How would you inventory your time with God? We can’t know the Truth unless we spend time with the Truth.
b. Treasure: Inventory your financial priorities and resources. Do you submit your treasure to the Truth? I am not just speaking of financial resources. What about everything else
c. Talent: If we say we are in the Truth, then we do what He did. Do you contribute to the body of Christ or are you robbing from God the talents He has given you? Are you a consumer or contributor?
The quickest way to see if we suffer from misuse using our time, treasure, and talent is in how we complain. The people who misuse these three gifts complain, judge, and destroy the body of Christ the most.
Okay, again, I am looking across our congregation and have to ask, was it something I said?
I am asking that MBC shore up our weakness. If everything that I said to you grates and irritates you, I would ask you to go back to the heart of truth. God is directing us all to respond to Truth in obedience. That means submit to it, learn from it, and act upon it. That is the essence of being a Christ follower. Submit to Truth!
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