Fostering our faith 2 - being led by faith not fear

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SMILES/ We are now 14 days into prayer and fasting. How’s it going so far?
INTRO. Partway thru our series on faith
How do we strengthen our faith?
word of God
love of god
our faith grows the more we use it/ the more we exercise it.
We are gonna continue on this list today, looking at more ways in which our faith is strengthened..,.
Matthew 14:25–31 NLT
About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!” But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”
which means “Why did you stop believing?”
Q: Have u ever felt afraid?/ intimidated/ worried?
When left unchecked it can stop us from moving out in faith and doing that which we know God is calling us to do. Fear and faith are opposites to one another. Fear can try to pull us back, to live in timidity and rob us of the incredible future God has for us. So let’s look at how we can live in faith and not fear.
We join the story where the disc are terrified. But then Jesus says TAKE COURAGE, do not be AFRAID. I am here. And with that fear is gone & courage is imparted. And Courage is a vital ingredient to enable us to walk in faith.
Which begs the Q how do we gain courage? Its in the story believe that Jesus is with us. “Do not fear for I am with you” is in Bible over 100 times. Speak it out loads everyday. Believing this one truth that Jesus is with us brings peace & courage to our souls.
So, let’s continue with examining how we can strengthen our faith
How do we strengthen our faith?
4. Fix our eyes on Jesus - Heb 12 v 2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith”
What do we focus on?
When Peter had his eyes fixed on Jesus he actually walked on water. Last time I checked that was impossible. By focussing on Jesus he was flooded with faith and able to defy the laws of physics.
When the storms of life are battering and trying to grab our attention let us focus on Jesus. However you find you can best seek His face do that. For some its by putting worship music on and praising God, others its prayer, others its meditating in the Bible, others need to get outside in creation. The simple act of focussing on Jesus and not our problems can lift our souls & breathe faith in.
STORY 24 hours of feeling heavy/ weight of world/ massive headache. Put worship on sought the smiling face of Jesus as I worshipped. And faith came in, headache left, felt light again.
“Draw your life from the smile of God” AW Tozer
when Peter took his eyes off Jesus and onto the storms he starts to sink. But Jesus catches him. Know this, that wherever you are at, however faith-filled or low in faith you think you are, Jesus will still meet you there. And will keep on strengthening us in faith. He will never leave us, never desert us.
How do we strengthen our faith?
4. Fix our eyes on Jesus
5. Fellowship
Romans 1:12 NLT
When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.
There is a huge power in getting together and sharing fellowship (deep spiritual friendship where we pray together/ talk about what God is doing in our lives with each other) These relationships are vital. As we meet in such a way we impart courage into one another and thus dispel fear and faith is fostered. Everytime we meet we have the opportunity to grow in courage. Just by speaking with someone here today you can impart courage/ boldness into them to believe for more of God’s promises. This is a mutual thing. Its one of the reasons we meet together on Sundays and in CGs.
How do we strengthen our faith?
4. Fix our eyes on Jesus
5. Fellowship
6. Promises of God
Abraham given a promise for a son when he and his wife were well past it. God told him to look up at the stars and count them and also to count the sand. So shall your descendants be. Abraham didn’t focus on his circumstances, he kept focused on what God had promised him and waited and waited. And kept on glorifying God and his faith was made stronger by doing so. Finally, he received his promised son. as we keep focused on all that God has promised in his word and personally then our faith will strengthen.
STORY: TS going to make someone redundant. God reminded of His promise to provide in His word and said You know its not TS that pays your wages - its ME that provides and you can trust me to keep providing whatever happens today.” Set my heart at peace & I was filled with faith.
How do we strengthen our faith?
4. Fix our eyes on Jesus
5. Fellowship
6. Promises of God
7. Testimony
1 Samuel 17:37 (NLT)
The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!”
David chose to remind himself on what God had done before for him in order to increase his confidence/ courage to step out in faith on something else. The power of testimony of our story - or even someone else’s story releases faith inside of us. It moves us to step out, trusting in God.
