Ask, Seek, and Knock: Praying for Relational Wisdom
Your relationships must avoid the danger of judgmentalism and indiscretion, which is relational generosity that is first received and then shared. So, joyfully ask for relational help, expecting to receive from a Heavenly Father.
You are endangered of being judgmental within our community.
You are endangered of being undiscerning to outsiders.
You are endangered of being undiscerning to outsiders.
Your indiscretion ignores the inestimable value of the pearls.
Your indiscretion ignores the inestimable value of the pearls.
Your indiscretion exposes the truth to mockery.
Your indiscretion exposes the truth to mockery.
I have gradually come to the place where I refuse to attempt to explain Christianity and introduce Christ to the person who just wants to mock and argue and ridicule. It accomplishes nothing good, and there are so many other opportunities where time and energy can be invested more profitably.
Your indiscretion invites persecution.
Your indiscretion invites persecution.
“It is often impossible to talk to some people about Jesus Christ. Their insensitiveness, their moral blindness, their intellectual pride, and cynical mockery, the tarnishing film, may make them impervious to words about Christ. But it is always possible to show men Christ; and the weakness of the Church lies not in lack of Christian arguments, but in lack of Christian lives.”
Jesus is commanding his disciples not to share the richest parts of spiritual truth with persons who are persistently vicious, irresponsible, and unappreciative. Just as the pearls were unappreciated by the savage animals, but only enraged them and made them dangerous, so also many of the riches of God’s revelation are unappreciated by many people. And, painful as it is to see it, these rich truths may only serve to enrage them.