Ancient Spirits

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Ancient Spirits

By ancient spirits, I mean ancient demons.
These might be inherent spirits by birth and association 
Sometimes taken as generational spirits. 

Spirits need a temple to dwell in.

They concentrate themselves somewhere. Like we hear of synagogues of satan which is lying Jews who are actually serving satanic agenda (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9) and also of his headquarters. 
We are not told this things when we grow up and we get born again. 
We ourselves are temple of the Holy God and the Holy Spirit, therefore let us consecrate ourselves (1 Corinthians 3:16-19, 2 Corinthians 6:16)

Who qualifies to be a temple.

The one who conquers is a temple of God (Revelation 3:12)
We must not believe in the lawless one, the one who twists the truth into false hood to win the Christian’s over to Satan. 
Don’t believe everything you hear quickly (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
Are you s temple of God and the Holy Spirit or the spirits lost in this world?

Who are those who overcame and walked with God.

Isaac seems to be the one who overcame Abraham’s polygamy but he suffered late child bearing.
Jacob Walked in his grandfather footsteps and had many concubines and many children. His went to higher levels.
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The Secret why we face ancient spirits.

These are meant to complicate your life and make it hard to get or to achieve certain things. 
BUT they can never stop the will and plan of God unless we allow them to.
Like if you have a child outside marriage you know how it is like, so you pray your children never go through that and in addition you pray for struggling mothers who had the same because they are suffering just as you are. 

Various Classes of spirits for diverse purposes.

There are different classes and functions of demons or spirits whose purpose is to inflict pain or death or destroy, etc.
Tomenting spirits.
We learn of a tormenting spirit from King Saul’s time in 1 Samuel 16:14, This spirit troubles those who were found disobedient. 
A harmful spirit.
In 1 Samuel 18:10, 19:9 the spirit who caused Saul to attack David was called a harmful spirit. 
This spirit wanted to harm who? Saul or David? Who is the person the spirit took control of to inflict harm on another person. Then between the one who has a spirit and the one whom the spirit is after, who is having power to deal with that harmful spirit?
A messenger of satan.
Then another spirit is mentioned in apostle Paul’s life, a messenger from satan to keep him from being conceited or to boast and have pride (2 Corinthians 12:7). 
These type of spirits will not go no matter how much one pray because they were permitted by God to be there for a reason, mainly the salvation of our souls. 
The only way to overcome here is by surrender to the will of God.


There are many spirits or devils or demons that we may think they are there only because of jealousy. Surely this cannot be entirely true. They might work through someone who has jealousy. Meaning they strive in a medium where jealousy took over and they enjoy such an environment. But their mission is from Satan and targeted at stopping or delaying or destroying a life.
Others take advantage of,
Situation and conditons of your birth or life
anger or un-forgiveness. Luke 17:3, Matthew 6:14, [Matthew 18:21-22, Matthew 18:33-35]
or offences. Proverbs 10:12, Ecclesiastes 10:4, John 6:56-61
or fears. Hebrews 2:15-16, 2 Timothy 1:7, Luke 12:4-5, Luke 12:32, Luke 8:50
Or worries or even doubts. Matthew 14:31  
Some look at those who procrastinate and at times those who are idle in life (only praying and reading the word without corresponding works of faith).
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