Living a holy life before the Holy God
The Law of God is given to men to remind us that we are to live holy lives before a holy God
The Law
Let us Pray
Holiness Requires Purity
Holy living demands showing compassion to those less fortunate
We were strangers in the world, alienated from God by our rebellion. We were widows and orphans, outside the family of God. We were debtors, impoverished by the stinginess of our own sinful hearts. But God loved us in Jesus Christ. Jesus became a man—a real human being—to end our estrangement. Everyone who believes in Jesus is welcomed into God’s family. We are no longer widows: The Bible describes the church as a beautiful bride for Christ (e.g., Rev. 21:2). We are no longer orphans, because through faith in Christ we have been adopted as sons and daughters of God the Father. God has even paid the debt that we owe for sin by sending Jesus to die on the cross.