Engage: God's Word
Paul also affirms the total inspiration of Scripture saying that “all Scripture” is breathed out by God. This means we cannot simply pick and choose which parts of the Bible we like, which commands we wish to obey, and which doctrines we will believe. All of it is from the Spirit of God, and therefore all of it is good, binding, and true.
that all Scripture is God-breathed. It originated in God’s mind and was communicated from God’s mouth by God’s breath or Spirit. It is therefore rightly termed ‘the Word of God’, for God spoke it. Indeed, as the prophets used to say, ‘the mouth of the Lord has spoken it’.
Two fundamental truths about Scripture are asserted here. The first concerns its origin (where it comes from) and the second its purpose (what it is intended for).
It would seem better to suppose that the main point of the passage is not so much the inspiration of Scripture as its profitableness. Timothy would know of its inspiration, and this would enhance its usefulness.