STORY: Heard this wonderful story from Bethel church where they prayed for a 3 year old boy who had club feet.. When they set him on the ground, his feet were perfectly flat for the first time. Another little friend of his came up to him and said, “Run!”He immediately took off running.
Some time later, this was shared to the church. A woman visiting had a 2-year-old little girl who couldn’t run cos of her severly inward pointing feet.. After hearing the testimony, the woman said in her heart, “I’ll take that for my daughter.” When she went to pick up her little girl from the church's nursery, she found that her feet were already perfectly straight. No one had laid hands on her or prayed. It just happened with God’s supernatural intervention when her faith was ignited through the power of a story.
Stories of how God has moved in the past are v powerful in releasing our faith. Think on all that God has done in our lives and those around us. If He can do it once, he can do it again. If he can do it for someone else - he can do it for you. And wants to.
1 Samuel 17:45–46 (NLT)
David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you...
David remembered what God had done, it activated his faith and he spoke at Goliath with the spirit of faith in his heart that he would conquer Goliath cos of God in Him. He prophesied at Goliath. And as he did he overcame.
So, what’s your Goliath atm? What situation are you facing which feels gigantic? What’s keeping you up at night? Let’s prophecy the Word of God into these situations and see them shift. Amen? Let’s speak out God’s will, God’s desire and see things shift!!!! God has got an amazing future for each and every person here beyond all we can ask or imagine. Things are gonna work out. God is moving. And we will see Him move much more
I’ve done this repeatedly with different areas of life. As I do peace enters. Courage fills me & faith activates inside. And I see fruit eventually at the end. The WoG is offensive, helps us take ground in our lives and in the atmosphere around us.
Our vision as a church is IBTC
This looks like a church which is courageous & faith-filled, full of love for God & others. A glorious, victorious church that understands and believes in the power of God inside of itself. A power that overcomes, that changes atmospheres, a power that turns hearts to Christ and opens minds to the truth.
Everyone here has a vital role to play. So, what is God saying to you today to step out into to see His kingdom built? What is your next step in building & transforming community? Create some space this week to seek God and listen.
Jesus meets us where we are. He doesn’t insist we have it altogether before He connects with us/ moves. You may be sat there today barely believing but know that Jesus is reaching out for you to pour forgiveness into your life/ to give new life/ fresh start - if only we let Him catch us. His passion to reach out is evidenced with his death on the cross - He died instead of us that we may have our sins forgiven. Wiped clean. And he was raised to life to make us right with God. To give us peace with God. It is by placing our faith in Jesus that we are made right with God. And so, today is a day to make an extremely important decision.
In a moment I am going to pray and you may find yourself in one of the following three categories. Can I have every head bowed please.
1. You don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. You have never had a r with Him and would like to make the decision to follow Him today. To receive forgiveness and begin a r with Him.
2. You used to walk with Jesus but of late other things have got in the way and you would like to re-connect with Him today.
3. You’re not sure of your salvation. You’re not sure that at the end of your life you will be with Jesus and you desire the certainty that Jesus offers.
If you relate to any of those 3 then please pray along with me now, repeating these words out of your own heart.
Lord Jesus, I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I ask You to forgive me for all my wrongdoing, and receive me as Your child. I commit my life to You now. Amen
With every head still bowed could I ask you to raise your hand if you prayed that prayer?
Anybody else?
PAUSE – pray for these ppl to receive God’s peace and presence
Thank you Lord for you all incredible love that you have showed us. Pour out your presence. thank you that for everyone today who raised their hands have entered into a most wonderful relationship with you and can be assured of their salvation.
Min: stomach pain/ sickness/ breathing issues
END: prayer/ pick up kids/ coffee
NML - if this is your 1st visit pls feel free to join us shortly for some lunch and a brief presentation where I will explain who we are as a church, where we’re going. chance to meet leaders and have a chance to ask Qs.
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